Preparation for Initiation

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The disciple who wants to enter the straight, narrow and difficult path that leads us to the Light has to withdraw from all spiritual schools.  Those schools are filled with “sublime crimes.”  Those schools are golden cages filled with “very beautiful poisonous vipers.”  Mystic evilness is very abundant in those schools.

Under the shelter of the divine phrase “Universal Fraternity” the worst crimes registered in the penal code are committed.

It is distressful for us to state this, but complacency with crime is also a crime.  It is as bad to be silent when one must talk as to talk when one must be silent.  We would like to be silent, yet one not only pays karma for the evil things that were done, but also for the good things that were left undone when these things could have been done.  Therefore, we cannot be silent about this.  We love humanity very much, thus we need to point out crime, to touch the wound with the finger in order not to fall into the crime of being complacent with crime. If we did not say these things we would put a horrible karma (the karma of accomplices and cowards) on ourselves.  So, the truth, although harsh, is the best friend.

All spiritual schools, orders and lodges are delectable gardens within which stand out nests of dangerous vipers and poisonous flowers filled with perfume.  Ineffable enchantments that lead us to the abyss, as well as sublime theories that can lead us to the precipice, and sweet smiles that carry us to disgrace exist within those schools where their devotees are filled with hypocrisy and fanaticism.  Indeed, the opium of theories is more dangerous than death.

Spiritual devotees hug with one hand and with the other they stab the back with the sharp dagger of treason.

Spiritual devotees always cover their worst evilness with smiles and very sweet words.  We do not have the intention of criticizing any person in particular because that is wrong; this is why we speak in a general manner for the good of the Great Work of the Father.

We have known horrible cases, i.e. we knew the case of a certain hypocritical Pharisee who passed himself off as Jesus Christ; he founded an order of black magic and later he alleged that he was uniting all the schools, orders, sects, creeds and lodges within a universal fraternity; and he was the center of it all, naturally.  We knew about another subject who took the name of K. H. in order to declare that he was an Avatar, and that he should reunite all the schools under his scepter.   All these types of opportunist subjects tend to found black lodges under the shelter of the beautiful phrase “Universal Fraternity.”

We cannot remain silent about this because complacency with crime is also a crime. Almost all the spiritual devotees are totally petrified by their intellect; almost all of them remained frozen with the spiritual theories of the nineteenth century, and filled with pride, fear and arrogance, reject the secret doctrine of our Lord the Christ.

Therefore, we advise our disciples to be very careful; it is better to withdraw from these types of gentlemen, because they are dangerous and deceitful.  Whosoever betrays the Christ falls into the abyss.

In these times, many false Christs are appearing, and those who affiliate with them commit the crime of high treason.

Jesus Christ is the leader of all souls; this great Master lives in Oriental Tibet.

Do not forget that crime is hidden within the incense of prayer; yes, crime is hidden within the mixture of perfumes and litanies. False Christs have sublime appearances.

To state that “this is good” or “that is evil,” is an easy matter, yet to have cognizance of the good from the evil and the evil from the good is very difficult.

Black lodges are filled with sincere but mistaken people; the abyss is filled with people with very good intentions.

When we enter into the true path of initiation, then all the spiritual devotees turn against us.  Christ was crucified by the spiritualists of his time.

Many enter the path and thereafter they no longer want to continue working in order to fulfill the needs of every good citizen. Those wretched beings neglect their duties towards their family, the world and their own selves. We have heard them say phrases like: “Money is vain,” “This is the world of Maya (illusion),” “I am no longer interested in the things of the world,” etc. This is how these wretched disciples fail because they do not know how to fulfill their duties. This is how these devotees of the path move away from initiation, precisely because they do not know how to fulfill their duties as simple citizens.

Our disciples will now comprehend why we stated that crime is also hidden within the incense of prayer.

The one who enters the path must first of all be a model spouse, a model father/mother, a model child, a model citizen, a magnificent grandson/daughter and a patriarchal grandfather/mother, etc. The one who does not know how to fulfill his duties as a simple citizen cannot tread the path of the great mysteries. Many disciples forget the good manners of a sincere and honorable gentleman/lady and become truly irresponsible and even dangerous individuals.

People that had never stolen became thieves of books and money when they entered the path. The younger devotees who enter the spiritual path steal books, or they borrow them and never return them, etc. Others cheat their disciples, they borrow money from them and thereafter they steal it, etc.

Under the shade of the word “fraternity” all the crimes mentioned in the penal code are committed. There are those who take other people’s money and allege that the money is for good deeds. There are those who criticize those who work, supposedly because everything is vanity, etc.

This is how devotees close the path that leads to the great mysteries to themselves.

On the path, there are many devotees who commit adultery, justifying themselves with phrases like these, “My spouse is refractory to the spiritual teachings,” “The other partner I have agrees with my ideas,” “The other is spiritual, and is the only one with whom I can practice sexual magic in order to attain in-depth realization,” etc., and a thousand other mystical phrases. This is how adulterers shut the doors of the temple unto themselves.

Many devotees of the path use sexual magic as a pretext to seduce many naive devotees; this is how these mystical adulterers withdraw from the altar of initiation and fall into the abyss.

Sexual magic can only be practiced between husband and wife in legitimately constituted homes.

Many devotees steal the neighbor’s spouse supposedly because the law of karma commanded it. All of these crimes have led thousands of spiritual devotees into the abyss.

When we went to a certain country to fulfill a mission, we were assaulted by certain spiritual elements who visited us in order to criticize our books, to give us imperative orders and to insult us in our own home. In ordinary life, no gentleman/lady would dare to enter into someone else’s home in order to give orders and to insult the owner of the house, because they would find themselves involved in a domestic scene and in a problem with the police. Unfortunately, the devotees of the path fall into these states of terrible irresponsibility.

Some even abandon the most basic laws of urban life and wander around the streets with their clothes dirty and in the most complete untidiness, and as a pretext they boast of being spiritual and being in disdain of the vanities of the world. However, this is called degeneration; this is how, with their pessimistic exposure, the devotees of the path drive many people away from the path.

We must always dress in a decent manner, not because of pride, or vanity, but simply because of respect to our neighbor.

The system in order to achieve in-depth self-realization has nothing to do with letting our beard or hair grow, or going around dirty on the streets. The one who wants to attain self-realization must start by being an upright and decent gentleman or lady. 

The one who wants to attain self-realization has to practice sexual magic and tread the path of the most perfect sanctity.

Within most of the spiritual schools devotees speak ill of their fellowmen and argue like parrots. This is not right. No one has the right to judge anyone, because no one is perfect. Christ already told us, “Judge not, that ye be not judged; for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again…” etc. Matthew 7:1-2.  Thus, we do not have the right to criticize the neighbor’s defects. Gossip and slander have filled the world with pain and bitterness; defamation is worse than stealing.


Discussions and polemics have ruined many spiritual schools. When two individuals argue, what they have is pride and arrogance in their mind; both want to demonstrate their boasted superiority to one another, both have Satan enthroned in their mind. We must always respectfully express our concept and allow our listener the freedom to accept or reject our concept. Everybody is free to think as they please and we cannot exercise power over our neighbor’s mind, because that would be black magic. Intellectual discussion is luciferic and demonic.

We need to have the mind of a child in order to enter into the Major Mysteries. We need to be like children in our minds and hearts. We need to be perfect as our Father who is in heaven is perfect. The great mysteries are not achievable through vain intellectualisms; the Major Mysteries are achievable with the heart of a child. We have known great Masters of the White Lodge who are totally illiterate.

Another danger that dishonors the devotees of the path is envy.

Those who become filled with envy because of the progress of others become like “Judas,” they sell their instructors for thirty pieces of silver. In spiritual schools and lodges, the envious people look at the clock and ring the bell in order to sabotage the lecture and the teachings of good lecturers. This is how crime is hidden within the incense of litanies.

On a certain occasion the venerable Master Morya told us: “The union with our Innermost is very difficult. The task is very hard. Out of two who attempt to achieve the union with their Innermost, only one achieves it,” because as the poet Guillermo Valencia stated, “Crime is hidden amongst the poems.”

Indeed, Master Morya was right, since crime dresses itself like a saint. Crime dresses itself as a martyr. Crime dresses itself as an apostle, etc.

This is why it is so difficult to achieve the union with the Innermost, since this is the path of the razor’s edge.

Our disciples must make an inventory of their defects and thereafter meditate for two months on each defect, successively; in this manner they will eventually be finished with all their defects.

Whosoever wants to finish with all of their defects at the same time, will not be able to finish off any of them.

This path is very difficult. Christ already stated it:

“Among a thousand who seek me, one finds me. Among a thousand who find me, one follows me. And among a thousand who follow me, one is mine.” – Bhagavad-Gita

For every step that we take in the development of our occult powers, we must take a thousand steps on the path of sanctity.


Those who want to enter into the greater mysteries must abandon the animal intellect. Animal intellect is luciferic and demonic. The great Masters have the mind of a child. We must live in great awe and tremble as if in the presence of God. We must terminate our intellectual pride. We must have the innocent and simple mind of an infant. We must not conceal crimes.

From time to time, disciples send us letters demanding that we dominate the mind of this or that woman for them, alleging that they just want to bring these women to the right path; this is how their lust is hidden within the incense of prayer. By demanding enticement, by demanding of us works of black magic. This is how they tempt the Elder Brothers.

No one has the right to violate the neighbor’s mind, because that is a crime. The neighbor’s freedom must be respected.

Therefore, let us clarify this chapter by stating that the entrance of the abyss has three doors: anger, covetousness, and lust. Anger disguises itself as a judge, covetousness is hidden within good intentions, and lust wears a mystical robe.

Driven by lust, female spiritual devotees of the path sit on the lap of male “devotees of the light” and use innocence as a pretext in order to kiss and hug each other. This is also how crime is hidden within the incense of prayer.

Another critical crime is that of ingratitude. A dog is given bread and it is grateful, yet many devotees of the path are ungrateful. If an authentic Master teaches them, all that they give him as payment are persecutions, hatred, and calumnies.

We know the case of a spiritual devotee who, when he was hungry and unemployed, always met a charitable soul who gave him food and shelter; however, soon after he got a new job, he was then without regret, turning against his charitable servers. Sometimes he publicly slandered them, or attacked them. This is how this devotee paid with the coin of ingratitude.

Nevertheless, he always found a philosophical excuse for his crime. Cynically, he stated: “I do not owe anything to anyone; life is what provides everything; thus, my charitable servants are merely instruments of the great life; therefore, I do not owe them anything.”

Others abandon their own mother or their elderly father, saying: “All beings are my family, I do not care about my parents, I am a rebel, etc.” This is how they hide their crime within the incense of prayer.

Some others abandon their wretched wife and children, with the purpose, they allege, of following the spiritual life. This is how these hypocritical pharisees fall into the abyss of black magic. Others allege that their mission is to unite devotees from all organizations in order to organize the great universal fraternity. However, merchants of souls are what these school monopolizers truly are.

Commonly, these monopolizers let their beard or hair grow and thereafter, like hypocritical pharisees, preaching variety within unity, they boast of being like Jesus Christ and establish tenebrous orders of Aquarius.

The cunning of these hypocrites is so refined that they skillfully place themselves in the center as living units. Then, as Jesus Christs in person and with the pretext of uniting all schools, creeds, and religions, they seduce the naïve; indeed, in the presence of these tenebrous swindlers, what we have to watch more closely is our money.

These bandits of the tenebrous orders of Aquarius have collected many real estate properties throughout America with the pretext of establishing “ashrams,” initiatic colleges, etc. Naïve fanatic people, who deliver their lands to these tenebrous ones of Aquarius, are never missed. Thereafter, these tenebrous ones can live very comfortable lives, even in Paris, supported by their enjoyable, mystifying income.

With flip-flops instead of shoes and long shirts falling to their pants, these tenebrous ones go arm in arm as roman curia, as missioners of a horrible business. They aspire to have long beards when they receive the right of not shaving their face; thereafter they boast of being gentile gurus and major brethren. Some of them boast of being the reincarnation of Saint Peter and their tenebrous followers of Aquarius even kiss their feet; how filthy those hypocritical loafers are!

Gnostics cannot simultaneously sit at a table of angels and at a table of demons; we have to define ourselves.

If we want to enter into Eden we have to enter through the same door that we exited; this door is sex. Another door does not exist; we have to enter through the same door we exited.

All the spiritual schools that presently exist in the world are in the abyss and their fleeting devotees are like school butterflies, who prostitute spirituality.

On one occasion, we visited a spiritual temple; we then saw how a demon entered into a medium and while passing as Jesus Christ, he spoke filled with sweetness and all the listeners, full of a terrible fanaticism, worshipped him. This is what the spiritism or spiritualism is: black magic; this is the abyss. It is difficult to state this, yet, it is the truth, and we must not be complacent with crime.

All the spiritual schools, organizations, and orders of this century are in the abyss.


The corruption amongst spiritual devotees is deplorable. On one occasion, when we were advising a spiritual devotee in the United States about the practices of sexual magic, she cynically told us (in front of her own husband) that she would only practice sexual magic with her guru. We objected to her answer by telling her that sexual magic can only be practiced between spouses. Indeed, in the ordinary world no profane adulterer would ever dare to give such a dim-witted answer in front of her husband. However, only the irresponsible spiritual devotees can have such natural drive to this type of whimsical barbarian answer. What is worse is that the guru of this wretched devotee was only a charming impostor, a mystifying bandit, an executioner of souls.

On another occasion, we met a morbid mystic who sexually seduced many (female) devotees under the pretext of helping them. That wicked man fell in love with his wife’s own daughter (his own step-daughter) and seduced her. That wicked man was a fallen bodhisattva. Fallen bodhisattvas are worse than demons.

The majority of the tenebrous brethren of Aquarius are wicked men who are going around teaching black magic.

I know a fallen bodhisattva from Bogotá (Colombia) who formed a sect of imbecilic eunuchs who hate sex. Thus, through this awful way, this wretched brother harms homes and closes the doors of Eden for others.

So, in this day and age, it is very dangerous to just simply follow someone. What is best is to seek the inner master. The best thing is to follow our “I Am.” The best thing is to learn how to travel in the astral body in order to visit the temples of the White Lodge and to receive the teachings directly in the temple.


Preparation for initiation is very rigorous. Our disciples must live alert and vigilant like a watchman in the time of war. Cleanse your minds; do not allow yourself to be deceived by the wicked.

Know, brothers, that modern intellectualism is of the wicked.

Scientism of these times: “Even the wicked, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders…” (2 Thessalonians 2:9) airplanes, atomic bombs, false marvels in physiology, biology, medicine, chemistry, etc.—all these miracles of science are false. Do not believe in those false miracles of the wicked.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the day of the advent of Jesus Christ) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition (this perverse humanity); Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” —2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Brothers and sisters, I advise you: do not believe in the miracles of the wicked; they are lying wonders.

Modern scientists know nothing but mere illusory appearances. They do not know the human organism.

While in the Jinn state, the human body can fly, can pass through a wall from one side to the other without either the body or the wall getting hurt or dirty; it can also take the shape of plants, rocks, animals, and become small or large at will.

About our former assertions, the wicked, the scientists of the Antichrist, do not know anything, since they base their entire physiology, pathology, biology, etc., on false appearances, and upon their false appearances they edify their science and perform their lying wonders.

This is how their materialism opposes and exalts itself above all that is called God, or that which is worshipped, so that they, as God, can sit in the temple of God.

When you Christify yourselves, you will know the true divine wisdom.

Then you will preserve your bodies for thousands of years. Then you will heal the sick with the power of Christ and you will walk upon the waters of the sea. You will perform marvels and wonders like the ones He performed in the Holy Land.


Spiritual schools are full of sincere but mistaken people. Crime is also hidden within the incense of prayer.

Christ was crucified between two thieves. Almost all organizations exploit the Christ. Some exploit him with good intentions and others exploit him with evil intentions; these are the good and the bad thieves.

In France, a scoundrel who devoted himself to carnival astrology and who was a fine beer connoisseur, all of a sudden let his hair and beard grow; he then traveled to Venezuela, where he founded a renowned Aquarian order of black magic. Thereafter he declared himself to be the very own reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Later, another scoundrel followed his example and declared that he was Saint Peter, and shortly after had the impulse of wandering around in the streets wearing a tunic, cape, and sandals.

These scoundrels appear as unbiased apostles, yet with evil intentions they exploit the name of Christ; thus, with the pretext of founding their “ashrams,” they get a hold of real estate. The henchmen of these scoundrels are very sincere but mistaken people who, regrettably, commit the crime of betraying the Lord of the souls. To exchange the Christ for an impostor is a crime of high treason.

Others think that by affiliating themselves with the Black Lodge called AMORC, which put “initiations” on the market, they will become Rosicrucians. That lodge delivers the word “mathrem” to them as the final synthesis, as the non-plus-ultra of magic; nevertheless, this word is a mantra in order to penetrate into the planes of the Black Lodge. AMORC is a commercial institution; with evil intentions all those people exploit the Christ.

Some devotees who are affiliated with the Theosophical Society do not understand the mystery of Christ; they are just petrified within the theories of the nineteenth century, which are packed with horrible fanaticism and fear. These devotees do not accept anything new and based on pride, arrogance, fanaticism, and terrible fear they think that the final word in knowledge is within their domain. They are people who dangerously and negatively end up exploiting the Christ with good intentions.

The Rosicrucians of Max Heindel are sincere but mistaken devotees, because Heindel did not know the Christic mysteries; consequently they do not know the doctrine of the resplendent “I Am.”

Heindel stated that “an exchange happened at the baptism of Jesus.” He asseverates that Jesus himself, the spirit, left that body and that the Christ spirit entered into Jesus’ body, which was inhabited and used by Christ during His ministry. This is false, and enough proof that Heindel was absolutely ignorant about the doctrine of the resplendent “I Am.” Heindel did not know what the Crown of Life is, because he did not know about Christic esotericism. Therefore, Heindel is sincere but mistaken and those who follow his mistakes tread on the path of error. “And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the abyss.” —Matthew 15:14

Moreover, the blind leaders of such an institution are fornicators because they ignore the Great Arcanum, and any institution formed by fornicators is a Black Lodge; consequently, they are sincere but mistaken ones with good intentions who exploit the Christ.

There are numerous people with mediumistic faculties within multitudes of spiritual temples, where multitudes of impostors manifest through the mediumistic faculties of these “channelers.” All of them claim to be “channeling” Jesus Christ and the wretched people firmly believe in such imposters. The abyss is full of tenebrous entities, which manifest themselves through the faculties of the mediums-channelers within these spiritual temples, where their wretched devotees are sincere but unfortunately mistaken people filled with terrible fanaticism. The leaders of those spiritual centers exploit the Christ with good intentions.

Multitudes of orders, lodges, schools, and spiritual centers follow the good thief, and others the bad thief.

Likewise the wealth of the multitudes of religious sects has been amassed by the exploitation of the blood of Christ. The Vatican is filled with riches and the entire amount of the Vatican wealth has been amassed by the exploitation of the blood of the Martyr of Calvary. Mystics illuminated by the Holy Spirit know by direct experience that Pope Pius XII had the mark of the beast on his forehead and on his hands. Mystics illuminated by the Holy Spirit know by direct experience that Pope Pius XII was a demon from the abyss; yes, he was an incarnated demon, a demon within a body of bones and flesh.

Within the ruins of many catholic convents, several skeletons of newborn children were found; this is known by any stonemason who has worked within the ruins of those convents, where the cloistered devotees mystically killed, adulterated, and fornicated. These cloistered devotees gave birth with Arcanum 15 (carnal passion) and thereafter killed them with Arcanum 13 (death). It is well known that many priests fornicate and adulterate; yes, they corrupt many damsels in their confessionary.

Moreover, to demand payment for a wedding ceremony is a crime against the Holy Spirit, who as love dwells within the church of the heart. This is why to make a business of love is a crime against the Holy Spirit. Those people follow the evil thief.

Multitudes of religious institutions, namely Protestants, Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc., all of them study the Bible at the dead letter and exploit the Christ; they exploit the blood of the Martyr of Calvary.

It so happens that since those wretched people do not know the secret doctrine of the “I Am,” they fall into the most terrible biblical misinterpretations, which are suitable only for Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin 1622-1673) and his infantile cartoons.

Multitudes of organizations are filled with spiritual intellectualisms. All these wretched people fornicate and are full of pride, fanaticism and fear. All those people exploit the Christ; some exploit Christ as good thieves and others as bad thieves.

They all remained adoring the person of Jesus but rejected his doctrine, the secret doctrine of the “I Am.”

It is difficult to state all of this, yet, it is the truth; it is as bad to talk when one must be silent as to be silent when one must talk. There exist criminal silences as well as indignant worlds.

Notwithstanding, this is why there are many of these Rosicrucian, Theosophist devotees that slander us for being compassionless because we state these truths; nevertheless, these devotees are not cognizant of the crime called “prostitution of spirituality,” which is committed when we mistake sanctity for sanctimoniousness, or when we mistake fraternity for complicity.

Indeed, this is why Sivananda stated that this path is full of dangers within and without. This is the path of the razor’s edge.

Regarding the Luciferic spirits: Max Heindel and Steiner mistakenly believed that they were the stragglers of life, a wave between angels and men; they believed that their abodes were upon the planet Mars (and one thousand other stupidities of the sort). Thus, if our disciples believe in these mistaken assertions of Max Heindel and Steiner, they will eventually consider, confusedly, that it is okay to become a demon.

The archdemon named Lucifer (the greatest black Initiate from the lunar epoch) and his Luciferic followers are demonic hosts from the abyss; this was ignored by Steiner and Heindel.

Almost all spiritual schools teach how to develop mental force; they all want to fortify the mind. This is how many end practicing black magic; the mind is the donkey on which we must ride in order to enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem.

The mind (the manas, the man) must debase itself before the majesty of the Innermost. This is ignored by spiritual devotees, thus, what they always want to do is their own selfish will and never the will of the Father. This is the terrible truth of all these things.

Others deliver themselves to the practice of hypnotism and allege that it is for good. This is how crime dresses as a saint, because hypnotism is pure and legitimate black magic.

When a new school of black magic is opened, the first victim is the Martyr of Calvary, since they speak in His name. Thus, their henchmen believe and raise money in His name, teach their black magic in His name, close the doors of Eden for others in His name, seduce naive young ladies in His name (so that their devotees can mystically commit adultery and fornication in His name), and obtain real estate in His name, etc.

Thus, Christ has been a bountiful business for Theosophists, Rosicrucians, etc., and all Aquarian spiritual devotees.

The greater part of occultist writers write about what they have read; they repeat the theories of others like parrots. They speak about what they do not know. They say what they do not know. They explain things that they have never experienced. They are filled with intellectual pride, nevertheless, they cynically state, “I am a child. I have no pride. I am very simple, etc.”

Hypocrites, pharisees, whitened sepulchers, generation of vipers. To the abyss! To the abyss! To the abyss!

We had the intention of sending this book to all those schools, yet one of our Gnostic brethren said: “Those schools would not accept it; they would conceal it because it is not to their advantage. Don’t you see that the leaders of those schools are terribly jealous? They live off their schools and groups and fear that their groups might collapse.”

This is what our Gnostic brother told us. Naturally, logic was on his side and we had to accept his concept, since all those people live doing business with the Christ. They live off their business.

Some follow the good thief and others the bad thief; that is the truth. Thus, this is how crime is hidden within the incense of prayer.

There exists a great deal of virtue within the wicked and a great deal of evil within the righteous. The saints have also committed a great deal of evil with their virtues.

Verily, verily, I tell you Gnostic brothers and sisters, that when we do not know how to use virtues, we can cause harm to others with those virtues.

“Love is law, but love with cognizance.”

Complacency with crime is also a crime.


In this day and age, the Masonic Lodge grants its degrees based on money and social status. Many sell initiations. Many are bestowed with initiations. Yet, all of this is exploitation and black magic.

Authentic degrees and authentic white initiations are received in the consciousness. These initiatic ceremonies are performed within the superior worlds.

Initiations are intimate realizations of the consciousness, which must not be revealed, or spoken about.

No one can grant initiations to anyone. Initiation is attained through life itself.

In this day and age, everybody wants to be a master. Notwithstanding, we state that there is only one master, this is the inner Christ, which enlightens every human being who comes into the world. Thus, only Christ is the master. Only the resplendent “I Am” is the master.

Therefore, all initiations of those Theosophical, Rosicrucian, etc., schools, orders, and lodges are from the abyss.

Withdraw from all these dangers of the abyss, withdraw!


This is what the Lord Jehovah told us: “I have always helped you. I will always help those who withdrew from the schools of the Baalim.” The Baalim are the tenebrous ones.

Notwithstanding, in this century, all schools, organizations, lodges, religions, and sects fell into the abyss and became schools of the Baalim, who eat (fornicate) at Jezebel’s table and consume things (theories, intellectualism, etc.) sacrificed unto idols.

There are Baalim sects where people end up believing that they speak in tongues; yes, their fanatic devotees believe that the Holy Spirit has entered into them. Nevertheless, they are only wretched victims of demonic entities who possess them.

But he that is truly joined to the Holy Spirit must be necessarily pure and chaste, because every sin that a man does is without the body; but he that commits fornication sins against his own body. What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you? [1 Corinthians 6:18, 19]

Those who resolve to lay the heavy cross of initiation upon their shoulders will find themselves persecuted and even hated by those spiritual devotees who live talking about initiation daily. Those Theosophists, channelers, and Aquarian devotees, who hate and despise chastity and who defend their beloved fornication with the most refined philosophies, are wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. When sexual magic is spoken about to them, they immediately reject it because for them there is nothing better than to fornicate.

If you, brothers and sisters of mine, want to lay the heavy cross of initiation upon your shoulders, do not allow the theories of those strayed souls to block your path. All those tenebrous souls crucified the Christ.

All of those tenebrous souls live crucifying the Lord; all of them hide their feline claws within their felt gloves; they smile sweetly and speak ineffable and sublime words, but their thoughts are full of perdition.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”

-Matthew 23:27


A great equilibrium in the consciousness is necessary in order to become an initiate; thus, it is necessary to cultivate powers but not to covet them; to aspire to initiation but not to covet it; to know how to find virtues within the heart of the wicked and to know how to find evilness within the heart of the righteous.

People begin to practice sexual magic and then become weary; they fail due to the lack of tenacity and perseverance. If our consciousness has not yet acquired cognizance of what it is doing, then tenacity cannot be attained and the consciousness cannot acquire this cognizance without suffering.

This humanity still needs to suffer more; they do not yet have moral responsibility. People want to attain everything in a single day; rare are they who persevere for their entire life.

People live fleeting like butterflies from one school to another; this is why they fail. The gnostic who withdraws from the gnostic doctrine is a totally “irresponsible individual,” an embryo, a fetus without a complete, mature development whatsoever. Yet, the mature gnostic would prefer death rather than to withdraw from gnosis.

To achieve a perfect equilibrium between light and darkness is to achieve practical adepthood, and this perfect equilibrium cannot be achieved by any fanatic.

Great saints are born from the great wicked, yet saints can easily become demons.

The abyss is closer for the one who has already seen the light than for the one who still has not seen it.


Splendid halls filled with light and beauty exist in the world of the mind (the Devachan). Here we find black magicians who resemble masters of ineffable light. These tenebrous Baalim only speak of divine things, yet by means of their most subtle philosophies, they advise us to spill the semen (to fornicate).

Many initiates do not know how to remain firm against the actions of those luminous temptations; thus, they succumb and fall into the abyss.

Moses, the great initiate, condemns the spilling of the semen; he stated:

“And if any man’s seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even. And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the even.

“The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.” -Leviticus 15:16-18

Therefore, Moses condemns the spilling of semen as unclean.

Nevertheless, the tenebrous Baalim teach how to spill the semen during the practices of negative sexual magic, because they haughtily ejaculate their semen during their practice of negative sexual magic. What cynicism! What a hoax!

This type of cult has its origin in the cult of the horrible Goddess Kali.

The order of Kula and its Goddess Kali has its origin in Atlantean black magic. Yet, in this day and age, the order of this cult of the Goddess Kali has its headquarters in India.

Thus this is how, by means of this black tantric cult, the negative serpent (the tempting serpent of Eden) awakens and descends towards the atomic infernos of the human being and becomes the Kundabuffer organ, the horrible tail of the demons. This is how the tenebrous Baalim deceive the naive.

These are “the deeds of the Nicholaitans, which I also hate.” [Revelation 2]

The Canaanites, the inhabitants of Carthage, Tyre, and Sidon, perished because of these cults. Likewise, these horrible practices were the cause of the sinking of Atlantis.

Thus, black tantra is the cult with which people are transformed into the seven-headed beasts, which is mentioned in the book of Revelation (Apocalypse). That is the hideous practice that transformed the Lemurian-Atlanteans into monsters.

Therefore, any instructor who teaches tantra with the spilling of the semen is a black magician.


Many vain and stubborn people who join gnosis usually believe that this is just another school amongst many others. Yet, such wretched people are lamentably mistaken, because gnosis is the doctrine which gestates angels or devils; yes, this is the outstanding reality of these studies. Therefore, those who dedicate themselves to the development of powers but do not strive for sanctification, eventually transform themselves into demons. Likewise, those who want to make a business out of gnosis transform themselves into demons.

When one enters into gnosis, one has to die in order to live; however, proud intellectual people who have the habit of thinking in accordance to their own whims, vanities, and prejudices are not good for these gnostic studies; this is a very difficult enterprise for intellectual people, because they only want to stuff their minds with these gnostic studies, and the reality is that gnosis is a very deep functionalism of the consciousness. What we have to do with the mind is to kill it, and thereafter to resurrect it, totally transformed.

So, gnosis is not apprehensible by means of reasoning or via the intellect because gnosis is a very profound functionalism that only concerns the consciousness. Regrettably, many gnostic devotees are filled with versatility; since quickly they are firm and determined in gnosis and immediately weak and doubtful, they are and are not gnostic. These halfhearted gnostics become Antichrists, because they listened to the word of Christ and thereafter fled; yes, those who have listened to Christ and thereafter return into the darkness, because the word seems too harsh for them, are the perverse traitors who go around scandalizing people.

Judas who sells Christ for thirty pieces of silver is epitomized by those lukewarm devotees that are full of faith when they listen to the word, yet, when they allow the darkness to confuse them once again, then they vociferate against the word of the Lord.

“But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it had been good for that man if he had not been born, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” -Matthew 18:6

“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

“But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” -John 6:63-66

Therefore, those who flee are the lukewarm weaklings, who are and are not; they are the Judas-type, the tenebrous ones, the perverse Antichrists.


Our disciples must carefully avoid reading too many newspapers. In a banquet for journalists of an independent press in New York, a journalist clearly and forthrightly stated the following:

“We (journalists) are intellectual prostitutes.” – John Swinton, New York, 1890

Therefore, it is not convenient to read too many newspapers, unless we want to prostitute our minds.

We need to have a simple and pure mind, like the mind of an infant. Only in this way can we enter into the Major Mysteries. The intellect is so dumb that it can lose the entire meaning of a statement just because of the lack of one period or one comma, yet, by means of intuition, the gnostic only needs to see a single letter in order to understand.

All of the modern academic punctuation and complicated grammar of the language, all of those intellectual complications from the present time serve only to complicate the intellect more; it only gratifies the intellect, it prostitutes the intelligence.

We need to liberate our intelligence from all types of sects, religions, schools, political parties, concepts of country and flags, theories, etc.

All these things are the abominations and filthiness of the great whore (the intellectual animal mind) whose number is 666.


Our gnostic disciples must be very careful with impostors. In Colombia, South America, in 1956, the leader of the ancient Rosicross Order alleged that some man named Bhekpati Sinha was a great master from India, a disciple of Gandhi, and thousands of more falsities of the sort. At that time, all of the spiritualists from Colombia kneeled before this gentleman, and a fanatic from the city of Cali, Colombia was even eating the leftovers of the food that this gentleman ate. Fortunately, intelligent people are never missing from the picture; thus, it occurred to one of our disciples to ask the adorable impostor for his address in India. So, the impostor gave him the address of Yogi Sivananda.

There is a common saying that states: “The lies of a charlatan fall faster than the speed of gravity.”

So, the answer (which I hold in my archives) of the letter our student sent to that address, states the following:

Dr. Kattan Umaña Tamines. Cali, Colombia, S. A.

Adorable and immortal Being,

Greetings and adorations,

Regarding your amiable letter and attachment, through this we inform to your goodness that the gentleman Bhekpati Sinha, mentioned in your letter, does not have any connection with the activities of the Divine Life Society whatsoever and he is completely unknown to me. The world is sufficiently broad in order to contain all types of people. The intelligent or wise has to discriminate within and advance by himself towards his own goal, his own self, while also searching for the emancipation of others.

The Spiritual Path is precisely called “The Path of the Razor’s Age” which is filled with obstacles within and without. Enter into the silence of your own heart and incarnate the Silent One, the Innermost.

May the Almighty One bless all of you with peace, good tidings and supreme beatitude; with my considerations and mediation in OM.

Yours, Sivananda

Thus, we ask, where were the marvelous faculties of such a Rosicrucian leader? Can such blind people be confident guides?

This is why we advise our disciples not to follow anyone. Let our disciples follow their own Self. Each of our disciples has to follow their resplendent and luminous inner Being. Each one has to adore their own “I Am.”

We beg, beseech, our disciples not to follow us. We do not want henchmen or followers. We have written this book so that you, our friends, listen to your own internal master, your resplendent “I AM.” The Innermost is your master: follow Him.

First, take heed that none of the many false avatars who appear during these times deceive you, for many impostors appear in these times and deceive others.

Second, take heed of sexual temptations.

Third, do not ever attend spiritual centers; the mediums-channelers can easily lead you astray from the path.

Many disciples have fallen horribly due to these three dangerous reasons. Flee from these three treacherous dangers so that you may not lose your initiations and degrees.


Esoteric discipline is very demanding, yet we must not confuse sanctity with sanctimoniousness, since the sanctimonious type of person has filled the world with tears. The fanatical, sanctimonious type of person becomes horrified at everything; i.e. a tenebrous, sanctimonious person saw the Mexican sculpture of the Bat God and said that it was related with black magic, since for the sanctimonious type of person even the most divine things are black magic.

Spiritual devotees criticized the Master Litelantes because she did not comply with their sanctimoniousness. Yes, some sanctimonious women hated her because she did not share in their squawking, chattering as parrots that talk but do not accomplish anything, and which speak about things that they do not understand.

The sanctimonious types are like butterflies that only pay fleeting visits from one school to another, since they are always looking for flowery, comfortable armchairs to rest upon; they sanctimoniously hate sexual magic and go around always swarming with fear.

Boldly, the sanctimonious type of person goes inveigled with theories believing that he belongs in the kingdom of the supermen. Yes, the sanctimonious type person is so imbecilic that he would dare to excommunicate Ghandi or even Jesus Christ if he was to find them eating a piece of meat. This is what the sanctimonious type of person is, always fanatic, always fearful, always a fornicator.

These types of sanctimonious persons always assume that Jesus Christ was a simpleton filled with sanctimoniousness. Yet, those Theosophists, Rosicrucians, and Spiritual-channelers, etc., of Aquarius who assume this, are mistaken.

Jesus Christ was a remarkable revolutionary, a very severe and solemnly sweet master. Because this is how sanctity is: severe and sweet.

The authentic saint is a perfect gentleman/lady who totally fulfills the ten commandments of the law of God, and who knows how to handle his sword when necessary, in order to defend good, truth, and justice. The authentic saint never goes around boasting about it, since he is always known by his deeds. “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” [Matthew 7:16]


The arrogant and proud clairvoyants slander their fellowmen and fill the world with tears. This is because the turbid waters of a swellheaded spirituality—that is, a mind filled with reasoning, pride, preconceptions, social prejudices, platitudes, anger, egotism, etc.—can only reflect the tenebrous images of the abyss.

The clairvoyant’s mind has to be as serene as a lake from Nirvana so that the entire panorama of the universe can be reflected upon that most immaculate lake.

The silhouettes of trees are reflected upon the surface of the waters, but inverted. Similarly, every master of glory has also his shadow in the abyss.

Thus, when the clairvoyant’s mind is filled with prejudices, he then takes the shadow for reality. This is how the great masters of the White Lodge have always been slandered by swellheaded clairvoyants.

The swellheaded clairvoyant rejects the leafy trees of life, because his mind is filled with preconceptions and prejudices that keep him/her enchanted with the tenebrous shadows, which are outlined, inverted, like abysmal demons within the profound bottom of the waters.

This is why many clairvoyants who formerly praised us, later stoned, slandered, and crucified us, when their impressions about us changed due to this or that reason.

Indeed, when our imagination is disturbed by the tempests of reasoning, the starry heaven of the spirit becomes gloomy and then our clairvoyance can take the shadows for reality.

When clairvoyant bodhisattvas fall, they become worse than demons, because the fallen, clairvoyant bodhisattvas believe themselves to be omnipotent and powerful; they become conceited. They confuse what they see clairvoyantly; they take the shadows for reality, and end slandering the great masters.

A fallen, clairvoyant bodhisattva harms homes, states what he does not know, explains with authority what he does not understand, never accepts his position as a fallen bodhisattva, and ends even believing that he is superior to his master.

This is why the esoteric discipline is very severe, and also why the clairvoyant must not go around boasting about his visions to others because he will lose his powers.

The clairvoyant must be humble, serene, obedient, meek, chaste, respectful, and moderate in speech. The clairvoyant must be pure in thought, word and action. The clairvoyant must be like a child.


Many Rosicrucian, Theosophist, etc., devotees do not know how to live, and indeed the only thing we need to know is how to live. Goethe said, “Every theory is gray, and only the tree of the golden fruits of life is green.”

The White Lodge has informed us that many gnostic devotees (who are consciously or unconsciously in black magic) will take our statements in this book as too harsh. Thus, this will be the cause for them to desert gnosis and they will react by slandering us. These deserters will spread their defamatory gossip against us.

Therefore, we warn those who like to snoop around that gnosticism is not like the other schools that they have been to. Many become Theosophists and then they leave; they then move into the “Rosicrucian Order” and also withdraw without anything significant happening to them. Thus, this is how they like to go around like butterflies from school to school, in conformity with all of those spiritual, Theosophist, Rosicrucian and pseudo-Aquarian, decadent doctrines, etc., and nothing happens to them when they switch schools.

However, if they think that they can do the same with gnosis, we warn them that they cannot, since whosoever enters into gnosis is internally subjected to the remarkable test of the Guardian of the Threshold. If one succeeds in the test, one then enters into the straight, narrow, and difficult path which leads us to Nirvana.

Then, the degrees, initiations, and other tests, etc., come afterwards. Thus, the higher the disciple is, the more terrible is the fall. Those who have not seen the light ignore a great deal and therefore, much is forgiven of them; however, the greater the degree of cognizance, the greater the degree of responsibility.

Therefore, those who saw the light and then leave become demons. This is how horns have grown on the foreheads of the astral bodies of many bodhisattvas; this is how these fallen bodhisattvas have become demons. Therefore, from gnosis one becomes either an angel or a devil.

After a false step, many continue rolling downward into the abyss and finally the horns grow on them and they become demons. This is the remarkable reality in gnosis.

“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.” -Ecclesiastes 1:18

Therefore, stay back, nosy people!

Therefore, stay back, profaners! Gnosis is a two-edged sword, it defends and gives life to the humble and virtuous; yet, it wounds and destroys the curious and impure.


Esoteric discipline is indeed remarkable. Some fanatic devotees of Aquarian spirituality commit the most horrible crimes within their mind, yet if they suspect something bad of someone else, they cynically attribute these feelings as warnings from their Innermost. Thus, this is how they slander people and thereafter they say, “My Innermost tells me everything.” When they get enraged, they shout, “I am not angry! What I feel are strong intuitive impulses of my Innermost.” Thus, they attribute every evil idea, every evil thought, as impulses from their Inner God.

Such people confuse intuition with malice, and the voice of the silence with the voice of Satan. We gnostics state the voice of the silence never utters atrocities, because it is perfect, whereas the voice of Satan always utters perversities.

Within the abyss, the black magicians adopt the shape of our friends, and thereafter they say and do horrible things before the initiates. Thus, if the initiates allow themselves to be deceived by those tenebrous entities, they then become slanderers of others. Defamation is worse than stealing.

Slandering initiates sink into the abyss. Slandering initiates lose their degrees and initiations, in other words, they fall.

Some of those initiates who in remote ages were demons of the abyss are now marvelous; they no longer allow themselves to be deceived by the tenebrous entities; they marvelously know how the demons behave. These types of initiates cannot be misled by any tenebrous entity, since they know what the abyss is. Their expertise is profound in that area; they know very well the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.

However, the initiates who in ancient times did not know the abyss now become naive victims of the tenebrous entities; such initiates are easily deceived by the tenebrous ones. These are the initiates that become slanderers of their fellowmen. These are the initiates who vociferate against others and who fall into the abyss.

In order to be as gods, we have to totally know the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.


Hypocritical pharisees sit on Christ’s seat.

“And if the blind lead the blind, all shall fall into the abyss.” -Matthew 15:14

We knew a hypocritical pharisee who rejected the sacred wine because the grape juice had fermented. Someone hosted him in his home and he indignantly fled from this house because the owners of the house ate meat. That perverse pharisee was a follower of another horrible impostor, a black magician.

Hypocritical pharisees!

“Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” -Matthew 15: 17-19

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within you are full of extortion and excess.” -Matthew 23:25

When some pharisees were criticizing the venerable Master Litelantes because she ate meat, she answered to them, “First I will correct my defects, and after I have corrected them, I will then stop eating meat.” Those pharisees then thundered furiously against this great guru of the law.

Many hypocritical pharisees hate us because we are not complacent with whoredom, because we condemn crime, yet they state that this is why we hate. This is how they imprecisely judge us.

What happens is that all of those hypocritical pharisees from spiritualism, Theosophism, Rosicrucianism, Aquarianism, etc., yearn for a sanctimonious mastery where masters are complacent with crime; a type of spiritual whore-master who, complacent with crime, goes around from lodge to lodge, from school to school, from sect to sect. This is why we, those who truly love humanity, are hated by hypocritical pharisees.

We knew a hypocritical pharisee that let his hair and beard grow in order to deceive imbecilic people; such a pharisee stated that he was bound by the Nazarite vow. Regrettably, his followers ignored that since the advent of Christ the ritual law was nullified. Thus, his questionable Nazarite vow only served him as a pretext in order to deceive naïve souls.

At that time, a married woman resolved to abandon her sacred wife’s duties in order to head off, “she alleged,” as a Magdalene following the adorable impostor.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers. Ye serpents, ye perverse generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” -Matthew 23: 27, 33

To the abyss!


The unconscious state of many Theosophist, Rosicrucian and Aquarian spiritual devotees is shameful; it grieves us to see them discussing and arguing about things of which they have no cognizance. They talk about karma, yet they have never conversed with a master of karma. They intellectually discuss the cosmos, yet they do not know how to consciously travel in the astral body. They have never personally conversed with an angel. They only argue because they have read; that is all. Nevertheless, the most critical matter about this is that they believe that they know.

Wretched people… how swollen with pride they are… they are worthy of pity.

We have known powerful, enlightened masters who have never read a book. Notwithstanding, we have also known great male, learned, spiritual devotees who are total ignoramuses, yet they are very swollen with pride. To match them, there are female spiritual devotees who have read a great deal and are even worse; they are swollen with a frightening vanity. It is shameful to see them, how they speak, how they argue about things that they have never seen. They speak about reincarnation, yet they do not remember their past lives. They speak about karma, yet they have never visited the tribunal of karma. They discuss cosmogenesis, yet they have never been consciously present in the astral body at the dawning of a world in formation. They speak with authority about what they have never seen, and thereafter, swollen with pride, they sit in their comfortable armchairs within their living rooms. Usually, these female spiritual devotees end up adoring sublime, long-bearded, and long-haired impostors.

When these spiritual devotees become involved with mediumism or channeling they end up believing they are famous reincarnations; they all become Marie Antoinette, or Joan of Arc, or Mary Magdalene; not a single one of them wants to be insignificant, they all want to be “grandiose.”

Nevertheless, the authentic female enlightened masters never go around boasting about it.

The true disciples and masters are those who know how to consciously travel in their astral body. The male and female devotees who remember their past lives and who can astrally attend the temples of mystery are true enlightened beings, yet they never go around boasting about it; these are the ones who really know.


Those who know how to consciously project themselves in the Astral Body, those who know how to settle their negotiations in the tribunals of karma, those who directly receive the teachings within the temples of mystery, those who remember their past reincarnations, are the ones who really know esotericism, even if they have never read a book of occultism. Yes, these are the people who really know esotericism, even if in the world, they are nothing but wretched illiterates, even if they are nothing more than simple cooks, or uncivilized Indians.

We knew two powerful enlightened beings, which were absolutely illiterate. One was an uncivilized Indian (a Mama) of La Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (Colombia). The other was the powerful Guru Litelantes, a great master of karmic justice. These two powerful initiates enjoy the privilege of possessing continuous cognizance. In similar privileged conditions, these two initiates possess teachings that could never be written down, because if they were to be written down, such knowledge would be profaned.

The great intellectuals, who met these two gurus, looked at them with disdain because these initiates did not talk like parrots, because they were not full of sanctimoniousness, because they were not intellectuals, because they never went around boasting about their esoteric affairs.

Notwithstanding, we have known others who have only sporadically, in other words, from time to time, awakened consciousness; these types of devotees are nothing but mere beginners in these matters. What is important is to possess continuous cognizance in the astral plane. This is why we have delivered exercises and clues in this book.

Therefore, whosoever does not know how to consciously project himself in the Astral Body, does not know occultism, even if they have the “33rd social degree of Masonry,” even if they are Aquarian devotees, even if they are named Theosophist or even if they self-qualify themselves as a Rosicrucian Knight.

To read books of occultism, or to skillfully theorize about it, can be done by anyone; yet, in order for our consciousness to acquire cognizance of the occult wisdom is something else, to do this one needs to study the true occult wisdom within the internal worlds.

Again, whosoever does not know how to consciously project himself in the Astral Body, does not know occultism.

Samael Aun Weor

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