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My friends gathered here, let us study the law of reincarnation; I hope that all of us get the most out of these talks.

It is urgent that together we try to comprehend in an integral manner what this great law is.

Certainly the word reincarnation is very demanding; let us remember the ten reincarnations of Vishnu, the Cosmic Christ

Krishna, the great Hindu Avatar, born some one thousand years before Jesus the Christ, never said that all the intellectual animals that populate the face of the Earth would reincarnate; he affirmed in an emphatic manner that only the Buddhas, the great Gods, the Devas, the divine Kings, etc., etc., reincarnate.

Entering in a more detailed manner into the study of the law of reincarnation, we can say with complete clarity that the reincorporation of those who do not possess a sacred individuality is not possible

Unquestionably, only sacred individuals reincarnate and because of this, in secret Tibet, human reincarnations were always celebrated with great religious feasts.

In the name of the truth, I want to clearly affirm, without doubts, the crude reality that reembodiment or the reincorporation of souls is only possible when one possesses the golden embryo, the golden flower.

Analyzing this matter with great thoroughness, we come to understand that such an embryo should be fabricated in a deliberate manner through conscious works and voluntary sufferings.

Within the solely retrospective field, we discover the origin of all those infrahuman elements in which is imprisoned the psychic material or prime matter, with which it is possible to elaborate the golden flower, the golden embryo.

We already know because we have explained it here, in other talks, that in a remote past, humanity developed in its organism the abominable Kundartiguador organ (the Satanic tail).

When humanity lost such an organ, there remained in the five cylinders of the organic machine (mind, emotion, movement, instinct, and sex) the evil consequences of the aforementioned organ.

Indubitably, these extremely bad results came to constitute a type of subjective and infrahuman second nature that all rational animal carry within. It is unquestionable that within this double nature the essence remained imprisoned, the prime matter with which we can elaborate the golden embryo.

To dissolve such subjective and infrahuman aggregates is vital when seriously elaborating the golden flower.

In other times, when the terrible results of the abominable Kundartiguador organ had not been specifically developed, it was possible to appeal to the inner factor that originates the impulses of faith, hope, and love to motivate the force or forces that could disintegrate incipient subjective elements.

Unfortunately, that basic factor of such mentioned impulses went through diverse degenerative processes, due to the exorbitant development of the bad consequences of the abominable Kundartiguador organ.

It is certainly painful that that factor, originator of the inner impulses related to faith, hope and love, could have degenerated radically.

Because of this motive we now have to appeal to the only factor that has not yet been lost.

I want to emphatically refer to the essence, the psychic material, that is certainly the foundation, the basis of all of our psychic organization.

To liberate such an essence is urgent, undelayable, unable to be postponed if we want to seriously elaborate the golden flower, the golden embryo.

Unfortunately, this prime matter, this psychic material does not take part in the routine activities of our erroneously called vigil state.

It is a pity that this factor on which are established all the psychic processes is found imprisoned within the subconscious zones.

To get such a factor to come out of the solely subjective state to manifest in an auto- conscious and objective manner within our activities of daily life is vital, urgent and necessary.

The ego, with all its psychic aggregates, is then that double anti-human nature, that infrahuman appendage within which consciousness is trapped.

If we want to possess a sacred individuality, we should resort to the scalpel of self- criticism to carry out the dissection of all those false values that constitute the “myself”.

Much has been said about creative comprehension; it is indispensable to know in an integral, unitotal manner all the psychic defects that we possess.

To intellectually comprehend is not everything; it is indisputable and irrefutable that any psychological defect is processed in 49 subconscious and infraconsciousness and even unconscious levels

The comprehension of such and such a level is not sufficient; one needs with. the urgency to understand one’s defects in depth; it is indispensable to perforate them if we really want to exterminate them, annihilate them.

However, creative comprehension, although it is urgent and undelayable, is riot everything.

We, the Gnostics, go much further, we want to capture, to grasp the deep significance of that which we have integrally comprehended.

It is not possible to originate those inner impulses that are to provoke radical changes in our psyche when we have not been able to capture the deep significance of such and such a psychological defect.

Obviously, we come to be duly prepared for such and such an internal change when we have comprehended such and such an error of our psyche. Afterward comes elimination and then we appeal to forces of a divine nature.

Someone could, for example, have comprehended the defect of anger and could even give himself the luxury of capturing its deep significance and, however, continue with it.

To eliminate is different because the mind can provoke diverse modes of action; it can label the defects, move them from one department of understanding to another, but it cannot fundamentally alter them

We need to appeal to a power superior to the mind if we want to extirpate defects. Fortunately, such a power exists; I want to now refer to the serpentine fire, to that sacred fire that normally develops in the body of the ascetic.

If such an igneous power could in the past divide the divine hermaphrodites into opposite sexes, it is ostensible that it can also extirpate from our psyche the inhuman elements that, as appendages, constitute in us a dual, sinister, terribly perverse, leftist nature.

We have already said in our work titled, “The Mystery of the Golden Blossom,” that with the first percentages of liberated essence, the seminal pearl is formed.

We have already affirmed in such a work, that as the different subjective elements of men himself are reduced to cosmic dust, the seminal pearl develops, becoming the golden embryo, the golden flower therein lies the mystery of the golden flowering.

I have explained the modus operandi too much, both in my talks as well as in my previous books.

At those times I said that we should learn to direct that serpentine fire or ray of the Kundalini against such and such inhumane aggregates, with the goal of pulverizing them, with the purpose of liberating the essence.

I explained that precisely in the lit forge of Vulcan, we had the opportunity to work with the lance of Achilles.

Only with the Holy Lance, marvelous emblem of the sexual transcendental electricity, can we disintegrate defects of a psychological type.

Whoever possesses the golden embryo, whoever has elaborated it through deliberate and conscious mortifications, has the right to reincarnate.

It is evident that the golden flower confers on us sacred individuality; undoubtedly, the golden embryo comes to establish in us a complete equilibrium between the spiritual arid the material.

Those who do not possess such an embryo as yet, return, come back, reembody in new organisms, but do not reincarnate. Let us distinguish then, between reincarnation and return. Rare are those who reincarnate, millions are those who return.

Question:  Master, can you tell us when the Kundartiguador organ developed in humanity and with what purpose?

Answer:  With great pleasure, I will answer the question that our secretary sister has asked.

During the epoch of the continent of Mu or Lemuria, located as we have said in past talks, in the Pacific Ocean, it was necessary to develop such an organ with the purpose of stabilizing the geological crust of the Earth. As the human machine automatically transforms cosmic energies to retransmit them to the superior layers of the planetary organism in which we live, any change that occurs in such machines originates determined results in the interior of our planet Earth.

It was then, in that era, some 18 millions of years or more ago, that the Cosmocrators gave complete freedom to the internal Lucifer of each of us so that the tail of the apes could be developed, that abominable Kundartiguador organ, in each human organism.

Indubitably, with such an action of the Cosmocrators, the energetic transformation within the human interior was altered, causing magnificent results for the geological crust of the earth (since the latter stabilized), but sinister ones for humanity.

Much later on in time, the gods eliminated the organism, the fateful appendage, but they could not eliminate its consequences, since the latter, as we have already said, became a second inhumane and perverse nature within each of us.

Question:  Master, then the Cosmocrators are to blame for the inhumane consequences that humanity today carries in their organisms?

Answer:  This question seems interesting to me. The gods that were involved in that matter committed some errors of calculation and are to blame for these. I want you to know that even the gods make mistakes.

It is clear that in a future cosmic day, those ineffable ones will have to pay their corresponding cosmic karma.

Question:  Since the essence is the only thing that makes up our psychic organization, you were saying Master, that it is fortunate that it has not been lost. Does this mean that there would be a danger of the essence being lost?

Answer: With great pleasure, I will answer the question of the gentleman. With all due respect, I allow myself to tell the audience that is listening that the question has been somewhat badly phrased; I have not said that the essence is our psychic organization; I have only wanted to affirm that the former is the basic factor of all our psychic organization and this is a little different.

Ostensibly, it is not possible that the essence is lost; because of this, I affirm that it is the only factor that fortunately has not been lost.

Even though the essence imprisoned within ego has to involute in time within the infernal worlds, it is evident that it would never be lost, because once the ego is dissolved, it would remain free and, as we have said so many times, willing to enter into new evolving processes.

Question: Venerable Master, you emphasize not only comprehension but also on discovering the profound significance of our psychological defects. I understand that comprehension has as its objective identifying those defects and profound significance has as its objective discovering the damage that the defect can cause us as an obstacle to our self-realization. Am I correct?

Answer:  The question that comes from the audience is worth answering. Comprehension is not identification; one can identify a psychological defect without having comprehended it; let us distinguish then, between comprehension and identification.

This matter of comprehension is very elastic; the degrees of comprehension vary; it could be that today we comprehend this or that matter in a certain way and in a certain manner in a relative and circumstantial way, and tomorrow we comprehend in a better way.

The apprehension of the profound meaning of such and such a defect is only possible through all the parts of our Integral Being.

If some parts of our Being have captured the deep meaning but other parts of our same Being have not captured it, then the integral and profound meaning also has not been unitotally apprehended.

We should not form preconceptions about that which is the deep meaning, about its specific flavor; what the deep meaning is of such and such an error can only be directly lived in the precise moment, in the right moment; because of this we, in no way, can form preconceived ideas about that which could be the deep meaning of our psychological errors.

Question: Thank you, Master, for this explanation, which reveals to us that comprehension is really a function of the mind and deep meaning a function of the conscience. Is this correct?

Answer:  Friends, the mind with all its functionalisms is feminine, receptive, it is absurd to make it positive; it would be foolish to praise ideas, preconceptions or theories.

Since the mind then is a solely passive instrument by nature, it could not by itself, occupy the place of comprehension.

Distinguish then between what is comprehension and what the instrument is that we use to manifest ourselves in the world.

Obviously, comprehension belongs more to the essence, to the intimate functionalisms of the conscience and that is all.

The deep significance of such and such a psychological error differs from comprehension by the very fact of belonging to the diverse perceptions or direct experiences lived by the diverse parts of the unitotal Being.

Question:  Master, the man that reincarnates can choose the place and the family where he returns with an awake consciousness?

Answer: With great pleasure, I will answer this new question. Allow me to inform all those present here that he who possesses the golden embryo, also has awake consciousness immediately; in this case it is given to him to voluntarily choose the zodiacal sign in which he wishes to reincorporate himself, reincarnate himself, reimbody himself; however, it is not possible for him to alter his karma.

He can select diverse types of birth, family, nation, city, etc., but always in accordance with his karmic debts.

This means that he could resolve to pay this or that debt in accordance with his free choice, but in no way can he avoid these debts; he will only have the right to choose between this or that debt to be paid first and that is all.

Question:  Master, the fallen Bodhisattva loses his golden embryo?

Answer:  This question is certainly very original and because of this it is convenient that we answer it concretely.

It is necessary to comprehend that the golden embryo is imperishable, immortal, eternal.

In this manner then, the fallen Bodhisattva can annihilate himself in the ninth sphere, pass through the process of destruction of the superior existential bodies of the Being, however, he would never lose the golden embryo; the latter, after the radical destruction or definitive annihilation of the ego, would come forth, would come back to the surface of the Earth, to the light of the Sun, to reinitiate or begin a new evolution.

Question:  Master, does the consciousness fail asleep in the fallen Bodhisattva?

:  Master, does the consciousness fail asleep in the fallen Bodhisattva?

Answer: Distinguished friends, it is clear that on falling, there resurrects in a Bodhisattva, the bad consequences of the abominable Kundartiguador organ and then, the golden embryo, the consciousness, comes to be indisputably trapped in such infrahuman factors. The result is that the consciousness, in this case, loses a good percentage of its habitual lucidity, although it does not radically fall asleep.

Question:  Master, the man that has acquired sacred individuality totally lacks desires?

Answer:  Friends, if someone has dissolved the ego, if he has become dis-egotized, indisputably he has individualized himself, but desire is something more profound.

Any of those present here could eliminate the ego radically and acquire because of this, sacred individuality and, however, continue with desire.

This seems truly paradoxical, contradictory and even absurd, but we should analyze it a little.

Friends, time claims many things; once the evil consequences of the abominable Kundartiguador organ are annihilated, there remain the Teleoghinooras tapes. The latter can be fully conserved in the suprasensible worlds during the whole terrestrial period, if one does not concern oneself about disintegrating them, annihilating them, reducing them to cosmic dust

Obviously such tapes, in the manner of living movies, certainly correspond to all the scenes of desire, to all the lustful actions of this life and all our previous lives and if they are not radically disintegrated, then 100% of objective consciousness cannot be achieved, because within them is trapped part of our consciousness.

Evidently, disintegrating such tapes is a work of a superior type, that can only be carried out with the double-edged ax, that appeared in ancient times in the center of all sacred labyrinths; a symbol that very few have comprehended and which is written about in some pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist works in a more or less mistaken manner. In any case, the transcendental sexual electricity should also reduce to dust the Teleoghinooras tapes.

You are seeing then my dear friends, how difficult it is to give the conscience full lucidity and objectivity.

it is lamentable that the essence is so imprisoned within the many varied subjective and infrahuman elements.

Unfortunately, many people think that this matter of awakening consciousness is an easy thing and constantly write to me complaining about not yet coming out of their body astrally, protesting because after some months they still do not have powers, demanding immediately the capacity to live in a lucid and full manner out of the physical body, etc., etc. Usually, those who begin our studies are in search of powers, and when they do not transform themselves into omnipotent individuals immediately, then they find the subjective path of spiritism or they affiliate themselves with diverse schools of a subjective psyche with the purpose of instantly obtaining the coveted psychic faculties.

Full objectivity implies radical destruction of all that is inhuman that we carry within, the annihilation of subconscious atoms, absolute death of the double infrahuman nature, radical pulverization of all the memories of desire.

In this manner, dear friends, anyone can have achieved sacred individuality and still not be, because of this, completely free of the process of desire.

In this manner, dear friends, anyone can have achieved that sacred individuality without this being a reason for him to be completely free of the process of desire. To destroy the Teleoghinooras tapes and some other principles that I will mention later means to extirpate from our psyche even the most intimate desires.

Question:  Master, is it worth it to exercise the right to reincarnate once this right has been acquired?

Answer:  Distinguished lathes and gentlemen that listen to me. Every illusion is permitted to reincarnating souls; however, it is preferable to exclaim with Jesus, “Father, if it is possible take this cup away from me, but let not my will be done, but yours.”

In these instants when I converse with you here, within the study of my own house which is also yours, something very interesting comes to my memory: It so happens that on a certain night I was called telepathically by a group of Masters of the Venerable Great White Lodge.

I abandoned the physical body and all the parts of my Inner Being integrated and dressed with the existential bodies of the Being, were to come to the call.

Floating in space, I landed softly on the flat roof of a great building; the adept of the occult fraternity received me with joyful exclamations saying: the Archangel Samael has come and after the aforementioned hugs and greetings, I was interrogated in the following manner: “You, as Avatar of the Aquarian Age, should answer to us about the convenience or inconvenience of delivering cosmic ships to earthly humanity. Your answer is of great responsibility.”

Kneeling, I saw then, with my spatial sense, the use that earthly beings would make of such ships in the future.

The eye of Dhagma allowed me to then see inside such ships in an immediate future, merchants, prostitutes, dictators, etc., traveling to other planets of the solar system, taking discord to other corners of the universe, etc., etc.

Feeling in those moments the responsibility that weighed on my shoulders, I addressed my Father that is in secret, saying, “Father, if it is possible take this cup from me, but let not my will be done, but yours.”

Those words vibrated in the nine heavens, from sphere to sphere, from world to world. The years passed by and everything was resolved. My father that is in secret gave me an adequate answer, the selection of the human personnel. To deliver these ships to certain very select groups of humanity. It is superfluous to say to our friends, that already certain isolated human groups possess that type of spatial vehicles.

In an accessible region of the Himalayas where Communist invaders can never arrive, there exists a community of Lamas that received a certain quantity of such cosmic ships, with which they travel to other worlds in space.

These lamas, that had the joy of receiving such precious gifts, are sacred individuals, people with the golden embryo developed, beings that reincarnate.

In this manner, my friends, we should always do the will of the Father, never ours. Those who reincarnate can choose, in accordance with the law of Karma, the conditions of life that they want, without deviating, it is clear, from karmic law, but it is preferable that our Father that is in secret choose for us what is most convenient.

Question:  Master, it has been said that the Gods also make mistakes. Who then is he who does not make mistakes?

Answer: Friends, this question seems to be very important to me and we will give it the appropriate answer; I ask for attention from all the audience.

Only the Father who is in secret does not make mistakes. He is infallible, omniscient and omnipotent.

Because of this, I insist on the need to do the will of the Father, both in the heavens as on Earth.

When one forgets his Father that is in secret, one commits errors. It is better to consult and leave everything in the hands of the Father.

Question:  Master, what is the difference between the golden embryo and the conscience?

Answer:  Friends, there exists no difference between the golden embryo and the conscience, because it is the same organized essence, the same objectivized conscience, radically liberated from every subconscious process.

Question:  Master, Master H says, that the only mariner of not suffering in this world is to stop reincarnating. What you can tell us with respect to this?

Answer:  I want you gentlemen to know that absolute happiness is only obtained when one has God within; one can live in Nirvana, the world of happiness, but if one does not have God within one is not happy.

One can stop reincarnating and if one does not have God within, one will not be happy either.

Even if one lived in the filthiest dungeon, among the most terrible miseries or were in the infernal worlds, one would be infinitely happy having God within.

It is not superfluous to remind you, friends, that there, in the infernal worlds, there live some Masters of compassion, working for those who are decisively lost, helping, assisting, but since they have God within, they are happy.

Samael Aun Weor

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