There exist in the world millions of mothers and fathers of families without technical training of any kind. It is painful to contemplate so many millions of parents without training to earn a living, those poor people normally live miserable lives. It is an enormous problem which between us we must resolve, if we honestly and sincerely want a real democracy.
Really it is axiomatic to affirm that democracy still does not exist. We need to create it. To be able to create an authentic and legitimate democracy is only possible when we finish all the economic problems of the people. We are certain that if the individual is technically trained, the peoples industrialize. All highly industrialized peoples march inevitably between the tracks of a better quality of life.
The world is the individual and if the individual does not have sufficient technical training and abilities to earn a living honourably, then the result is inevitably the hunger and poverty of the people.
It is urgent to understand the necessity to create an authentic and legitimate democracy on the firm foundations of Christian Socialism. It doesn’t matter what we call this. We could just as well call it Buddhist Socialism, Islamic Socialism etc.
The important thing is that it isn’t the Soviet Socialism of atheist and anti-religious type. We do not want to fall into the conservative and reactionary theories of Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. These theories were revolutionary for their time, but now it is clear that they are conservative, and worse, reactionary.
We need workers for the benefit of society of goodwill to create the AUTHENTIC AND LEGITIMATE DEMOCRACY. These workers can do the enormous work of technical training among the masses, the unions can become true apostolic schools of sacrifice and love of the fellow human. The social labourers of each union can organize themselves to do work for society. The carpenters, shoemakers, hairdressers, masons, mechanics, etc., can give courses of technical education in all sectors of the cities, and to all the peoples of the earth, to help those who are not properly prepared for the struggle for daily bread.
These social labourers must teach courses of cultural expansion and technical training in the different sectors of cities, towns and villages, for all those women of the people who are not prepared to manage their homes properly, or to earn their daily bread. Women need to know in practise the kitchen, the art of fine cooking, dressmaking, handicrafts, etc.
The brothers and sisters of all occult schools, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Yogis, etc., etc., etc. Brothers of all religions, sects, and creeds, must become workers for the benefit of society and cooperate in charity in this enormous task of CREATING AN AUTHENTIC AND LEGITIMATE DEMOCRACY. On this basis of social action, all religions, schools and creeds must be united.
Only charitable social action can unite all schools and religions.
A confederation of all religions, schools and creeds is urgently needed to work with defined programs of social action. We know the cases of social labourers of very good will in small classrooms, in areas, in colleges, etc., who do work for the benefit of society helping others, technically training many women who cannot work, all that is beautiful. We also know certain labour unions that already do work for society helping men, preparing them technically, teaching them arts and trades to make a living. In this, Mexico has set the example that many countries should imitate.
We should not wait for our governments to do everything. The New Age must be made by all of us. We must all cooperate, we all must do our bit in this great work.
It is urgent to comprehend the necessity to finish with selfishness and cultivate Christ-centrism. It is essential to comprehend the necessity to create the legitimate democracy; if we really want to be saved from the communist calamity with it’s brutalizing Marxism.
We must comprehend that we are on the verge of a great social calamity.
Recall all the bestial horrors of the Chinese communist hordes in the beautiful country of Tibet. Thousands of Buddhist monks were murdered and horribly massacred, the yellow communist barbarians mocked the holy religious ceremonies, raped nuns and committed horrific murders; all in the name of stupid Dialectical Materialism. All in the name of theories that can never be proved and that will never be able to withstand an in-depth analysis.
Remember the butchery of Hungary. The horrors of the barbarians murdering the Hungarian population. Thousands of volumes could be written about communist barbarism.
The time in which we live is critical and highly dangerous. Only the creation of a legitimate democracy can save us. It is necessary to learn to cooperate if we really want with all our heart to be saved from the scourge of Communism, Marxism-Leninism.
Within the communist system, each individual is a simple piece of the social machinery whose lever is the state.
In the communist system, the family unit disappears. The children are of the state. At a certain age the state takes their children to put into their heads the disgusting theories of materialism. It’s all truly horrible. The communist hordes took thousands of children from Tibet for the purpose of inserting in Beijing the filthy arbitrary and stupid materialistic theories that can never be properly demonstrated, scientifically proven.
Brutalizing Communism is the child of hunger and of poverty. If the people are technically trained, hunger ends. Where there is no hunger there is no Communism.
We should become more responsible, less selfish. We should learn how to cooperate. Only that way we can we be saved from Marxist-Leninist socialism.
Only that way can we save ourselves from the communist plague and from the horrors unleashed by the USSR.
The kidnapping of more than ten thousand children in Tibet was horrible. They took away the children to damage their minds, in order to pervert them, in order to introduce the filthy poison of materialism to them.
The governments of the earth cannot take charge of the upbringing and total training of the children. We are still in a state of lamentable underdevelopment, and yet already the tyrants of Peking have stolen the children of Tibet. That is the future we are in for if we do not train technically.
The slaughter of thousands of nuns and monks in Tibet was appalling, the Soviet Chinese believed the stupid theories of Karl Marx, raped nuns and then murdered them, killed monks and tortured them villainously. That is the future that is in store for Latin America and all the countries of the free world, if we are not able to train technically and finish forever with the monster of hunger and poverty.
Samael Aun Weor
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