Pistis Sophia – Chapter 49

And when Jesus had spoken this, Matthew came forward and said: “My Lord, thy spirit hath stirred me and thy light hath made me sober to proclaim this eighth repentance of Pistis Sophia. For thy power hath prophesied thereof aforetime thou David in the thirtieth Psalm, saying:”

Matthew, according to science, always says terribly divine things. Certainly, Matthew is the Apostle of pure science.

The Gospel of Matthew gives all the scientific data in order to recognize the times of the end.

Our own Matthew, the interior Matthew, is what is important for ourselves. Unquestionably, Matthew is one of the twelve parts of our own individual Being. Pure science is known and taught by Matthew.

The Intimate Christ teaches Matthew.

The Light of the Lord illuminates Matthew.

The Wisdom of the Intimate Christ illuminates Matthew. Matthew quotes the Thirtieth Psalm.

Matthew interpreteth the eighth repentance from Psalm XXX

1.On thee, O Lord, have I hoped. Let me never be put to shame; save me according to thy justice.

2.Incline thine ear unto me, save me quickly. Be thou unto me a protecting god and a house of refuge to save me.

3.For thou art my support and my refuge; for thy name’s sake thou wilt guide me and feed me.
4.And thou wilt draw me out of this snare, which they have laid privily for me; for thou art my protection.

5.Into thy hands I will render my spirit; thou host redeemed me, O Lord, God of Truth.

6.Thou host hated them who hold to vain emptiness; but I have trusted.

7.And I shall rejoice because of my Lord and make merry over thy grace. For thou host looked down upon my humbleness and saved my soul out of my necessities.

8.And thou host not shut me up in the hands of my foes: thou host set my feet on a broad space.

9.Be gracious unto me, O Lord, for I am afflicted, my eye is distracted in the wrath and my soul and my body.

10.For my years have wasted away in sadness and my life is wasted in sighing. My power is enfeebled in misery and my bones are distracted.

11.I am become a mockery for all my foes and my neighbors. I am become a fright for my acquaintances, and they who saw me, are fled away from me.

12.I am forgotten in their heart as a corpse, and I have become as a ruined vessel

13.For I have heard the scorn of many who encompass me round about. Massing themselves together against me, they took counsel to take away my soul from me.

14.But I have trusted in thee. O Lord, I said Thou art my God.

15.My lots are in thy hands. Save me from the hand of my foes and free me from my persecutors.

16.Reveal thy face over thy slave, and free me according to thy grace, O Lord.

17.Let me not be put to shame, for I have cried unto thee. Let the impious be put to shame and turn towards hell

18.Let the crafty lips be struck dumb, which allege iniquity against the righteous in pride and scorn.

The Lord can save us, according to His justice. To do justice within ourselves is transcendental.

The energy of the Universal Spirit is represented in the  flaming  sword,  which  corresponds to the Sun.

The scale, in itself, and by itself indicates the necessity of weights and proportions. The ‘open book’ has an extraordinary meaning in Alchemy.

Profoundly significant is the meaning of the ‘open book’, characterized by the radical solution of the metallic body, which is abandoning its impurities and granting its Sulphur. The closed book is the general symbol of all the brute bodies, minerals or metals, just as Nature provides them, or as human industry provides them for commerce.

The brute Azoth, which is the sacred sperm not yet worked with, is a closed book. We need to open that book.

From another angle, the open book is the book of Law and Justice. Justice, Lion, Scale and Sword are found intimately associated.

The outer garment of Ermine that the Goddess Justice shows is embroidered with roses and pearls.

The Goddess Justice has a buccal crown girded upon her forehead. The Sword of Justice has a pommet adorned with a radiant sun.

The peplum that was completely covering her has slid down on her body and it is suspended by her projecting arm, and the lower part is folded.

Justice, within ourselves, is a Self-conscious part of the Being. Justice, within ourselves, must be Self- realized intimately.

Within ourselves, and as an autonomous and Self-conscious part of the Being, Minerva, daughter of Jupiter, is the cardinal virtue of Justice.

Minerva is also Divine Wisdom and complete knowledge of all things.

Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom and Lady of Justice is the flower of the Great Work, the Mystic Rose.

Justice is a Virgin with a golden crown, white tunic, and a purple robe. The Goddess Justice wears an exquisite jewel upon her chest.

The Goddess Justice rests her left foot upon a cubic stone.

We will explain all the profound significance of all of this in our next book entitled, The Great Work.

In any case, we need to intimately Self- realize the Goddess Justice within ourselves. Our Christ-Lord within ourselves can save us according to Justice.

In no way can we intimately Self- realize Minerva within ourselves, unless we previously pass through the Buddhist Annihilation.

The Intimate Lord is our Protector God.

We must annihilate the psychic aggregates and find refuge within the Lord.

The Lord can save us from the merciless snare, which is laid by the secret enemy. We must place our Spirit in the hands of the Intimate Christ.

The Lord rejects those who latch onto vanity.

The Lord helps those who fight for the disintegration of the psychic aggregates of vanity. In no way could it be possible to keep correct relations with the Intimate Lord and with all the independent and Self-conscious parts of the Being, if we do not previously annihilate all the psychic aggregates of vanity.

Vanity destroys the possibilities of illumination.

Illumination is grandiose; yet, it is possible only by annihilating the psychic aggregates of vanity.

Illumination is a grace of the Lord.

Only the humble one can receive illumination by grace of the Lord.

Those who have not annihilated the psychic aggregates of pride cannot in any way reach illumination.

The Lord never shuts us up in the hands of our interior enemies.

One becomes astonished while in the presence of the craziness of anger. The eyes of the angry one reveal complete madness.

The very devout people, apparently very simple within the temples, turn themselves into frightful creatures during attacks of anger.

Some people who are studying our teachings, who are dedicated to the dissolution of the undesirable psychic aggregates that we carry within our interior, suddenly become full of great anger. Within thunder and lightning, they rip their vestures.

The psychic aggregates of anger are multiple. There is anger because of jealousy, because of hatred, because of frustrated desires, because of selfish monetary motives, because of disputed matters, because of tenor, or because of various states of spirit, mind, body, and tongue, etc., etc., etc.

One must self-observe oneself during an attack of anger, in order to truly specify the type of anger, which invades us at any given moment.

At times, anger is due to self- love or to hurt vanity. At times, anger is due to hurt pride.

Anger is associated with many psychic aggregates. The angry one fails in the Great Work of the Father.

It is necessary to aim the Ray of Kundalini against any psychic aggregate of anger in order to pierce it and atomically disintegrate it.

Those who do not work on themselves waste their life in sadness or in vain pleasures which leave only deceptions. Thus, their life is wasted in sighing.

Those who do not work on themselves here and now, each time become more incapable. Their interior enemies, the red demons of Seth, living personifications of their psychological defects, mock them.

Those who do not work on themselves are not only full of problems, but moreover and worst of all, they are a problem for the distinct, independent parts of the Being. Every person who has the ego, the ‘I’, damages, obstructs everywhere, hurts himself and hurts others.

Whosoever has ego is a problem for himself and for his friends.

Any person who has the ego, the ‘I’, is like a ruined vessel that sails in the ocean of life, carrying his own misery.

We must work on ourselves and deliver our Spirit to our Interior God. The Intimate Christ withdraws from vanity.

Vanity is a charlatan by nature and when it is hurt, it thunders with great anger. Many are the Saints who have revested themselves with the costume of vanity.

Aristipus covered himself with an old tunic, which was covered with holes and patches. He then grasped the staff of philosophy and walked on the streets of Athens.

When Socrates saw him approaching, he exclaimed: “Oh Aristipus, your vanity is shown through the holes of your vesture.” Vanity and pride are use to being dangerously associated.

A wealthy woman could buy an antique car from the beginning of the century, in order to have it in her home. Such eccentricity is caused by dint of pride. However, for vanity, she would prefer a fine new car, in order to drive on the streets of the city.

We would accept many things because of vanity, yet, because of pride we would reject them.

Anger, pride, and vanity, impede the correct inner relations with the distinct, independent parts of the Being.

Our interior enemies, the red demons of Seth, take counsel in order to take our Soul away from us.

What purpose would it serve to conquer all the kingdoms of the world if we lose our Soul?

The Soul is laws, forces, divine virtues, powers, etc.

Whosoever does not crystallize the Soul within himself, loses his Soul.

We have previously stated that if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, that which must be dissolved is not dissolved, and that which must be crystallized is not crystallized.

If, as well, we do not pass through great emotional crises, then we cannot dissolve the psychic aggregates, nor can we crystallize the Soul.

We repeat, we need to crystallize the Soul.

Each time a psychic aggregate is disintegrated, a virtue, a power, or a law, etc., is crystallized.

Thus, this is how we will reach the crystallization of the Soul. This is how we will possess our Soul.

Even the very same body must convert itself into Soul. Whosoever loses his Soul sinks himself into the Infernal Worlds. We must work on ourselves and trust in our Intimate God.

Our Intimate God can save us from our interior enemies.

The Lord can reveal his face to his serf, if he is working on himself. The Lord can save us according to His grace.

The impious ones will be put to shame and turned towards the infernal worlds. The impious ones are the red demons of Seth.

The lips of the hypocrites speak against those who have performed the Goddess Justice within themselves.

The hypocrites believe themselves to be Saints and they speak against the Alchemists who have performed Minerva within themselves.

The hypocrites believe themselves to be Saints and they speak of what they do not know. The hypocrites calumniate the Adept who obtains a Hermetic Glass for his work in the laboratory.

The hypocritical Pharisees tear their vestures while thundering and striking with lightning that which they do not know.

The hypocrites believe that they know, however, they do not even suspect that they do not know.

The hypocritical Pharisees of today, yesterday, and all times dare to slander and judge even the Master of the White Lodge.

The hypocrites are white as washed sepulchres, a perverse generation of vipers.

The hypocrites stick their nose where it does not belong. Thus, they judge what they believe they know, yet, they truly do not know.

Is it perhaps a crime to obtain a Hermetic Glass when one has not this Glass? What do the hypocritical Pharisees know about the intimate life of the Wise? Nevertheless, the Pharisees dare to attack the Adepts of the Great Work.

Never has any Pharisee believed himself to be mistaken.

The Pharisees hate Christ, thus, they condemn Him each time He comes to the Earth.

The Pharisees arose, have arisen and will arise in rebellion against the Lord who comes to teach them.

Christ is judged by the Pharisees who believe themselves to be wise. Thus, this is how they throw stones against Him.

The most critical is the ingratitude of the Pharisees. They attack Christ with the very  same words and teachings that they learned from the Lord.

They use the words of the Lord in order to attack the  Lord.

How absurd it is to judge by appearance and throw stones against Christ. A horrible Karma will befall upon the hypocritical Pharisees.

The hypocritical Pharisees devolve within the submerged mineral kingdom of the infernal worlds.

The Second Death and the burning lake of fire and sulphur await the hypocritical Pharisees.

The Pharisee ‘I’ exists within each person.

Woe to those who do not dissolve the Pharisee ‘I’!

Even the most virtuous men and women can fall into the abyss of perdition if they do not disintegrate the Pharisee ‘I’.

Samael Aun Weor

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