Pistis Sophia – Chapter 53

When Jesus had said this unto his disciples, he said unto them Now, therefore, let him whom his spirit stirreth, come forward and speak the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia.”

Peter answered and said “O Lord, concerning this thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the one-hundred-and- nineteenth Psalm, saying:

Peter, within each one of ourselves is the part of the Being that is related with the Mysteries of sex.

In the Cosmic Drama, Peter died crucified, with his head pointing downwards. The inverted cross of Peter indicates that we must work in the Ninth Sphere, sex. Mars descends into the Ninth Sphere in order to re-temper his sword, as does Hercules in order to clean the Stables of Augias, as does Perseus in order to cut the Head of Medusa with his Flaming Sword.

The descent into the Ninth Sphere is the maximum ordeal for the Hierophant. Buddha, Jesus, Dante, Zaratustra, Hermes, Quezalcoatl, etc., had to pass through this terrible ordeal.

For as long as this terrible ordeal is not passed, only theories will exist in the mind.

Peter interpreteth the tenth repentance from Psalm CXIX

1.I cried unto thee, O Lord, in my oppression and thou hearkened unto me.

2.O Lord, save my soul from unjust lips and from crafty tongues.

3.What will be given unto thee or what will be added unto thee with a crafty tongue?

4.The arrows of the strong [one] are made sharp with the coal of the desert

5.Woe unto me, that my dwelling is far off, and I dwelt in the tents of Kedar.

6.My soul hath dwelt in many regions as a guest.

7.I was peaceful with them who hate peace; if I spoke unto them, they fought against me without a cause.

“This is now, therefore, O Lord, the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia, which she hath uttered when the material emanations of Self-willed oppressed her, they and his lion-faced power, and when they oppressed her exceedingly.”

The Lord hears the one who implores Him.

The unjust lips and the crafty tongues always calumniate the Hierophants of sex.

The perverse ones can never comprehend the sexual Mysteries and vociferate against the wise.

The crafty tongue that speaks of what it does not even remotely know will fall into the abyss of perdition.

Those who calumniate the Hierophants of sex devolve within the womb of the Earth until the second death.

Speaking against the Mysteries of sex implies an attack against the Intimate Peter, who is the autonomous and Self-conscious part of our own Being related with sex. Strong is the one who strengthens himself in sexual magic.

The one who has never worked in the Forge of the Cyclops is frightfully weak. The sexual energy is the mighty strength of all powers.

Life is a desert for the Initiate. Rare is the one who can live in the desert of the Wise.

The arrows of the mighty one are sharpened with the fire of sexual life and flaming,  erotic coals.

Pistis Sophia’s dwelling-place is far off from the tents of Kedar.

Our beloved readers must not forget that the CXIX Psalm, cited by the Hierophant Peter, corresponds to the specific functions of our Intimate Peter and to the Mysteries of sex. Similarly, each one of the personages of the Pistis Sophia is one of the parts of our own Being.

Obviously, each one of the twelve parts and every one of the parts of our own Being has his documentation in the sacred Scriptures.

Now our readers will comprehend the reason why each one of the personages of the Pistis Sophia cites a paragraph of the Holy Bible.

Therefore, Peter and the Mysteries of sex are not an exception.

Our readers are advised about the existing intimate relation between the personages of Pistis Sophia and the Biblical paragraphs cited by them.

Obviously, the Biblical paragraphs cited by them specify the functions of each one of them in ourselves and within ourselves, here and now.

Pistis Sophia is certainly not a book to be mechanically read, but should be studied and profoundly meditated upon, during the entire lifetime.

The CXIX Psalm, cited by Peter, continues saying:

“My soul has dwelt in many regions as a guest.” This invites us to meditate. The Great Kabir Jesus said : “In my Father’s house are many mansions.”

The adulterers and fornicators will fall into the infernal worlds where only weeping and the gnashing of teeth are heard.

We must distinguish between a downfall and a descent. The one who wishes to ascend must first of all descend.

No one can ascend without previously having taken the trouble to descend. Every exaltation is preceded by a frightful and terrible humiliation.

Peter has the keys of the Kingdom.

The two crossed keys are the Sulphur and the Mercury of the Wise. The Sulphur is the sexual fire.

The Mercury is the metallic soul of the sacred sperm.

The Sulphur must fecundate the Mercury of the Wise before initiating the ascension of the Sulphured-Mercury through the medullar spinal canal.

The Sulphur and the Mercury open the doors of the distinct regions of the Universe.

The Sulphur and the Mercury, although they are opposites, become conciliated by the virtue of the sublimed Salt.

The Sulphur and the Mercury are the parents of the Philosophical Stone. The red demons of Seth hate peace. They are the ones who fight against the Being without a cause.

The psychic aggregates and the Lion of the Law always oppress Pistis Sophia exceedingly.

Peter, the Hierophant of sex, always gives the solution of the repentance of Pistis Sophia. The true repentance of the Soul has a sexual foundation.

Jesus commendeth Peter

Jesus said unto him. “Well said, Peter, and finely. This is the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia.”

Samael Aun Weor

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