Return and Recurrence

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A person is what his life is. Therefore, if he does not modify anything within himself, if he does not radically transform his life, if he does not work on himself, he is miserably wasting his time.

Death is the return to the very beginning of one’s life with the possibility of repeating it once again.

Much has been stated in pseudo-esoteric and pseudo- occultist literature about the subject of successive lives. Yet, it is better to be concerned about successive existences.

The life of each one of us with all its seasons is always the same. Life repeats itself from existence to existence throughout innumerable centuries.

Unquestionably, we continue in the seed of our descendants.

This is something which has already been demonstrated.

The life of each one of us is individual. Life is a living movie that we carry along with us to eternity when we die.

Each one of us takes his movie with him and brings it back to project it once again on the screen of a new existence.

The repetition of dramas, comedies and tragedies is a fundamental axiom of the Law of Recurrence.

The same circumstances always repeat themselves in each new existence. The actors of such scenes, which are always repeated, are those people who live in our interior, our “I’s “

If we disintegrate those actors, those “I’s who originate the ever-repeating scenes of our lives, then the repetition of such circumstances would become something more than impossible.

Obviously, there cannot be any scenes without actors. This is irrefutable, indisputable.

This is how we can liberate ourselves from the Laws of Return and Recurrence. This is how we can truly free ourselves.

Obviously, each one of the characters (“I’s”) that we carry in our interior repeats, existence after existence, its same role. Therefore, if we disintegrate that “I” if the actor dies, the role concludes.

By reflecting seriously through inner self-observation on this subject matter, we discover the secret springs of the Law of Recurrence or repetition of scenes in each return.

If in the past existence at the age of twenty-five years of age a man had a love affair, it is indubitable that in his new existence, the “I” of such a commitment will seek the lady of his dreams at the age of twenty-five again.

If the lady in question was only fifteen years old then, in her new existence, the “I” of that affair will seek her beloved one at the exact age again.

It is easy to comprehend that the two “I’s,” both his and hers, seek each other telepathically and meet once again in order to repeat the same love affair of their former existence.

Two enemies who fought to death in a past existence will look for each other again in the new existence to repeat their tragedy at the corresponding age.

If two persons had a fight over real estate at the age of forty years in the past existence, they will find each other telepathically at the same age in order to repeat the same thing. Thus, inside each one of us live many people full of commitments. This is irrefutable.

A thief carries within a “den” of thieves each with different criminal commitments. A murderer carries within himself a “club” of murderers, and the lustful one carries a “whore house” in his psyche.

The critical thing about this subject matter is that the intellect ignores the existence of such people or “I’s” within oneself and of such commitments that are fatally fulfilled.

All those commitments of the “I’s” which abide within us are happening regardless of our reasoning. These are commitments that we ignore, things that happen to us, events that are processed in the sub-consciousness and unconsciousness.

This is why we have been rightfully told that everything happens to us just as when it rains and thunders.

Indeed, we have the illusion of doing; yet, we do nothing. Things happen to us. This is fatal, mechanical…

Our personality is merely the instrument of different people, “I’s.” Each one of those persons (“I’s”) fulfills its commitments through the personality.

Many things happen underneath our cognitive capacity. Unfortunately, we ignore what happens underneath our wretched reasoning.

We believe that we are wise when, indeed, we do not even know that we do not know.

We are miserable logs dragged by the boisterous waves of the sea of existence.

To emerge from within this misfortune, from within this unconsciousness, from within such an unfortunate state in which we find ourselves, is only possible by dying within ourselves…

How could we awaken without first dying? What is new arrives only with death! If the seed does not die, the plant does not sprout.

The one who truly awakens attains, as an outcome, full objectivity of his or her consciousness, authentic enlightenment, happiness…

Samael Aun Weor

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