Pistis Sophia – Chapter 52

Jesus commendeth James and promiseth the first place unto the disciples

When James then had said this, Jesus said unto him “Well said, finely, James. This is the solution of the ninth repentance of Pistis Sophia… Amen, amen, I say unto you: Ye shall be the first in the kingdom of heaven before all invisibles and all gods and rulers who are in the thirteenth aeon and in the twelfth aeon; and not only ye, but also every one who shall accomplish my mysteries.”

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place as the learned ignoramuses suppose.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the conscious circle of the solar humanity, which operates over the superior centers of the Being.

The Kingdom of Heaven is formed by each and every one of the members of the divine humanity.

All the Invisibles and all the Gods within ourselves, and all the Rulers from the Thirteenth Aeon and from the Twelfth Aeon, bow in the presence of James.

Indeed, all the Invisibles and Gods and Rulers from the Twelfth and Thirteenth Aeons,  are the multiple sovereign and Self-conscious parts of our own individual Being.

All those who perform the Christic Mysteries will, one day, return to the Thirteenth Aeon.

The Thirteenth Aeon is Am, Sat, the Seity.

Beyond the Thirteenth Aeon is the Cosmic Common Eternal Father, and Adhi Buddha, who is the Buddha of our individual Buddha.

Adhi-Buddha is the Father of our Father, but He never comes into manifestation, because He is the Unknowable Divinity.

Only at the end of the Mahamanvantara, after having integrated ourselves with our Father who is in secret, do we then integrate ourselves with Adhi-Buddha.

This integration with Adhi-Buddha is performed in the Mahapralaya, in the Cosmic Night and within the bosom of the Absolute Abstract Space.

Mary interpreteth the words of Jesus

And when he had said this, he said unto them “Understand ye in what manner I discourse with you?

Mary started forward again and said “Yea, O Lord, this is what thou didst say unto us aforetime: ‘The last shall be first and the first shall be last The first then, who were created before us, are the invisibles, for indeed they arose before mankind, they and the gods and the rulers; and the men who shall receive mysteries, will be first into the kingdom of heaven.”

“The last shall be first and the first shall be last.” Thus says Marah, Mary, the Woman- Serpent, the Divine Mother Kundalini.

Obviously, the Invisibles who were before mankind, they and the Gods and the Rulers and the Men who shall receive Mysteries, will be the first in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Gods and the Rulers and the Invisibles within each one of ourselves are the basic factors of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The repentance of Sophia is accepted. Jesus is sent to help her

Jesus said unto her: “well said, Mary.”

Jesus continued again and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then. when Pistis Sophia had proclaimed the ninth repentance, that the lion-faced power oppressed her again, desiring to take away all powers from her. She cried out again to the Light, saying:

“O Light, in whom I have had faith from the beginning, for whose sake I have endured these great pains, helps me.”

“And in that hour her repentance was accepted from her. The First Mystery hearkened unto her, and I was sent off at his command. I came to help her, and led her up out of the chaos, because she had repented, and also because she had had faith in the Light and  had endured these great pains and these great perils. She had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed, and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had faith. For this cause then was I sent forth at the command of the First Mystery to help her secretly. I did not however yet go to the region of the Aeons at all; but I passed down through the midst out of them, without any single power knowing it, either those of the interior of the interior or those of the exterior of the exterior, save only the First Mystery.

“It came to pass then, when I came into the chaos to help her, that she saw me, that I was understanding and shone exceedingly and was full of compassion for her. For I was not Self Willed as the lion- faced power, which had taken away the light-power from Sophia, and had also oppressed her in order to take away from the whole light in her. Sophia then saw me, that I shone ten thousand times more that the lion-faced power, and that I was full of compassion for her. And she knew that I came out of the Height of heights, in whose light she had had faith from the beginning. Pistis Sophia then took courage and uttered the tenth repentance saying:”

The Lion – faced Power oppressed Pistis Sophia, desiring to take away all powers from her.

It is clear that the Initiate owes many debts and that the power of Justice is threatening him.

Nevertheless, the Intimate Christ can forgive Pistis Sophia.

The Light of the lights, the Truth of the truth, the Concealed of the concealed, helps the Initiate full of Pistis Sophia.

Pistis Sophia is forgiven in the ninth repentance.

It is necessary to receive and posteriorly to attain the qualification of the eight Initiations. The Ninth Hour comes, after having passed through the eight great qualifications, which correspond to the eight Initiations.

The secret number is known in the Ninth Hour. The Initiate then enters the Archangelic group to which he belongs.

Now we explain why Pistis Sophia is forgiven in the Ninth Hour.

The Army of the Voice is organized in groups, and each group has its secret number according to its own form of work.

The First Mystery hears Pistis Sophia and under His commandment she is conduced out of the Chaos.

The First Mystery is the Father, the Ancient of Days. Each one of us has his own Father. The Initiate is deluded by the ego, by the Self- willed and his downfall is due to it.

The Light-Power, which resembles the primogenial Light, guides the devotee. Nevertheless, the important thing is the Light of the lights.

Christ, obedient to the Father, always comes secretly to help the Initiate. The Intimate Christ interiorly helps us.

The Intimate Christ incarnates in the Initiate and helps him in the Great Work. Christ passes through the Aeons in order to come into the incarnation.

The Incarnated Christ works remarkably when disintegrating the engenders of the Inferno.

The Intimate Christ, in the presence of the Initiate, shines ten thousands times more than the Lions of the Law.

The Interior Lord is above the Lions of the Law.

The Intimate Christ descends in order to internally help Pistis Sophia.

The Light of the lights, the intelligence of the intelligence, always hears the sincerely repented one.

The cunning threats and the unjust, lawless lips are always conjuring against the Initiates of the rocky path, which leads towards the Final Liberation.

The Light that the Initiate has must be taken to the Father of all Lights.

The tenth repentance of Sophia

1.I have cried unto thee, O Light of lights, in my oppression and thou host hearkened unto me.

2.O Light, save my power from unj ust and lawless lips and from crafty traps.

3.The light, which was being taken from me in crafty snaring, will not be brought unto thee.

4.For the traps of Self-willed and the nooses of the merciless [one] are spread out.

5.Woe unto me that my dwelling was far off and I was in the dwellings of the chaos.

6.My power was in regions, which are not mine.

7.And I entreated those merciless [ones], and when I entreated them, they fought against me without a cause.

It is obvious that the Self-willed ego  and the snares of the unmerciful are everywhere. The Self- willed animal ego that dwells within ourselves, and the snares of the unmerciful, lie in wait for the Initiate.

Pistis Sophia’ s dwelling place is the Thirteenth Aeon. However, when she is fallen she lives in the inferior Chaos.

The regions of Pistis Sophia are in the Thirteenth Aeon and never in the abysses of perdition.

The tenebrous ones do not feel pity for the Initiates. On the contrary, they attack them.

Samael Aun Weor

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