I want to emphasize the basic idea, which we have to formulate in this way: “The great lovers of lewdness and lechery belong rather to the Casanova type than to the famous Don Juan Tenorio type.”

If the crafty Don Juan type reflects all his love adventures in the egocentric malignant mirror of his refined fantasy with the abominable intention of looking down on women, of profaning them despicably, of raping and defaming them perversely, by despoiling virgins and in “driving them to sin”. It is undoubtedly a special kind of masculine hatred against women.

According to the law of opposites, the libidinous desire of sexual fascination exclusively based on the natural and sentimental instinctive impulses predominate in the Casanova type.

Unfortunately, these kind of individuals are insatiable, they suffer and make others suffer.

The Casanova type is a kind of “mocking master” of women who seems to have the gift of ubiquity since he can be seen everywhere. He is like a sailor who has a girl-friend in every port and is often engaged to be married, promising eternal love…

In contrast to the refined sexual sadism of the Don Juan type, we discover in the Casanova type a rational Homuncule who wants to smother the unbearable boredom of his own existence in a bed of pleasures.

Another type, fortunately less common than the charmer of women, could be called the Devil type.

One of the most genuine representatives of this sinister type was undoubtedly the monk Gregory Rasputin. A strange ascetic passionately fond of the occult, a kind of rustic hypnotist in religious robes.

It is obvious that the despotic magic strength of the “Sacred Devil” Rasputin clearly stands out due to his exclusive and tremendous sexual drive. The Czar and the Czarina knelt in front of him; they believed they could see a living saint in this evil monk.

Clearly Rasputin found the Czars well disposed to him thanks to the French magician Papus (Dr Encause), family doctor to the Royal Couple.

Waldemar   says:    “The   diplomatic   memoirs    of    the   French   Ambassador   Maurice Paleologue in St. Petersburg at that time, published by the Revue des deux Mondes, are indeed most instructive.

“The Ambassador describes an invocation of the spirits worked by the conspicuous French occultist Papus (Dr Encause), incidentally this was done according to the wish of the Czars.

The cause of such a session was the revolutionary disturbances of 1905. Papus was to ward off the disturbance through a great exorcism in the presence of the Czar, the Czarina and the aide, Captain Mandryka.

“Paleologue, as a guarantor of Papus with whom he had a friendly relationship says: Through an intense concentration of his will and an extraordinary increase of his fluid energy, the magician managed to evoke the spirit of the very pious Czar Alexander III.

Without doubt signs proved the presence of the invisible spirit…

“Despite the anguish that oppressed his heart, Nicholas II asked his father whether he should act against the liberal movement that threatened to sweep Russia. The phantom answered: You should eradicate the incipient revolution no matter what it might cost. However, one day it will spring up again and it will be more violent, the harder the actual repression gets. It does not matter! Courage my son! Do not stop fighting!”

Waldemar the wise continues: “The Czar, as a well known believer in spirits, had, therefore, to give importance to a man who, just like Rasputin, was very famous as a miraculous healer.

“The Peasant monk was one of the so-called sorcerers of the village, these were very common in Russia at that time. He had such a vital and extraordinary magnetism due to his amazing sexual drive, that he must have produced the effect of a primitive force within the already partly degenerate noble circles of St. Petersburg.

“One of his first exploits in the court was to magnetically treat the heir of the throne who was suffering from haemophilia, he managed to control his bleeding; something that the doctors had not been able to achieve.”

Waldemar continues: “Since that moment the great dukes, ministers and the whole nobility shuddered before him. Due to the fact that the life of the Czarevich was in his hands, he received unlimited trust from the Czar and the Czarina and he knew quite well how to use that trust to his advantage. He ruled the Czars and therefore Russia as he pleased.

“Whilst constantly increasing his power, a group of high lineage and position opposed to him, led by the Prince Yussupov and the great Duke Pavlovitsch, decided to eliminate the troublesome “Miraculous Monk”.

“It happened that during a dinner party at the palace of the aforementioned prince, food and drink was served to the invited monk laced with potassium cyanide in doses which were enough to kill twenty or more people in a matter of seconds. But Rasputin ate and drank with increasing appetite and the poison seemed to have no effect on him at all.

“The conspirators began to worry but kept encouraging the hated man to eat and drink more.

Nothing worked, the poison had no effect on the miraculous monk, but on the contrary the accursed man seemed to feel more comfortable. Therefore the conspirators agreed that Yussupov would kill him with a gun. The Prince shot him, Rasputin fell face down and the conspirators believed him to be dead.

“Yussupov, who had shot the monk in the chest, tried to turn the body of the monk face upwards but to his surprise Rasputin shoved him and with heavy laboured steps tried to escape from the room. Then the conspirator Purischkjewitsch shot the monk four more times and he fell once again. Once more he got up, this time he was hit with a stick as well as kicked by the furious Purischkjewitsch until he definitely seemed to be dead.

“But the vitality of Rasputin was endless and once again he gave signs of life when the conspirators were putting his body in a sack which they tied up and threw from a bridge onto the ice floes of the Neva.”

This was the tragic end of a man who could have achieved in depth SELFREALIZATION.

Unfortunately, the monk Gregory Rasputin did not know how to wisely use this amazing sexual energy that Nature had endowed him with and consequently he descended to the lowest level of sensuality.

One night I set out to investigate directly the discarnated Rasputin.

Since I know in depth all the psychic functions of the Eidolon (Astral Body of the Super-Man), it was not difficult for me to make a magic split. Dressed in that sidereal body, widely mentioned by Philip Teofasto Bombasto of Honheneim (Aureola Paracelsus), I left my Physical body in order to move freely within the fifth dimension of Nature, the astral world.

What I saw with my spatial sense (the Eye of Horus) was terrible. I affirm emphatically that I had to enter a horrible tavern where you could only see barrels full of wine amongst which there were a multitude of horrifying creatures, very much like human beings.

I looked for Rasputin, the Sacred Devil. I wanted to talk to that strange monk before whom so many princes, counts, dukes and marquises of the Russian nobility had shuddered; but here instead of one Ego I saw many Egos, and all of them were part of the same Ego of the monk Gregory Rasputin.

I had in front of my spiritual sight, in front of my Cosmic Being a bunch of Devils; a Pluralized Ego within which there was only one worthy element. I am referring to the Essence.

Since I could find no one responsible, I approached one of those abominable grotesque creatures that passed near me: “Here is the place where you ended up Rasputin. This was the result of your disorded life and the many orgies and vices.”

“You are mistaken Samael,” answered the monstrous figure, trying to defend or justify his sensual life and then he added. “You need intuition.”

“You cannot deceive me Rasputin.” Those were my last words, then I left that sinister place situated in the LIMBO in the ORCO of the classics, at the entrance of the submerged mineral Kingdom.

If Rasputin had not carried out so much charitable work, by this time he would be undergoing involution in time within the submerged worlds, under the Earth’s crust, in the dwellings of Pluto.

Many years have gone by and I keep meditating on the fact that human beings do not have yet an authentic individuality. The only thing that continues after death is a bunch of Devils.

What horror! Ego-Devils… Each one of our psychological defects is represented by some of those abominable Dantesque creatures.

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