Having been raised with good manners, I must say that I was educated in the official religion of my people. I always found it unacceptable to play about in the back rows while the liturgical services were taking place…
Since my childhood I have possessed a sense of veneration and respect. I never shrugged my shoulders in the middle of a service; I never tried to get out of performing my sacred duties, or laughed, or tried to mock the holy things.
Without wanting to entangle myself among thorns and brambles, I will only say that in a particular mystical sect —its name is not important—I found some religious principles that are common to all confessional religions in the world. It is convenient to summarise these principles, for the good of the Great Cause.
We find them in every confessional religion, even if they have different names; however, there are always nine of them, as affirmed with such accuracy by the Florentine Dante in his classic poem “The Divine Comedy”.
1. Heaven of the Moon (astral world)
2. Heaven of Mercury (mental world)
3. Heaven of Venus (causal world)
4. Heaven of the Sun (buddhic or intuitional world)
5. Heaven of Mars (atmic world, Region of Atman)
6. Heaven of Jupiter (Nirvana)
7. Heaven of Saturn (paranirvanic world)
8. Heaven of Uranus (mahaparanirvanic world)
9. Heaven of Neptune (Empyrean)
These heavens are also inside ourselves, here and now, and they interpenetrate without confusion.
It is obvious that these nine heavens are located in nine superior dimensions; we are talking, of course, about nine parallel universes.
In this Christmas Message of 1972-1973 it is appropriate to remember the various religious hells…
Let us remember with a solemn feeling, the multiple prehistorical and historical hells.
Everywhere we can find remembrances of hells which are Chinese, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, etc., etc.
It obviously follows that all of these diverse hells are a symbol of the submerged mineral kingdom…
Clearly Dante, the marvellous disciple of Virgil, the poet of Mantua, discovered with mystical surprise the intimate relationship that exists between the nine Dantesque circles and the nine heavens…
The “Bardo Thodol”, the Tibetan book of the spirits of the other world, stands out, magnificent, in front of our eyes, allowing us to see the harsh reality of the infernal worlds inside the planetary organism in which we live.
It is certain that the nine Dantesque circles inside the Earth correspond scientifically to the nine infra dimensions submerged under the tridimensional region of Euclid.
The cosmic existence of the infernal worlds in every world of infinite space is clear and unmistakable.
Obviously the existence of the mineral submerged kingdom is not an exception in the case of planet Earth.
The whole of the Cosmos is directed, invigilated and animated by a nearly never ending series of hierarchies of conscious beings; each one of them has a mission to carry out, they are Messengers (known by any of a set of various names: Dhyan Chohans, Angels, Devas, etc.) only in the sense that they are agents of the karmic and cosmic laws. They vary enormously in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence, and they are all perfect Men in the most complete sense of the word.
The Divine Love is characterised by multiple angelical services. Each Elohim works at his speciality. We can and should appeal to the angelical protection.
Every religion is a precious pearl set in the golden thread of the Divinity. The love that all mystical institutions of the world feel for the divine is manifest: Allah, Brahma, Tao, Zen, I.A.O., INRI, God, etc., etc.
Religious Esotericism does not teach any manner of atheism, other than in the sense implied by the Sanskrit word “nastika”: there is to be no acceptance of idols, including the anthropomorphic God of the ignorant (it would be absurd to believe in a celestial dictator, sitting up there on his throne of tyranny, throwing lightning and rays against this sad human anthill).
Esotericism admits a Logos or collective Creator of the Universe, an architect Demiurge.
It is unquestionable that this Demiurge is not a personal deity as many wrongly suppose, but only the collectives of the Dhyan Chohans, Angels, Archangels and the rest of the forces. “God is Gods”.
It is written in characters of fire in the glittering Book of Life, that God is the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Logos.
“In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “All things were made by Him and without Him nothing of that which was made would have been made.” John 1:1-14
It is obvious that an authentic Man who actually achieves perfection joins the current of sound, the celestial militia constituted by the Buddhas of Compassion, Angels, Planetary Spirits, Elohim, Rishi-Prajapatis, etc., etc.
We have been told emphatically that the Logos makes a sound, and this is obvious. The Demiurge, the Logos, is a perfect multiple unity.
Whoever worships the Gods, whoever surrenders worship onto them is more capable of capturing in a better way the deep significance of the various divine aspects of the architect Demiurge.
When humanity began to mock the Holy Gods, then it fell mortally wounded into the coarse materialism of this Iron Age,
We can and must radically eliminate every subjective psychic aggregate of a dark and perverse nature from within ourselves; however, it is unquestionable that we would never be able to dissolve within ourselves the shadow of the intimate Logos.
It is clear and evident that Lucifer is the antithesis of the Creator Demiurge, its living shadow projected into the profound depths of microcosm man.
Lucifer is the Guardian of the Door and the Keys to the Sanctuary, so that only those that have been anointed and hold the Secret of Hermes can enter it.
Since we have just written this name, so hateful for the pious ears of common people, it is necessary to clarify the fact that the esoteric Lucifer of the Archaic Doctrine is the opposite to what the theologians, such as the famous Demouss-Eaux and the Marquis of Mirville, mistakenly suppose, since he is an allegory of righteousness, symbol of the highest sacrifice (Christos-Lucifer) of the Gnostics and the god of Wisdom under an infinite number of names.
Light and shadow, mysterious symbiosis of the Solar Word, multiple perfect unity, INRI is Lucifer.
Those divine Logoi that committed the unforgivable error of falling into animal generation when reincarnated in human bodies, are depicted in the various religious
theologies as if they had been punished.
These dark genies are the fallen Angels, authentic Demons in the most complete sense of the word.
It is absurd to affirm that these rebels would have given the mind to man; it is obvious that these Angels are truly cosmic failures.
It is appropriate now to remember the inhuman names of Andramelek, Belial, Moloch, Bael, etc., whose horrendous abominations can be studied by any adept of the White Lodge in the akashic records belonging to Nature.
Let us distinguish between an esoteric fall and a descent.
It is evident that these rebel Angels did not descend, they fell, and this is different.
Being knowledgeable in Universal History, we are aware that the Orco of the classical Greeks and Romans is actually the Limbo of the Christian esotericists.
We emphasise here the transcendental idea that the Limbo is the antechamber room for the infernal worlds…
All caves that are known now, or are to be known in the future, form a vast and uninterrupted network that embraces the whole of the planet Earth, constituting the Orco of the classics—as we indicated some lines above—, the authentic Limbo of gnostic esotericism… the other world; that is, the place where we live after death.
That terrible mystical allegory that says,
“Those innocent children that died without having received the Waters of Baptism live here”,
corresponds to the Limbo.
In gnostic esotericism these Waters give rise to a genesis, and constitute the “ens seminis”, the essence of the semen, as indicated by Paracelsus.
The sacramental baptism of the various religious rites symbolises the Sex-Yoga, the Maithuna, the Sexual Magic. The key to salvation can be found in the marrow and in the semen, and everything that does not follow this path is certainly a waste of time.
Innocent children are those saints that did not work with the spermatic waters of the first instant, virtuous people who thought it possible to achieve the intimate self realisation of the Being without fulfilling the commitment of the Sacrament of Baptism; they did not know Sexual Magic, or, emphatically, they rejected it.
Only Mercury, the lord and summoner of souls, holding the Caduceus of Knowledge, can call again to life these unhappy innocent creatures precipitated into the Orco.
Only him, the Arch-Magician and Hierophant, could cause them to be reborn in a propitious environment, for the fruitful and creative work in the Forge of the Cyclops. This is the way in which Mercury, the Harbinger and Sun Wolf, causes the souls of Limbo to join the celestial militias…
Let us define Purgatory in the following manner: molecular inferior region, zone of sublunar type, submerged astral (secondary Kamaloka).
In the purgatorial world we must incinerate the seeds of evil, annihilate the infrahuman larvae of all kinds, purge ourselves of corruption, and radically purify ourselves.
When writing about Purgatory, Dante Alighieri says,
“We advanced until we reached a place which at first had appeared to be merely a gap, like a breach dividing a wall, and I saw a gate, towards which it was possible to climb by three steps of different colours, and a warder that as yet spoke not a single word.
As I looked at him more intently, I saw that he was seated on the uppermost step; his face was so bright that I could not fix my sight on him. He had in his hand a naked
sword, which so reflected its rays towards us that it was in vain that I tried to look at it.
—Say from there, what do you want? —He started to say—Where is your escort? Take care that your arrival is not ill fated.
—A Heavenly Lady, who knows about these things—my Master replied— has told us not long ago: Go there, that is the gate.
Happily she guides your path—replied the courteous warder. Come forward, then, and mount our steps.
We came forward. The first step was made of white marble, so polished and solid that I could see my reflection on it. The second, darker than turquoise, was made of blackened rough stone, split through its length and breadth. The third, standing above the rest, appeared to be made of a porphyry as red as the blood that flows along the veins. The Angel of God rested both his feet on this step, and was seated on the lintel, which appeared to be made of diamonds. My guide led me willingly along the three steps, saying, “Ask with humility to withdraw the bolt.”
Devoutly, I knelt before the holy feet. I struck my chest three times, and then I asked him to open up, for the sake of mercy.
He traced seven times on my forehead with the point of his Sword the letter “P”, and said, “Try to wash away these wounds once you are inside.”
Immediately he got from under his garment, which was the colour of ash or of the dry earth, two keys, one of which was made of gold, the other of silver. First with the white one and then with the yellow one, he did on the door what I wished.
“When one of these keys fails and does not turn rightly in the lock —he told us—the entrance does not open. One of them is more precious, but the other requires more art and intelligence before opening up because it is the one that moves the spring.
Peter gave them to me, warning me that it was preferable to err in opening rather that to keep it locked, provided that the sinners kneel at my feet.”
Afterwards, he pushed the door towards the sacred enclosure, saying: “Come in, but I must warn you that anyone who looks backwards returns outside.”
Then the pivots of the sacred door—metallic, strong, sonorous— turned in their hinges, the Tarpeian roared not so loud, nor showed itself so stubborn when the god
Metellus was taken from it so that it was left bare.I heard a sound, and it appeared that I could hear voices that sang accompanied by some sweet melodies: “Te Deum laudamos”.
What I could hear gave me the same impression one sometimes get when people are singing with an organ, and the words are now distinguished, now lost.
(The Divine Comedy” by Dante, Purgatory, Canto IX)
The Divine Mother
Mary, or better RAM-IO, is the same Isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Maia, the Divine Cosmic Mother, the serpentine power that underlies the living base of all organic and inorganic matter.
Mary Magdalene
Without any doubt, the beautiful Magdalene is the same Salambo, Matra, Ishtar, Astarte, Aph odite and Venus.
The solar aura of the reformed Magdalene consists of all priestess-wives in the world.
Blessed are the men that find refuge in this aura, because they will have the Heavenly Kingdom.
Among the Persians, Christ is Ormuz, Ahura-Mazda, the antithesis of Ahariman (Satan).
In the sacred land of the Vedas, Christ is Vishnu, the Second Logos, the sublime emanation of Brahma, the First Logos.
The Hindustanic Jesus is the avatar Krishna. The Gospel of this Master is similar to that of the Divine Rabbi from Galilee.
Amongst the ancient Chinese, Fu-Hi is the Cosmic Christ, who wrote the famous “I-Ching”, the book of laws, and who appointed Dragons as ministers for the benefit of humanity.
In the sunny country of Kem, in the land of the Pharaohs, Christ is in fact Osiris, and whoever incarnated Him became, therefore, Osirified.
Quetzalcoatl, the white God, is the Mexican Christ, and lives now in distant Tule.
Immaculate Conceptions
It is urgent to understand the actual nature of the immaculate conceptions. These bound in all the ancient cults. Fu-Hi, Quetzalcoatl, Buddha and many others, are the results of immaculate conceptions.
The Sacred Fire fecundates the Waters of Life so that the Master is born within us. Every angel is certainly the son of the Divine Mother Kundalini; she is actually a virgin before, during and after childbirth.
We can assert the following in a solemn manner: The Husband of Devi Kundalini, our own Cosmic Mother, is the Third Logos, the Holy Ghost, Shiva the first-born of Creation, our intimate Monad, individual or better said, superindividual Monad.
Samael Aun Weor
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