The official science is not all of science. The professional degree does not mean absolute wisdom. It is absurd that the university wants to monopolize all professions.
At present there are botanical doctors, naturalists, etc., who, even though they cannot show a university degree, are fit to practise the art of curing, there are practical engineers who are fit to work in the field, who even when they do not have a university degree, perform real wonders in the difficult field of engineering.
We know true lawyers without degrees who do wonders as criminal lawyers. Then what? Why so much preference for those with a university degree? Many times the professional without a degree is better than the professional with a degree.
There are in all countries of the world, doctors without degrees who have performed true wonders in the field of medicine, many of them are persecuted for the crime of healing; we affirm that it is not a crime to heal, it can be a crime to kill, but healing cannot be a crime.
We know engineers without degrees who have corrected the poorly done works of the engineers with degrees, these engineers without degrees are denied work even though their works are magnificent.
We know wonderful lawyers who, even though they do not have a degree, have got many people out of prison.
Selfish competition from professional graduates controls governments, judges and laws. Really governments are in the service of selfishness and competition.
The works speak for the man, such works such a man; the tree is known for its fruits, if these are bad the tree is bad, if these are good the tree is good.
The humble herbalist who can show a hundred well-made cures is in fact and in his own right a doctor, and it’s stupid to pursue and imprison him.The lawyer without a degree that can demonstrate with concrete facts his professional suitability, is in fact a lawyer even if he has no degree. Why should he be forbidden from practising his profession? At bottom it is useful. Why should the person who is doing something useful be persecuted?
The engineer without a degree that can present a road or a building made by him, is in fact an engineer, why should he be required to present a degree, when the work speaks for him?
The works presented by the professional are better than university degrees, no one can speak better for a man than his works.
We know the case of herbalists who have cured many believed hopeless by university science, many of these medical herbalists after doing such wonders for the benefit of suffering humanity have been thrown into jail at the request of the university’s certified doctors, clearly this is tremendously unfair.
Professionals without degrees should unionize to defend their rights . The university has no right to monopolize all professions.
The official science is not all of science, it is very pretentious of professionals with a degree to suppose that all the science of the world is in the university.
Let the exploitative professionals be sanctioned, but that this sanction be applied equally, both to the professionals with degrees and to the professionals without degrees. The law should be equal for all.
We know many doctors with a degree that charge a real fortune for a simple consultation and for them there is no sanction whatsoever when they exploit the unfortunate sick and do not heal them, and instead there is jail for the humble herbalist who does not charge for the consultation and that heals unselfishly or in exchange for any amount of money; in all this there is a tremendous injustice.
Governments must enforce justice and the law and judge everyone equally without preferences and without being bribed, the law is law and should apply equally to all.
The time has come for professionals without degrees to unionize to fight for their rights. The time has come to fight for good, truth and justice.
It is an absurd pretension to suppose that the official science is all the science of the universe.
It is stupid to persecute the professionals without degrees, it is unjust to imprison the doctor who heals with procedures different from those of the official science.
In no way can we logically accept that university professionals have in their heads all the science of the cosmos.
There is a lot of science in the universe that professionals with degrees are totally ignorant of .
Governments must recognize professionals without degrees through their works; if a non-graduate doctor can present at least one hundred cures, it is just that he be granted a license to practice his medicine.
If a lawyer can present a hundred correctly-made defenses, he should be granted a license to practice law. If an engineer is able to show a road made by him, or a building, etc., etc., etc., It is just that he be granted a license to practice engineering, etc., and so on with all the professionals without degrees. Works speak for men and not men for works.
Samael Aun Weor