Pistis Sophia – Chapter 55

Self-willed aideth his emanations and they again oppress Sophia

And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then thereafter, that I drew near unto the chaos, shining very exceedingly, to take away the light from that lion- faced power As I shone exceedingly it was in fear and cried out  to its self-willed god, that he should help it. And forthwith the self- willed god looked out of the thirteenth aeon, and looked down into the chaos, exceedingly wrathful and desiring to help his lion-faced power. And forthwith the lion-faced power, it and all its emanations, surrounded Pistis Sophia, desiring to take away the whole light in Sophia. It came to pass then, when they oppressed Sophia, that she cried to the height, crying unto me that I should help her. It came to pass then, when she looked to the height, that she saw Self-willed exceedingly wrathful, and she was in fear, and uttered the twelfth repentance because of Self-willed and his emanations. She cried on high unto me, saying:

The power of the Lions of the Law utilizes the same tenebrous elements in order to punish the sinner.

For example, the great dictators of history were utilized in order to punish the world. Psychic aggregates that are related with the Law of Karma exist within each human being.

The Lion of the Law can utilize those psychic aggregates, which are related with the Law of Karma in order to punish the delinquent one.

The ego wants to make the Initiate, who marches towards the Thirteenth Aeon, to fall down.

The power of the Lions of the Law oppresses Pistis Sophia.

The Self- willed ego and the powers of the Darkness mortally hate those who march towards the Thirteenth Aeon.

The twelfth repentance of Sophia

1.O Light, forget not my praise-singing.

2.For Self-willed and his lion-faced power have opened their chops against me and have acted craftily against me.

3.They have surrounded me, desiring to take away my power, and have hated me, because I have sung praises unto thee.

4.Instead of loving me they slandered me. But I sang praises.

5.They plotted a plot to take away my power, because I have sung to thee praises, O Light; and hated me, because I have loved thee.

6.Let the darkness come over Self-willed, and let the ruler of the outermost darkness abide at his right hand.

7.And when thou passes sentence, take from him his power; and the deed which he hath plotted, to take from me my light, — mayest thou take his from him

8.And may all his powers of his light in him finish, and let another of the three triple- powers receive his sovereignty.

9.May all the powers of his emanations are lightless and may his matter is without any light in it.

10.May his emanations remain in the chaos and not dare to go to their region. May their light in them die away and let them not go to the thirteenth aeon, their region.

11.May the Receiver, the Purifier of the lights, purify all -the lights which are in Self- willed, and take them from them.

12.May the rulers of the lower darkness rule over his emanations, and let no one give them shelter in his region; and let no one hearken to the power of his emanations in the chaos.

13.Let them take away the light in his emanations and blot out their name from the thirteenth aeon, yea rather take his name for ever out of that region.

14.And on the lion-faced power let them bring the sin of him who emanated it, before the Light, and not wipe out the iniquity of the matter, which hath brought him [Self-willed] forth.

15.And may their sin be altogether before the Light et ernally, and may they let them not look beyond [the chaos] and take their names out of all regions;

16.Because they have not spared me and have oppressed him whose light and whose power they have taken away, and also conformably with those who set me therein, they desired to take away my whole light from me.

17.They loved to descend to the chaos; so let them abide therein, and they shall not be brought up [there from] now on. They desired not the region of virtuousness for dwelling-place, and they shall not be taken thither from now on.

18.He put on darkness as a garment, and it entered into him as water, and it entered in into all his powers as oil.

19.Let him wrap himself into the chaos as into a garment, and gird himself with the darkness as with a leathern girdle forever.

20.Let this befall them who have brought this upon me for the Light’s sake and have said Let us take away her whole power.

21.But do thou, O Light, have mercy upon me for the sake of the mystery of thy name, and save me in the goodness of thy grace.

22.For they have taken away my light and my power; and my power hath inwardly tottered and I could not stand upright in their midst.

23.I am become as matter, which is fallen; I am tossed hither and thither as a demon in the air.

24.My power hath perished, because I possess no mystery; and my matter hath become dwindled because of my light, for they have taken it away.

25.And thy mocked me; they looked at me, nodding at me.

26.Help me according to thy mercy.

Now, therefore, let him whose spirit is ready, come forward and utter the solution of the twelfth repentance of Pistis Sophia.

Self- willed and the Lion-Faced Power always acts against Pistis Sophia. Initiates are hated because they sing praises unto the Great Light.

Initiates sing praises to the Great Light, although the Darkness hates them. Pistis Sophia is hated because she loves the Great Light.

Let the Darkness cover the animal ego.

The administrator of the outermost darkness is the prince of this world, the iniquitous one.

The Anti-Christ is the iniquitous one.

Whosoever pronounces himself against the Intimate Christ is the Antichrist. The false, materialistic science has been created by the mind of the Antichrist.

The Antichrist is the Machiavellian mind of the materialistic scientists who perform miracles and misleading prodigies.

The evil mind of the dwellers of the Earth is the Antichrist.

The Antichrist’s humanity, which is this present humanity, will perish between the fire and the water. Thus, this is how the Antichrist will lose its power.

The same happens within the Initiate who wishes to return to the Thirteenth Aeon. The Antichrist succumbs within the Initiate who returns to the Thirteenth Aeon.

All the powers and the false light of the Antichrist will succumb within the Initiate. The Initiate gains the crystallization of the superior forces of Nature and the Cosmos within himself, replacing the Antichrist and its power.

The three superior forces of Nature and the Cosmos are: Holy Affirmation, Holy Negation and Holy Conciliation.

Positive, Negative and Neutral forces. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The emanations of the prince of this world are the red demons of Seth. The matter of the prince of this world must remain without any light in it. The emanations of the prince of this world fall into the inferior chaos.

The lights, or percentages of Essence, which are bottled up within the ego, must be liberated by means of the annihilation of each part of the ego or ‘I’.

The Divine Mother Kundalini must purify all light and take it from within each psychic aggregate.

In the Infernal Worlds, the Rulers watch the tenebrous ones and do not permit them to leave from the abode of Pluto.

Similarly, within each one of ourselves, the Rulers, the superior parts of our Being must watch over their emanations, which are the red demons of Seth.

The Essence, which is bottled up within the tenebrous ones, can only escape from within them through their supreme death.

The power of the demons in the Chaos must be annulled little by little.

The light which is enclosed within the red demons of Seth must be taken away from them in a revolutionary manner.

The names of the lost ones are erased in the thirteenth Aeon.

The Lion of the Law projects the guilt in front of itself in order for it to be known and never erases iniquities from the one who has produced them.

Karma disappears only by patient destruction of psychic aggregates, and through forgiveness, or negotiation.

Nevertheless, the projected guilt continues in the Akasa as a movie, until we annihilate the Teleoginooras films.

Guilt is always visible and tangible in the Teleoginooras films. The tenebrous ones must live in the inferior Chaos. They are not permitted to look beyond the abode of Pluto.

The red demons of Seth have spared no one, but have oppressed every one whose Light and power they have taken away.

The tenebrous ones always desire to take away the light from Pistis Sophia.

The perverse ones defend the inferior Chaos. Therefore, let them continue to abide in the Tartarus.

The tenebrous ones never desire the abode of Virtuousness. This is why they continue to dwell in the womb of the Averno.

“Demonius Est Deus Inversus”

The Demon is God, but inverted. The Inferno is the womb of Heaven.

The other face of God is in the Averno. The Averno is the shadow of light.

The Light of lights must save us with the Mystery of His name and the power of His grace.

Pistis Sophia cannot stand until she passes through the Buddhist Annihilation. Newness comes only through death. If the germ does not die, the plant is not born. The fallen Initiate suffers the unspeakable.

The power of the Initiates decrease when they do not possess Mystery, which means, when they do not work in the Ninth Sphere (sex).

The Misterium Magnum of the Universe resides in its seed, in its iliaster, and specifically in its Limbus Magnum.

The Misterium of the tree resides in its germ. The Misterium of a human resides in his seed.

Whosoever does not work with the Misterium Magnum falls in the Great Work.

The Initiate who does not have a Hermetic Glass must attain one in order to work in the Mysteries.

Understand that the Hermetic Glass is the feminine Yoni. The Mysteries of Lingam-Yoni must be cultivated in secret.

The laws of the number six teach that when an Alchemist does not possess a Hermetic Glass in good condition, then he must search for another one that will be in a perfect state, in order to work in the laboratory.

Nevertheless, not a single Alchemist can successfully use a Hermetic Glass without the will of the Father, who is in secret.

The Misterium Magnum of sex is terribly divine.

Many are the learned ignoramuses who do not know the rules and procedures of the Sixth Arcanum.

The Pharisee ‘I’ of the learned ignoramuses who do not know the rules and procedures of the Sixth Arcanum, calumniate and condemn the Alchemist who takes a new Hermetic Glass.

The profane and profaners ignore the Mysteries of the Sixth Arcanum.

Foolish are the Adepts who renounce their laboratory work by obeying the learned ignoramuses.

The Adepts who are bottled up within moral prejudice and ethic codes renounce the use of a Hermetic Glass. Thus, they fail in the Great Work.

A destroyed Hermetic Glass does not serve for the laboratory work.

The human matter of Pistis Sophia inevitably languishes because of the lack of light.

An Alchemist who abdicates to the sexual Mysteries of Lingam- Yoni, as a fact, resigns from being an Alchemist. Therefore, such a one falls.

The tenebrous ones mock the sexual abstainers by nodding their heads. Sexual abstinence originates terribly perverse malignant Poisoniooskirian vibrations.

The Poisoniooskirian vibrations are terribly malignant.

The Poisoniooskirian vibrations originate the development of the abominable Kundartiguador organ.

The abominable Kundartiguador organ is the sexual fire directed from the coccygeal bone downwards, towards the atomic infernos of the human being.

The abominable Kundartiguador organ is the tail of Satan, the tempting serpent of Eden, the horrible Python serpent that slithered in the mud of the earth and that the irritated Apollo hurt with his darts.

The tempting serpent is the antithesis of the serpent of brass, which is entwined in the generator Lingam.

Moses healed the Israelites in the wilderness, with the marvelous power of the serpent of brass. Yet, the tempting serpent of Eden has this painful humanity submerged in a fatal, collective, hypnotic state.

The serpent of brass, the serpent that is entwined on the rod of Sculapius, God of Medicine, must awaken us, must take us away from the collective hypnotic state.

Let us then distinguish between Kundalini and Kundartiguador, between the serpent that ascends and the one that descends.

We must never commit the error of attributing all the left and tenebrous powers of the descending serpent (Kundartiguador), to the serpent (Kundalini) that ascends through the medullar spinal canal of the human being.

Only the one who is prepared can understand the twelfth repentance of Pistis Sophia. Andrew, within us, is the autonomous and Self-conscious part of our own Being, who is occupied with the three factors of the revolution of the Consciousness.

These three factors are: To be born, to die, and to sacrifice the self for humanity. The Cross of Saint Andrew is accustomed to being terribly painful.

The Mercury and the Sulphur must incessantly cross if we long to continue the performance of the Great Work.

The sufferings of the Initiate, crucified on the Cross of Andrew, are inexpressible. It is not possible to purify and perfect the Mercurial Bodies, if we renounce the disintegration of the Dry Mercury.

The Dry Mercury is crystallized as the psychic aggregates, living personifications of our psychological defects.

The disintegration of the psychic aggregates is possible only through conscious works and voluntary sufferings.

There is the need to pass through great emotional crises and intentional sufferings if, truly, we want to atomically disintegrate our psychological defects.

Now, we can better comprehend the inexpressible suffering of our Interior Andrew. “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

The supreme repentance, necessary in order to disintegrate any psychic aggregates, demands cries and remorse.

It is not possible to disintegrate psychic aggregates without tears, repentance and supreme pain.

To comprehend Andrew, without the transmutatory science of ‘Yesod-Mercury’, and without the disintegration of the undesirable psychic elements that we carry in our interior, would be impossible.

Egoic perforation and egoic disintegration is performed within the Flaming Forge of Vulcan.

The supreme sacrifice of the Interior Andrew is urgent, non-delayable and unpostponable.

The Alchemist who does not sacrifice himself for humanity will never become a Boddhisattwa.

Only the Boddhisattwas with compassionate heart, who have given their life for  humanity, can incarnate the Intimate Christ.

We must make a complete differentiation between the Sravakas and Buddhas Pratyekas on one side, and Boddhisattwas on the other.

The Sravakas and Buddhas Pratyekas only preoccupy themselves with their particular perfection, without caring a bit for this poor suffering humanity.

Obviously, the Buddhas Pratyekas and Sravakas can never incarnate Christ.

Only the Boddhisattwas who sacrifice themselves for humanity can incarnate Christ.

The sacred title of Boddhisattwa is legitimately attained, only by those who have renounced to all Nirvanic happiness for the love of the suffering humanity.

Obviously, before the Boddhisattwa is born, the Bodhisitta must be formed within ourselves. Furthermore, it is important to clarify the necessity of disintegrating the ego, the ‘I’, in order for the Bodhisitta to emerge.

The Bodhisitta is formed with the merits of love and supreme  sacrifice  for  our  fellowmen.

The Boddhisattwa is formed within the environment and psychological atmosphere of the Bodhisitta.

We must not mistake the Bodhisitta with the Boddhisattwa. The Bodhisitta is the awakened and developed superlative Consciousness Of the Being.

The Bodhisitta emerges in the aspirant who sacrifices himself for his fellowmen; long before the Mercurial bodies have been created.

We could never convert ourselves into Boddhisattwas without the complete work of the Interior Andrew.

Any one can be an Sravaka or a Buddha Pratyeka with his Mercurial bodies, but this is not sufficient in order to be a Boddhisattwa.

Only those who have sacrificed themselves for the planetary humanities, through distinct Mahamanvantaras, deserve to be called Boddhisattwas.

H. P. B. conventionally referred to Boddhisattwa as those who possess the superior existential bodies of the Being, or better said, Mercurial bodies. However, in strict Orthodox Buddhism, only those who have the Bodhisitta in themselves and who have renounced to all Nirvanic happiness for the love of humanity can qualify themselves as Boddhisattwas.

The Cross of Saint Andrew has the form of an ‘X’, which is the extraordinary hieroglyph of the luminous and divergent radiations that emerge from the Creator Logos.

The rose, symbol of the Solar Logos, shines in the center of the Cross of Saint Andrew. The Cross of Saint Andrew symbolizes illumination…revelation, after frightful sacrifices. The Greek Cross and the Cross of Saint Andrew have the same significance in Hermetic science.

It is not irrelevant to remember that the vertical ‘phallus’ within the formal ‘cteis’, forms  a Cross.

Phallus-uterus, when connected, forms a Cross.

Nevertheless, the Cross as an ‘X’ indicates the complete work in the Great Work.

The Work will have victoriously concluded, if the Rose shines on the Cross of Saint Andrew.

The perverse ones use their tongues in order to discredit the Initiates.

With words of hatred, the fiendish ones slander the Adepts who work in the Great Work of the Father.

Nevertheless, the Adepts respond to this infamy with love and bless those who damn them.

Samael Aun Weor

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