The one who has died, does not need to die, even the vipers’ venom does not harm him.
The INTIMATE Christ kills death with death and HE resurrects in the initiate and the initiate in HIM.
A resurrected Master is a mutant. His body becomes elastic because his body becomes reincrudated, that is to say, it becomes of the same primitive matter again.
The Tree of Life – the Ten Sephiroths – becomes under the complete control or ebb of the resurrected Master.
In the process all the bodies are elastic. The precious diamond with which Salomon polished the precious stones is the Philosophical Stone.
In order to carry out the Great Work, great art and great patience are needed.
In seven scales the whole Work is done and one acquires the nirionissiano sound of the Universe.
Family ties belong to time. It is necessary to free oneself from affections. It is necessary to see everyone the same, for one, no one should be a stranger.
The Being does not have relations. The Being is Cosmic.
The ego dies, the family abandons you, one remains neither alone nor accompanied, only in plenitude.
All relatives are of time and are lost in time.
Believing one deserves everything is an absurdity; we deserve nothing…
It is necessary to change the way of being with more severity for the wild psychology of the Super-Man to emerge.
It must be created in us, the capacity of the dynamic property of proposing oneself as the reason for reflection.
In esotericism, “to give oneself the whip” is to discipline oneself.
Super-discipline and perfecting the physical body must be achieved through Natural Medicine.
Each one of us has deep down some integrating principle…
The up-right effort is in itself the fundamental objective of the Being… Understanding is evident self-reflection on the Being.
In the atomic infernos, we must disintegrate the carcasses of the ego by means of electric force. We should never wait for time to disintegrate them.
Karma creates bodies. You should never create physical bodies, they are vulnerable, and they are exposed to old age and death.
Self-authority is not possible when one does not possess true authority within oneself. How can one possess authority if one is not the owner of oneself?
At present, the human mind is degenerated due to that business of concept. All expressed concept is the result of what has been said, of what has been studied.
Self-concepts are based on experience and on one’s own way of thinking. Krishnamurti does have self-concepts because he has never read anyone. Gurdjieff’s knowledge is incipient.
Self-action can only be possible when one has the Being within. Existence, persistence and boredom of the ego. Reflect!
The ego is a simply absurd position in the infinite…
A dot becomes a line; the line becomes a surface, and this one into a body. Substitute the dot for the ego and you will begin by not understanding creation.
Reflect upon the seventh seal of the Apocalypses.
Samael Aun Weor
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