Pistis Sophia – Chapter 45

It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?”

Andrew came forward and said: “My Lord, concerning the solution of the sixth repentance of Pistis Sophia, thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the one-hundred-and-twenty-ninth Psalm, saying:

Andrew and his Cross is something profoundly significant.

The Cross of St. Andrew on which he died crucified is alchemical.

There are terrible psychological tortures through which we must pass in order to disintegrate the Dry Mercury, in other words, the psychic aggregates, which are the living personification of our psychological defects.

The Sulphur (Fire) and Mercury (Water) are crossed in the form of an ‘X’, and they cross again incessantly in the Great Work.

The Mercury of the Wise is the metallic soul of the sperm.

The metallic soul of the sperm must be fecundated by the Sulphur.

Andrew and his doctrine is the struggle for the disintegration of the psychic aggregates. Andrew, with his Cross, must crystallize the Sulphur and the Mercury in the form of the existential, superior bodies of the Being.

The Sulphur and the Mercury, crossed in the first octave, crystallize in the form of the astral body. In the second octave, they take the form of the mental body, and in the third octave, they take the form of the causal body.

It is indispensable to possess these bodies in order to receive the psychic principles and to convert ourselves into real human beings.

The interior Andrew perfects himself when the superior existential bodies of the Being have been perfected.

It is not possible to perfect these bodies unless we have previously eliminated the psychic aggregates, living personification of our psychological defects.

Andrew must disintegrate the Dry Mercury and the Arsenic Sulphur. Andrew must crystallize the prepared Philosophical Mercury.

Andrew suffers when disintegrating the Dry Mercury.

Christification could not be possible without the previous disintegration of the Dry Mercury.

When the existential bodies are perfected, they become pure Gold.

Creating the bodies is only one part. To perfect them is urgent and not to be delayed.

Andrew interpreteth the sixth repentance from Psalm CXXIX

1.Out of the depths I have cried unto thee, O Lord.

2.Hearken unto my voice; let thine ears give heed to the voice of my supplication.

3.O Lord, if thou heedest my iniquities, who will be able to pass [the test]?

4.For pardon is in thy hands; for the sake of thy name have I waited for thee, O Lord.

5.My soul hath waited for thy word.

6.My soul hath hoped in the Lord from the morning until the evening. Let Israel hope in the Lord from the morning until the evening.

7.For grace standeth by the Lord and with him is great redemption.

8.And he will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.

The ordeal of the Sanctuary is very difficult. Very few human beings are capable of passing such a terrible ordeal.

The interior profound Lord knows very well what our iniquities are. We will pass the terrible ordeal of the Sanctuary by disintegrating these iniquities,

This ordeal contains in itself all the ordeals. This ordeal is in itself multiple ordeals.

The Omni merciful forgives many errors, if truly we deserve forgiveness. The Soul always waits for the word of the Lord.

It is not enough to hear the word; we must perform the word within ourselves, here and now.

Whosoever hears the word and does not perform it is like a man who sees his reflection in the mirror and turns and walks away.

The Soul awaits for the interior, profound Lord.

Israel hopes in the Lord from the morning until the evening, ISRAEL is a word that must be analyzed.

‘IS’ reminds us of Isis and the Isiac Mysteries. ‘RA’ reminds us of the Solar Logos.

Let us remember the disc of RA found in the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs. ‘HE’ is ‘HE’. ‘HE’ is the interior, profound God within each one of us.

In sequence and correct etymological corollary, the people of Israel are constituted by the various parts of the Being.

All of the multiple Self-conscious and independent parts of our own individual Being constitute the people of Israel.

The grace of the interior Lord falls on us when, in reality, we have passed through the Buddhist Annihilation.

Jesus commendeth Andrew. He promiseth that the tyrants shall be judged and consumed by the wise fire

And Jesus said:

“Well said, Andrew, blessed one. This is the solution of her repentance. Amen, amen, I say unto you I will perfect you in all mysteries of the Light and all Gnosis from the interiors of the interiors to the exteriors of the exteriors, from the Ineffable down to the darkness of the darkness, from the Light of lights down to the… of matter, from all the gods down to the demons, from all the lords down to the decans, from all the authorities down to the servitors, from the creation of men down to [that] of the wild beasts, of the cattle and of the reptiles, in order that ye may be called perfect, perfected in all fullness. Amen, Amen, I say unto you in the region where I shall be in the kingdom of my Father, ye will also be with me. And when the perfect number is completed, so that the Mixture shall be dissolved, I will give commandment that they bring all tyrant gods, who have not given up the purification of their light, arid will give commandment to the wise fire, over which the perfect pass, to eat into those tyrants, until they give up the last purification of their light.”

Obviously, Andrew will perfect himself in the Mysteries of the Light with his Cross in an ‘X’ and with his complicated and terribly difficult work, which is to crystallize that which must be crystallized and to disintegrate that which must be disintegrated.

The tortures of St. Andrew are sufficient for his purification. Nevertheless, we must not forget our individual, interior Andrew. Each one of us has his own Andrew.

Behold here what is terribly difficult, which is, to perfect him from the interiors of the interiors to the exteriors of the exteriors.

In the Great Work, Andrew, suffering on the sexual cross, must perfect himself from the Ineffable down to the Darkness of darknesses, from the Light of lights down to the darkness of matter, from all the Gods down to the demons.

Andrew must perfect himself by virtue of conscious works and voluntary sufferings, from all the lords down to the decans, from all the authorities down to the servitors, etc., etc… Each one of the parts of the Being must reach the total, integral perfection.

Andrew is one of the autonomous and Self-conscious parts.

Andrew is integrated with the Father when perfected within each one of ourselves. Let us remember that we need to perfect each one of the twelve within ourselves, here and now. The perfect number within each one of ourselves is the sum total of all the autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own individual Being.

There exist the twelve, and the twenty- four, and the seven and the four, etc…

There exist within ourselves the twelve Powers.

There exist within ourselves the twenty- four Elders of the Zodiac.

There exists within ourselves the four Devarajas, or the four elemental Genii, etc., etc. The Lion of the Law exists within ourselves.

Obviously, the Lord of time can give back the memories of our past lives.

Within each one of us, there exists our own particular, individual Anubis. He applies the law of Karma to us, within ourselves.

The Divine Mother Kundalini within ourselves has five aspects, allegorized by the white cow with five legs.

H.P.B. really did see an authentic white cow with five legs  in India. There is no doubt that it carried the fifth leg on its back and with this leg it was scaring flies or scratching itself.

H.P.B. states that this curious creature of Nature was herded by a young boy from the Sadhu sect. This virgin boy nourished himself exclusively with the milk of this mysterious cow.

Within ourselves, there exists Minerva, she who gives us wisdom. The Guardian of the Threshold exists within ourselves.

The Guardian of the Threshold can never be disintegrated, because it is part of our own individual Being.

The Guardian of the Threshold is a full- length mirror that shows us the psychological state in which we find ourselves at each given moment.

We have the Guardian of the Threshold in the astral, mental, and causal planes. There are three Guardians of the Threshold, three parts of our own individual Being.

Each one of the three parts is autonomous, individual, and Self-conscious.

The Policeman of Karma exists within ourselves, within our Consciousness. He conduces us before the tribunals of the Law when we violate the Law.

The Being is a true army that must be perfected and integrated. The whole work is sexual. There exists no other way.

The independent parts of the Being are many, and we must perfect each one of them.

We have not given notice to all the parts of the Being, because we would need volumes in order to talk about them and their work.

When the Being will become integrated, and the horrifying mixture of the diverse, undesirable psychic elements which we carry within our interior will become dissolved, then the perverse tyrants will fall.

The tyrants that we carry within our interior are the capital factors of our abominable psychic processes.

Mary Interpreteth the words of Jesus

It came to pass then, when Jesus had finished speaking these words unto his disciples, that he said unto them: “Understand ye in what manner I speak with you?”

Mary said: “Yea, Lord, I have understood the word which thou host spoken. Concerning then the word which thou hast said: At the dissolution of the whole Mixture thou shall take thy seat on a light power and thy disciples, that is ourselves, shall sit on the right of thee, and thou shall judge the tyrant gods, who have not given up the ‘ of their light, and

the wise fire will bite into them, until they give up the last light in them, concerning this word then thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David, in the eighty-first

Psalm, saying:

“God shall sit in the assembly (synagogue) of the gods and try the gods.”

The Divine Mother Kundalini, Marah, Mary, the Woman-Serpent, knows very well that when the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within our interior are dissolved, then, the Intimate Christ, being all Light and power, takes his place within our Soul.

All the disciples of the Intimate Christ reside within ourselves. They are precisely the diverse autonomous and Self-conscious parts of our own Being.

The tyrant gods are really those autonomous and independent parts of the Being who are bottled up in lights, which are not the Christic Light. Yet, they persist in purifying their light, which is not the Light of the Lord.

For example, and in order to clarify the previous paragraph, we will say that in the world there exist certain religious forms that lead only to a dead-end street. However, their parishioners persist in purifying and sanctifying themselves within these cages.

We must renounce these doctrines. We must have the courage to abandon these cages. What is important is that which is within our own selves.

Gnosis is knowledge. In Gnosis, Self- Gnosis is Self-knowledge.

The wise Fire will bite into the tyrant gods until they renounce the many doctrines that exist in the exterior world.

We must abandon all in order to arrive to the Intimate Christ.

When we say abandon all, we are referring in this case to the diverse, dead religious forms.

Someone can fight for his very own purification in a completely mistaken way. We  march correctly only on the path of Self-Gnosis.

God shall sit in the assembly (synagogue) of the gods and will submit them to a trial. Jesus said unto her: “Well said, Mary.”

Samael Aun Weor

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