Pistis Sophia – Chapter 41

Jesus commendeth John

It came to pass then, when John had finished speaking these words to Jesus in the midst of his disciples, that he said unto him: “Well said, John, the Virgin, who shall rule in the kingdom of the Light.”

John, the Virgin, the Verb, rules in the Kingdom of the Light.

I-E-O-U-A-N, Jeouan, John, is the Word, the Army of the Voice, the collective Host of the Creator Elohim.

“In the beginning was the Word (Verb), and the Word (Verb) was with God, and the Word (Verb) was God.” (John: 1:1)

The Army of the Creator Elohim, the Logos, the Verb, creates with the power of the Word.

“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

(John: 1: 3)

The Logos sounds; this is written.

The Elohim created the Universe by virtue of the Verb, and with the Verb.

The Army of the Voice, by virtue of the luminous and spermatic Fiat of the First Instant, created the Universe.

The luminous and spermatic Fiat of the First Instant gave life to all that which is, has been, and will be.

Nevertheless, the emanations of the ego oppress Pistis Sophia.

The emanations of the Self -willed again squeeze the light out of Sophia

And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass again thus: The emanations of Self-willed again oppressed Pistis Sophia in the chaos and desired to take from her whole light; and not yet was her commandment accomplished, to lead her out of the chaos, and not yet had the command reached me through the First Mystery, to save her out of the chaos. It came to pass then, when all the material emanations of Self-willed oppressed her, that she cried out and uttered the fifth repentance saying:

Only the command of the Ancient of Centuries can save Pistis Sophia and take her out of the Chaos.

The fifth repentance of Sophia

1.Light of my salvation, I sing praise unto thee in the region of the height and again in the chaos.

2.I sing praise unto thee in my hymn with which I sang praise in the height and with which I sang praise unto thee when I was in the chaos. Let it come into thy presence, and give heed, O Light, to my repentance.

3.For my power is filled up with darkness, and my light hath gone down into the chaos.

4.I am myself become as the rulers of the chaos, who are gone into the darknesses below; I am become as a material body, which hath no one in the height who will save it.

5.I am become also as matters from which their power hath been taken, when they are cast down into the chaos, — [matters] which thou hast not saved, and they are condemned utterly by thy commandment.

6.Now, therefore, have they put me into the darkness below, — in darknesses and matters, which are dead and in them [is] no power.

7.Thou hast brought thy commandment upon me and all things, which thou hast decreed.

8.And thy spirit hath withdrawn and abandoned me. And moreover, by thy commandment the emanations of my aeon have not helped me and have hated me and separated themselves from me, and yet am I not utterly destroyed.

9.And my light is diminished in me, and I have cried up to the light with all the light in me, and I have stretched forth my hands unto thee.

10.Now, therefore, O Light, wilt thou now accomplish thy commandment in the chaos, and will not the deliverers, who come according to thy commandment, arise in the darkness and come and be disciples for thee?

11.Will they not utter the mystery of thy name in the chaos?

12.Or will they not rather utter thy name in a matter of the chaos, in which thou wilt not [thyself] purify?

13.But I have sung praises unto thee, O Light, and my repentance will reach unto thee in the height.

14.Let thy light come upon me.

15.For they have taken my light, and I am in pain on account of the Light from the time when I was emanated and when I had looked into the height to the Light, then I looked down below at the light-power in the chaos: I rose up and went down.

16.Thy commandment came upon me, and the terrors, which thou didst decree for me, have brought me into delusion.

17.And they have surrounded me, in numbers as water; they have laid hold on me together all my time.

18.And by thy commandment thou hast not suffered my fellow emanations to help me, nor hast thou suffered my pair to save me out of my afflictions.’

“This then is the fifth repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered in the chaos, when all the material emanations of the self-willed had continued and oppressed her.

Pistis Sophia sings praises to the Light of salvation, as much as in the Chaos, as in the Heights.

The Initiate of Pistis Sophia fulfils with the Table of Hermes Trismegistus, which literally states the following:

“It is true, no lie, certain, and to be depended upon, the superior agrees with the inferior, and the inferior with the superior, to affect One Truly Wonderful Work.

“As all things owe their existence to the will of the Only One, so all things owe their origin to the One Only Thing, the most hidden, by the arrangement of the Only God.

“The Father of that One Only Thing is the Sun, its Mother is the Moon, the Wind carried it in its belly; but its Nourse is a Spirituous Earth. That One Only Thing is the Father of all things in the Universe. Its power is perfect, after it had been united to Spirituous  Earth.

“Separate that Spirituous Earth from the dense or crude by means of gentle heat, with much attention.

“In great measure it ascends from the Earth up to Heaven, and descends again, newborn,  on the Earth, and the superior and the inferior are increased in power. “By this thou wilt partake of the honors of the whole world. And darkness will fly from thee.

“This is the strength of all powers. With this thou wilt be able to overcome all things, and to transmute all what is fine and what is coarse.

“In this manner the World was created; the arrangements to follow this road are Hidden. For this reason I am called Hermes Trismegistus, One in Essence, but Three in Aspect, in this Trinity is hidden tile Wisdom of the whole World.

“It is completed now, what I have said concerning the effects of the Sun.”

The initiate suffers immensely in the Chaos below, within the darknesses of the No- Being.

The darkness, which is below, is frightful.

The Rulers, who are below, within the darknesses of the No-Being, know how Pistis Sophia suffers.

Many are the matters which are absolutely condemned within ourselves-. The Adept, charged with Pistis Sophia, ascends and descends when it is necessary.

At times, the Initiate must remain in the abyss for a lengthy period of time, working in the super-obscurity and in the august silence of the Wise.

Light emerges from Darkness, and the Cosmos emerges from the Chaos.

The Wise, within the Darkness below, live within the matters, which are dead and lacking power.

However, such matters believe themselves to be alive and powerful. I am emphatically referring to the demons of the Averno.

The Intimate Christ has performed his command in the heart of the Adepts who descend into the tenebrous kingdom of Pluto, in order to Work in the Great Work.

When the Adepts descend into the Tartarus, they remove themselves from the Intimate Christ, and they suffer inexpressibly.

Pistis Sophia cried for the Light when she found herself in the Averno. The Light always fulfils its command in the Chaos.

The Deliverers are the superior parts of the Being who visit the Adept in the Averno in order to instruct him.

Obviously, each ascent is anteceded by a descent, and every mystic exaltation is preceded by a frightful and terrible humiliation.

No one can ascend, without previously having taken the trouble to descend. The Mystery of the secret Name of each one of us is terribly divine.

Abominable matters, which are at times heroic and bountiful with many merits, exist within ourselves. Yet, they can never purify themselves. Therefore, they must be disintegrated in the Abyss.

The Initiate in the Averno, charged with Pistis Sophia, sings praises unto the Light and his repentance ascends unto the Father.

The Light must inundate the Workers of the Great Work, who suffer in the tenebrous kingdom of Pluto.

May the power of the Light reach into the Chaos for the good of the Wise, who work within the august, super-obscurity of the great Mysteries.

May the terrors of the Abyss not confuse the Wise. This is our longing. The terrors of the infernal worlds, within the womb of the Earth, are multifaceted.

The diverse, autonomous, and Self-conscious parts of our own Being must help the Adepts.

Buddhi, Dante’s Beatrice, the Beautiful Helen of Troy, the Spiritual Soul, must help the Adept.

Fortunate is the Adept who is helped by his Walkiria.

Blessed is the Adept who is helped by Guinevere, the Queen of the Jinn, who poured wine for Lancelot into cups of Sukra and Manti.

This is the wine of transcendental sexuality, glistening within the Chalice of all delights.

Samael Aun Weor

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