Pistis Sophia – Chapter 40

John asketh and receiveth permission to speak

It came to pass while Jesus spoke these words unto his disciples, saying unto them; “This is the fourth repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered; now, therefore, let him who understandeth, understand,” it came to pass then, when Jesus had spoken these words, that John came forward, adored the breast of Jesus and said unto him; “My Lord, give commandment to me also, and grant me to speak the solution of the fourth repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered”

Jesus said unto John: “I give thee commandment, and I grant thee to speak the solution of the repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered…”

John answered and said: “My Lord and Saviour, concerning this repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, thy light-power which was in David, hath prophesied aforetime in the one-hundred-and-first Psalm:

John, within ourselves, is the Verb, the Word, an autonomous and Self-conscious part of our own Being.

The Light-Power, which was in David, which means the Christ-Power, which was in David, prophesied centuries ago through the one-hundred-and- first Psalm.

Christ, the Intimate Christ was also in David and within David. Unquestionably, the Intimate Christ is the Instructor of the world.

Each one of the serfs of the Lord sigh for their Philosophical Stone, and they feel pity for the multitudes.

A psychological country exists within each one of us, which is populated by all of the psychic aggregates which we carry within our interior.

The people know the place in which they are situated at each given moment; yet they disgracefully ignore the psychological place in which they are situated.

There are those who live situated in brothels and taverns, or in filthy places of their psychological countries, and they lamentably ignore it.

Even though it seems incredible, the fact is that there are some very worthy and virtuous spouses who live within their homes in the physical world, yet psychologically, they are found situated in brothels.

Honest and decent gentlemen with magnificent records are found psychologically situated in suburbs, towns, and streets of gangsters, thieves, and bandits.

All of this is due to those psychic aggregates, which we carry in our interior.

By disintegrating such psychic aggregates, living personifications of our psychological defects, we will firmly establish ourselves in the heaven of our psychological country, which means, in the superior levels of our own Being, here and now.

By disintegrating the psychic aggregates is how we will make a masterwork of our own life.

The psychological country of each one of us fears the Name of the Lord, and the Kings of the Earth. The red demons of Seth, the living personifications of our psychological defects fear the sovereignty of the Intimate Christ.

The red demons of Seth know very well that the sovereignty of the Lord signifies their death.

The Lord will build Zion, which means, our interior Universe, the existential Superior bodies of the Being, and He will also reveal Himself in His sovereignty.

The Lord never despises the prayer of the humble one.

All of this will be understood by the future generation. The new Root Race that will be born in a newly transformed Earth, following the great cataclysm.

John interpreteth the repentance from Psalm CI

  • 1.Lord, give ear unto my supplication, and let my voice reach unto thee.
  • 2.Turn not away thy face from me; incline thine ear unto me in the day when I am oppressed; quickly give ear to me on the day when I shall cry unto thee.
  • 3.For my days are vanished as smoke, and my bones are parched as stone.
  • 4.I am scorched as the grass, and my heart is dried up; for I have forgotten to eat my bread.
  • 5.From the voice of my groaning my bones cleaved to my flesh.
  • 6.I am become as a pelican in the desert; I am become as a screech-owl in the house.
  • 7.I have passed the night watching; I am become as a sparrow alone on the roof
  • 8.My enemies have reviled me all the day long, and they who honour me, have injured me.
  • 9.For I have eaten ashes instead of my bread and mixed my drink with tears.
  • 10.Because of thy wrath and thy rage; for thou hast l me up and cast me down.
  • 11.My days have declined as a shadow, and I am dried up as the grass.
  • 12.But thou, O Lord, thou endurest forever, and thy remembrance unto the generation of generations
  • 13.Arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time is come to have mercy upon her; the proper time is come.
  • 14.Thy servants have longed for her stones, and will take pity on her land.
  • 15.And the nations will have fear of the name of the Lord, and the kings of the earth have fear of thy sovereignty.
  • 16.For the Lord will build up Zion and reveal himself in his sovereignty.
  • 17.He hath regarded the prayer of the humble and hath not despised their supplication.
  • 18.This shall be recorded for another generation, and the people who shall be created will praise the Lord
  • 19.Because he hath looked down on his holy height; the Lord hath looked down from the heaven on the earth.
  • 20.To hear the sighing of those in chains, to loose the sons of those who are slain.
  • 21.To proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem.”

This, my Lord, is the solution of the mystery of the repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”

The future Race will understand these teachings and will praise the Intimate Christ. The Intimate Christ helps us from within.

The Logos hears the sighing and supplications of those in chains. The name of the Lord will shine in Zion.

The name of the Lord will glorify Jerusalem.

Zion, as a real Man, and Jerusalem, as a Solar Man or Super-Man, will shine in the Lord.

Samael Aun Weor

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