Pistis Sophia – Chapter 42

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When then Jesus had spoken these words unto his disciples, he said unto them “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear; and let him whose spirit seetheth up in him, come forward and speak the solution of the thought of the fifth repentance of Pistis Sophia.”

Philip, the Apostle of Jesus, exists within our own selves, here and now. Philip assists the invoker and takes him out in his astral body.

These invokers usually receive multiple benefits.

These types of invocations are performed when we place ourselves in normal sleep. Philip can also take the invoker with his physical body in Jinn state.

The key of the invocation is: “To the little heaven Philip.” Repeat this phrase thousands of times.

If we wish to take the physical body, we pray to Philip for this service.

If you wish to take only the astral body, you pray to Philip for this service. We must speak to Philip, we must beg Philip.

In order to go out in the astral, we require a little bit of sleep.

In order to carry the physical body in Jinn State, less sleep is required, and a great deal of faith.

The reader must study our “Yellow Book”

The historical Philip is one, yet the intimate Philip is another. Each one of us has his inner Philip.

The twelve Apostles are the twelve Powers within ourselves. The twelve Apostles are the twelve parts of our own Being. We repeat this for the good of our devotees.

Philip the scribe complaineth

And when Jesus had finished saying these words, Philip started forward, held up and laid down the book in his hand, for he is the scribe of all the discourses which Jesus spoke, and of all of that which he did, Philip then came forward and said unto him: “My Lord, surely then it is not on me alone that thou hast enjoined to take care for the world and write down all the discourses which we shall speak [all we shall] do? And thou hast not suffered me to come forward to speak the solution of the mysteries of the repentance of Pistis Sophia. For my spirit hath oft times seethed in me and been unloosed and constrained me to come forward and speak the solution of the repentance of Pistis Sophia, and I could not come forward because I am the scribe of all the discourses.”

Philip always writes the words of the Intimate Christ. Philip is the scribe of all the discourses.

Jesus explaineth that the appointed scribes are Philip and Thomas and Matthew

It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip, that he said unto him; “Hearken Philip, blessed one, that I may discourse with thee: for it is thou and Thomas  and Matthew on whom it is enjoined by the First Mystery to write all the discourses which I shall speak and [all which I shall] do, and all things which ye shall see. But as for thee, the number of the discourses, which thou hast to write, is so far not yet completed. When  it is then completed, thou art to come forward and proclaim what pleaseth thee. Now, therefore, ye three have to write down all the discourses which I shall speak and [all things which I shall] do and which ye shall see, in order that ye may bear witness to all things of the kingdom of heaven.”

Philip, Thomas and Matthew, these three Apostles within ourselves obey the orders of the First Mystery and write the discourses of the Intimate Christ.

Besides writing all of that which the Intimate Christ says, sees, and does, the three parts of the Being, Philip, Thomas and Matthew, also have the power to see and hear the things of the Lord.

Philip, Thomas and Matthew are the three witnesses of the things of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Philip, Thomas and Matthew are really the three parts of our own Being.

Samael Aun Weor

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