Pistis Sophia – Chapter 44

Philip is commended and continueth writing.

It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Philip speak these words that he said:

“Welt said, Philip, well-beloved. Now, therefore, come take thy seat and write thy portion of alt the discourses which I shall speak, and [of all things which I shall] do, and of all that thou shall see.” And forthwith Philip sat down and wrote.

It came to pass thereafter that Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: ‘then did Pistis Sophia cry to the Light. It forgave her sin, in that she had left her region and gone down into the darkness. She uttered the sixth repentance, saying thus:

The Father of all lights forgives Pistis Sophia’s sin of having fallen into the darkness of the No-Being.

Pain reigns supremely within the darkness of the No-Being.

However, the descent is necessary in order to later re-ascend victoriously. The victorious re-ascension implies total transformation.

The Phoenix Bird resurrects more powerful than before, more omnipotent, and terribly divine.

The sixth repentance of Sophia

  • I have sung praises unto thee, O Light, in the darkness below.
  • Hearken unto my repentance, and may thy light give heed to the voice of my supplication.
  • O Light, if thou thinkest on my sin, I shall not be able to stand before thee, and thou wilt abandon me.
  • For thou, O Light, art my Saviour; because of the tight of thy name I have had faith in thee, O Light.
  • And my power hath had faith in thy mystery; and moreover, my power hath trusted in the Light when it was among those of the height; and it hath trusted in it when it was in the chaos below.
  • Let all the powers in me trust in the Light when I am in the darkness below, and may they again trust in the Light if they come into the region of the height.
  • For it is [the Light] which hath compassion on us and delivereth us; and a great saving mystery is in it.
  • And it will save all powers out of the chaos because of my transgression. For I have left my region and am come down into the chaos.

“Now, therefore, whose mind is exalted, let him understand.”

The Initiate sings praises unto the Great Light even though he is working below, within the obscurity and the august silence of the Wise.

Really, we need the forgiveness of the Great Light.

If the Light always thinks on our errors, then the Light would never forgive us, and we would never advance.

The Light of his Name is the Name of the Light, which the Being of our Being possesses. The Mystery of Mysteries is experienced by conscious faith.

The Initiate trusts in the Light when he finds himself among those who dwell in the heights.

The Initiate trusts in the Light when he works in the super-obscurity and the august silence of the Wise.

All the autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own individual Being must have complete trust in the Interior Light, here and now.

When we work in the Abyss, we must have complete trust in the Light, and we must not dismay.

No one can ascend without having previously descended. We must steal the Light from the Darkness.

The Light pities us and guides us.

A great Mystery of salvation exists within the Light.

The Light must carry all the powers of each one of us out of the Chaos.

It is understood that the powers are each one of the independent parts of the Being that descend into the Chaos and suffer.

Obviously, each one of the independent parts of our own individual Being must be perfected.

The twelve Apostles, which means the twelve parts of our Being, the twelve Powers, must be perfected within ourselves, here and now.

People only want to know about the twelve historical Apostles, but they do not understand anything about the twelve parts of our own individual Being.

We must search for the twelve within ourselves.

It is urgent to perfect the twelve Apostles within ourselves.

Let us remember that twelve are the foundations of the Celestial Jerusalem, and that the name of each one of the twelve is written in each foundation.

Thus, each one of the twelve names of the twelve Apostles corresponds to his corresponding foundation.

We must destroy Babylon the Great, the mother of all fornication and abominations of the Earth.

Obviously, Babylon is our psychological city, populated by the psychic aggregates that we carry within our interior.

We m build the Celestial Jerusalem within ourselves. Twelve are the foundations of the Celestial Jerusalem.

The perfection of the twelve is possible only by disintegrating the psychic aggregates. Rare is he whose mind has been saved.

The wall of the Celestial Jerusalem is constructed of 144 cubits, according to the measure of a man that is of Angel.

If we make the addition of the numerals 144, we get nine. Nine is the Kabbalistic number of the Ninth Sphere.

Nine is the sexual sphere.

The total disintegration of the psychic aggregates is possible only by working in the Ninth Sphere.

We liberate the Essence and we build the Celestial Jerusalem only by disintegrating the aggregates here and now.

Samael Aun Weor

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