Pistis Sophia – Chapter 56

Andrew interpreteth the twelfth repentance from Psalm CV

And Andrew came forward and said: “My Lord and Saviour, thy light-power hath prophesied aforetime through David concerning this repentance which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, and said in the one-hundred-and-eighth Psalm:

1.God, keep not silent at my praise-singing.

2.For the mouths of the sinner and crafty have opened their chops against me and with crafty deceitful tongue have talked behind me.

3.And they have surrounded me with words of hate and have fought against me without a cause.

4.Instead of loving me they have slandered me. But I prayed.

5.They showed evil against me for good and hate for my love.

6.Set a sinner over him, and let the slanderer stand at his right hand

7.When sentence is passed upon him, may he go forth condemned and his prayer become sin.

8.May his days be shortened and another receives his overseership.

9.May his children become orphans and his wife a widow.

10.May his children be carried away and be driven forth and beg; may they be thrown out of their houses.

11.May the money-lender sift out all that he hath. and may strangers plunder all his best efforts.

12.Let there be no man to back him, and no one to take pity on his orphans.

13.May his children be exterminated and his name blotted out in a single generation.

14.Let the sin of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and the sin of his mother be not blotted out.

15.Let them be ever present to the Lord and his memory be rooted out from the earth,

16.In that he hath not thought of using mercy and hath persecuted a poor and wretched man and hath persecuted a sorry creature to slay him.

17.He loved cursing, — and it shall come unto him. He desired not blessing, — it shall stay far from him.

18.He clothed himself with cursing as with a vesture, and it entered into his bowels as water, and it was as oil in his bones.

19.May it is for him as a garment in which he shall be wrapped, and as a girdle with which he shall ever be girded.

20.This is the work of them who slander [me] before the Lord, and speak unlawfully against my soul

21.But do thou, O Lord God, be gracious unto me; for thy name’s sake save me.

22.For I am poor and I am wretched; my heart is tumult within me.

23.I am carried away in the midst as a shadow, which hath sunk down, and I am shaken out as grasshoppers.

24.My knees have become weak from fasting, and my flesh is altered from [lack of] oil.

25.But I have become a mock unto them; they saw me and wagged their heads.

26.Help, O Lord God, and save me according to thy grace.

27.May they know that this is thy hand, and that thou, O Lord, hast fashioned them.

“This is then the solution of the twelfth repentance which Pistis Sophia uttered, when she was in chaos.”

The tenebrous ones pay the noble services with black coins.

These tenebrous sinners are the red demons of Seth, upon whom Karma falls. The sentence falls upon the red demons of Seth.

Horus vs Seth

It is obvious that the Lion of the Law punishes the red demons of Seth without consideration.

The days are shortened for the red demons of Seth, and others receive their sovereignty. Obviously Karma is terrible and many times the children of the perverse ones often become orphans and their wives often become widows.

The Lion of the Law is implacable and many times the children of the fiendish ones are often carried away and driven forth to beg. They are thrown out of their houses.

The moneylenders sift out the money from the perverse ones and strangers plunder all of their best efforts.

No one has mercy for the orphans of perversity and no man takes pity on them.

The children of the perverse ones will be exterminated and their name will be blotted out in a single generation.

The sin of the father of these children is before the Lord and the sin of their mother is not blotted out. Thus, Karma is in action.

The children of perdition will always be present with their sins. However, their memory will be rooted out from the Earth.

The perverse sinner never thought of using mercy for his neighbor and had persecuted the poor wretched man. Therefore, Karma will fall upon him. The perverse one takes no pity on anyone and persecutes the sorry creature in order to slay it.

The fiendish love cursing. Therefore, their cursing will fall upon them as a ray of vengeance.

The perverse ones desire no blessing. Therefore, blessings will always stay far from them.

The perverse ones always clothe themselves with cursing, as with a vesture. Therefore, the curse shall then enter their bowels as water and as oil in their bones.

This disgrace is to the fiendish ones as a garment in which they shall be wrapped and as a girdle with which they shall ever be girded.

This is the fatal work of those who slander Pistis Sophia and who speak unlawfully about the Initiates.

These perverse ones are obviously within and outside of ourselves.

Those who are within are the red demons of Seth, living personifications of our psychological defects.

The tenebrous ones who are outside of ourselves are those brothers of the tenebrous fraternity.

Obviously, the tenebrous powers fight against the Initiates to death, trying to take them away from the path that leads to the Final Liberation.

Only the Intimate Christ can help us.

However, the Interior Lord can do nothing without the serpent.

All of us will be poor, wretched and miserable as long as we do not completely die. The hearts are tumult within those who have their ego alive and strong.

Only the tranquil heart can give us true and legitimate happiness.

The purpose of profound interior meditation is to obtain true tranquility.

It could not be possible to obtain the peace of the tranquil heart, as long as the psychological factors of non-tranquility exist within ourselves.

We explore the psychological ‘I’ during profound interior meditation.

During profound interior meditation we propose only to integrally comprehend the psychological defect discovered in self-observation.

Each self-observed defect must be previously comprehended through meditation, before proceeding with its elimination.

Prayer and sexual magic are indispensable for the elimination.

We have to pray during the connection of the ‘Lingam- Yoni’, in the Ninth Sphere.

In these instances, we will beg the Divine Mother Kundalini to disintegrate and eliminate the psychological aggregate, which we have previously comprehended.

Thus, by eliminating the factors of non-tranquility, we will attain complete tranquility. Only the tranquil heart can reach illumination and omniscience.

When the Boddhisattwa reaches illumination, then he prepares himself for omniscience. It is not possible to reach omniscience unless we previously learn to live between the absolute and the relative, between the mutable and immutable.

Those who have passed beyond the illuminated Void and the relativity of life, experience that which is called Tality.

The Tality is the Great Reality of life, free in its movement. Only those who can willfully experience Tality receive the power of omniscience.

No one can reach omniscience without having reached the true reality of the tranquil heart.

There is a need to shake out and eliminate the psychic aggregates, as grasshoppers. The knees of those who have ego tremble and their flesh is altered from lack of oil. How weak they are, those who have egoic consciousness. They tremble with fear. The tenebrous ones mock the fallen Initiates.

Only the grace of the Intimate Christ can save the fallen ones.

Only the Lord has formed the hands of the fallen ones, and only He can save us.

The great Buddhist Annihilation is urgent, non-delayable, and unpostponable. We must die in all the levels of the mind, and pass beyond the Illuminated Void and the existential relativity of the Universe.

It is urgent to cease to exist within the heresy of separatism or in the joy of the illuminated Void.

It is unpostponable to Self- realize within ourselves that which is called Tality. The Tality is the Great Reality beyond perversity and holiness.

The saints can never exist within the womb of the Tality, which is beyond perversity and holiness.

There is nothing in the Tality, which can be called holy.

The Great Reality is the Great Reality, the Tality. The saints and the perverse ones revolve within the great Wheel of Samsara. Therefore, they are very far from the Tality. Nevertheless, we must be very careful with the psychic aggregate of self- merits.

The psychic aggregate of self- merits causes us to be newly born in Heaven or on Earth. The psychic aggregate of self- merits removes us far away from the Tality.

We never obtain real merits, because the one who performs the entire true work is the Father.

The first principle of the Gnostic Doctrine is the Tality or Great Reality.

The Intimate Christ must destroy the psychic aggregate of self- merits within ourselves, in order to take us to the Tality.

The Lord raises the fallen ones.

Work with the Woman-Serpent and the Lord will save you.

Samael Aun Weor

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