Pistis Sophia – Chapter 47

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Jesus leadeth Sophia to a less confined region, but without the commandment of the First Mystery

“It came to pass then, when Pistis Sophia had uttered the seventh repentance in the chaos, that the commandment through the First Mystery had not come to me to save her and lead her up out of the chaos. Nevertheless of myself out of compassion without commandment I led her into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos. And when the material emanations of Self willed had noticed that she had been led into a somewhat spacious region in the chaos, they ceased a little to oppress her, for they thought that she would be led up out of the chaos altogether. When this then took place, Pistis Sophia did not know that I was her helper; nor did she know me at all, but she continued and persisted withal singing praises to the Light of the Treasury, which she had seen aforetime and on which she had had faith, and she thought that it [the Light] also was  her helper and it was the same to which she had sung praises, thinking it was the Light in truth. But as indeed she had had faith in the Light, which belongeth to the Treasury in truth, therefore will she be led up out of the chaos and her repentance will be accepted from her. But the commandment of the First Mystery was not yet accomplished to accept her repentance from her. But hearken now in order that I may tell you all things, which befell Pistis Sophia.”

Only the commandment of the First Mystery can conduce the Initiate out of the Chaos. The Intimate Christ feels compassion for the Initiate, and little by little, He is passing him to superior levels of the Being.

The material emanations of the Self- willed ego are disappearing little by little in the same measure that the Initiate is dying.

It is an error of Pistis Sophia to not recognize the extra help of the Intimate Christ.

The Light of the interior Treasury emerges from the same Treasury, which is the Golden Fleece.

The Golden Fleece of ancient people is the Intimate Christ, clothed with the bodies of pure Gold. These perfected existential bodies, which are covered by the distinct parts of the Being, are terribly divine.

The Light of the Treasury is not the Treasury. However, the Initiate sings praises to the Light of the Treasury.

It is necessary to search for the Treasury within the womb of the Philosophical Earth. VITRIOL signifies: “Visita Interiora Terrae Rect Invenies Occultum Lapidem” Many types of light exist which are not the Light of the Treasury.

Diverse types of sects, schools, or mystic orders possess a light, which is not the Light of the Treasury. However, their devotees believe that this light can save them.

Those devotees are sincerely mistaken ones, full of magnificent intentions, but mistaken ones.

The true Light of the hidden Treasury is absolutely sexual. The repentance of Pistis Sophia must be qualified.

Receiving one or another, or the whole eight Initiations of the Fire is one thing. However, the qualification of them is another completely different thing.

Anyone can receive the eight Initiations of the Fire. However, if he does not pass the qualification of them, these Initiations will be worthless for him.

Many who have received the eight Initiations of the Fire are now terribly perverse demons.

If the dissolution of the ego is excluded, then, the qualification of the eight Initiations is impossible.

Only through the Buddhist Annihilation can we qualify for each one of the eight Initiations.

We will obtain the radical change, by virtue of the disintegration of the ego. We need to convert ourselves into something totally different.

We must even lose our very personal identity.

The change must be absolute. Not even our actual personal identity must continue to exist.

The emanations of the Self-willed cease for a time to oppress Sophia

“It came to pass, when I had led her unto a somewhat spacious region in the chaos, that the emanations of Self-willed ceased entirely to oppress her, thinking that she would be led up out of the chaos altogether.

It came to pass then, when the emanations of Self-willed had noticed that Pistis Sophia had not been led up out of the chaos, that they turned about again all together oppressing her vehemently. Because of this then she uttered the eighth repentance, because they had

not ceased to oppress her, and had turned about to oppress her to the utmost. She uttered this repentance, saying thus:

The emanations of the Self- willed ego bother Pistis Sophia. However, these emanations cease a little when she passes into a superior level of the Being.

Every time the Initiate passes through a new revaluation of the Being, the attacks of the tenebrous ones always cease for a while in order for the attacks to later restart into new activity.

Nevertheless, in each battle, Pistis Sophia reiterates the repentance one time after another.

The eighth repentance of Sophia

1.On thee, O Light, have I hoped. Leave me not in the chaos; deliver me and save me according to thy gnosis.

2.Give heed unto me and save me. Be unto me a Saviour, O Light, and save me and lead me unto thy light.

3.For thou art my Saviour and wilt lead me unto thee. And because of the mystery of thy name lead me and give me thy mystery.

4.And thou wilt save me from this lion-faced power, which they have laid as a snare for me, for thou art my saviour.

5.And in thy hands will I lay the purification of my light; thou hast saved me, O Light, according to thy gnosis.

6.Thou art become wroth with them who keep watch over me and will not be able to lay hold of me utterly. But I have had faith in the Light.

7.I will rejoice and will sing praises that thou hast had mercy upon me and hast heeded and saved me from the oppression in which I was. And thou wilt set free my power out of the chaos.

8.And thou hast not left me in the hand of the lion-faced power; but thou hast led me into a region, which is not oppressed.

The Light  must  guide us and save us, according to Gnosis. The Gnostic Light must save us and lead us to the Great Light. The Mystery of the Name is the Mystery of the Verb.

Every Initiate aspires to receive the Mystery of the Name.

“Whosoever knows, the word gives power to, no one has uttered it, no one will utter it, except the one who has incarnated it.”

Christ is the Word. Fortunate is the one who has incarnated Him.

The lion-faced power, or the face of the Law makes us suffer. However, the Lord can forgive us.

We need to purify our own light in order for the Great Light to save  us, in accordance  with Gnosis.

The individual, interior light must be purified by virtue of the disintegration of the psychic aggregates.

The Intimate Christ is severe against those who keep watch over Pistis Sophia. Only the Christ-Light can take Sophia in definite form out of the Chaos.

The lion-faced power is the power of the Law.

The Lion of the Law exists within our own Being. It is one of the parts of the Being.

In certain epochs, the Initiate is not afflicted by the Law of Karma. When Pistis Sophia rests, free from the lion-faced power, she feels happy.

Samael Aun Weor

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