From the different planets of the Solar System will come interplanetary ships manned by inhabitants of other worlds. Any advanced humanity of any of the worlds of space has this class of ships. The earthly men has not yet been given those ships, for fear that he will commit in other worlds the barbarisms he has already committed here in his historical conquests. The inhabitants of any of the worlds of the Solar System are already very advanced, and know too much about the unfortunate state of barbarism in which the inhabitants of the Earth are. However, in the new Aquarian Age, the inhabitants of the different worlds of the Solar System will establish official contact with our planet Earth.
Those humanities of Venus, Mars, Mercury, etc., will come in interplanetary ships and many will be the human beings that will embark on those ships to know the different planets of the Solar System. These advanced humanities will teach men how to use these interplanetary ships. In that way the official science will be fulminated and human pride will be mortally wounded by the advanced humanities of the Solar System.
In the new Aquarian Age the Aryan Race will have conquered the Interplanetary Ether and trips to other worlds of the Solar System will become routine. There will be cultural and commercial exchange with the entire Solar System and as a consequence men will rise to a very high cultural level.
Great Avatar of Aquarius.
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