Engels says:
“All nature, from its smallest particles to its most gigantic bodies, from the grain of sand to the sun, from the protozoa to man, is in a perennial state of birth and death, in a constant flow, subject to incessant changes and movements “.
Engels studied the mechanics of nature but knew nothing about the fundamental laws of such mechanics, knew the clock but knew nothing about the laws that govern the mechanics of the clock; really Engels, the inseparable friend of Marx, was a poor wretch worthy of pity … an imbecile.
“The Dialectic” – said Engels – “focuses on things and their conceptual images . Substantially, in their mutual connections, in their connection and concatenation, in their dynamics, in their process of genesis and expiration”.
It is absurd to say that the materialist dialectic can focus on conceptual things and images Substantially, without knowing the fourth characteristic of all things.
It is stupid to talk about mutual connections, relations, concatenation, dynamics, processes of genesis and expiration, etc.., etc., etc., without knowing the laws of Return, Recurrence, Rhythm.
Everything flows and ebbs, comes and goes, rises and falls, in everything there is a systole and a diastole. The stars in the sky and the atoms in the molecule always return to the point of departure.
The laws of Return, Recurrence and Rhythm intelligently govern life and death, the flow and ebb, and the incessant changes and movements of nature.

The great machinery of nature is governed by intelligent laws that Engels never knew.
Marx and Engels only saw the clock but did not meet the watchmaker nor studied the mechanical laws of watchmaking.
In accordance with the laws of the Rhythm everything has to return to the point of departure. According to the laws of Recurrence everything happens again as it happened.
The laws of Rhythm are mathematical and the laws of Return and Recurrence are also mathematical.
Everything in nature works according to the laws of number, measure and weight. Chance does not exist.
Astronomers can mathematically calculate the return of suns and planets.
We know exactly that every three months the seasons change, three months for the spring, three for the summer, three for the autumn and three for the winter.
In a rhythmic way everything repeats itself, everything happens again as it happened, remember that the clock is round, remember that time is round, and that the hours come and go repeating rhythmically always, returning the hands always to the same numbers of the hour hand.
If we really want to know the mutual connections of all organisms, and of all things, in their really Substantial and not only accidental form, we need to study the laws of Rhythm, Return and Recurrence.
Man, or to speak more accurately, the Intellectual Animal, in the last synthesis is energy and this can be demonstrated by nuclear physics.
The conservation of energy is already fully demonstrated, energy is actually transformed but not destroyed.
The Intellectual Animal perishes, is perishable, but the energetic ‘I’ by the very fact of being a sum of energetic values of nature, cannot perish with the death of the physical body and continues in our descendants.
If everything returns, the ego also returns, and if everything is repeated, it is clear that the ego repeats the drama of existence, it is in the law of Recurrence: everything happens again as it happened, plus the results.
From the atom to the sun, and from the protozoan to man, every sum of energetic values is subject to the laws of Return, Recurrence and Rhythm.
It is impossible to really know the mutual intrinsic connection of all beings and all peoples in their true connection and authentic concatenation, if we have never studied the laws of Rhythm, Return and Recurrence.
It is impossible to establish a perfect social order, if we do not deeply understand the laws of nature.
The dictatorship of the proletariat, communist violence, religious persecution, etc., etc., they are the fatal result of a very bad interpretation of the laws of nature.
In the name of the material God and a materialist dialectic that is basically only cheap sophistry, innocent nuns are raped and priests of all faiths are killed.
It is necessary that our readers do not confuse the laws of Return and Recurrence with the theosophical doctrine of Reincarnation.
The ego, being pluralized, has no individuality and therefore its reincarnation is impossible.
If the ego is a legion, there is no reincarnating individuality, the ego actually returns and continues in our descendants, but that is not reincarnation, that is only Return and Recurrence.
It is clear that the self reconstitutes new cells with their perceptions and sensations, is clothed again, but there is not Reincarnation in that, because there is no individuality you cannot speak of reincarnation.
It is stupid to say that a legion of “I’s” is reincarnated, it is better to say that the pluralized “I” returns.
However, we do not want to deny reincarnation, we only clarify what the laws of Return, Recurrence and Rhythm are.
It is clear that sometimes there are cases of authentic reincarnations, we consider as reincarnation that of a Buddha, a Jesus, a Hermes, etc.
The birth of true individuals being understood as reincarnation, it is difficult to find in this world true individuals.
Only those who have already dissolved the pluralized “I” manage to establish within themselves a Permanent Center of Consciousness (see Chap 41).
Actually only those who already have a permanent center of gravity, can be seriously considered as individuals. (The term individual has been used conventionally in other preceding chapters of this book).
When there is born a true individual in the full sense of the word, we say that he is a reincarnation.
The ancient lamas of Tibet always knew how to recognize reincarnations, and celebrated those cases with great religious festivals.
Santo Lamo was a Reincarnation; Buddha was a reincarnation, Jesus was a reincarnation, etc., etc., etc.
We clarify for a better understanding of this chapter that the pluralized ‘I’ has had millions of personalities in this world, loses one personality and dresses in others, loses it again and recreates another, but that cannot be called reincarnation, that is only return, and everything happens again as it happened, and the past becomes future because time is circular.
It is impossible to know in depth the cyclical repetition of the historical events of men and of peoples, without having thoroughly studied the laws of Return, Rhythm and Recurrence.
It is impossible to know in depth the causes that give rise to all those processes of genesis and expiration mentioned by Engels, if we have not really studied the laws of Rhythm, Return and Recurrence very thoroughly.
The laws of Rhythm, Return and Recurrence contain all the secrets of the law of biological inheritance, repetition.
It is stupid to pretend that the dynamics of life are already known through the mechanics of materialist dialectics.
The laws of Rhythm, Return and Recurrence contain all the secrets of the law of biological inheritance, the historical repetition of the Atilla and the Hitler, the incessant repetition of similar murderers, the reappearance of decadent customs and vices, etc., etc., etc.
Without the study of the laws of Return, Recurrence and Rhythm, it is impossible to know in depth the laws of sociology.
If we study thoroughly these three laws, Rhythm, Return, Recurrence and learn to select the human seed in the same way we select vegetable and animal seeds with the purpose of improving species, it is logical that no more criminals would be born, and penal codes and prisons would be superfluous and disappear being unnecessary.
While the criminals are multiplying, the assassins and the Mussolini, and the Hitler, and the thieves and the perverse and degenerate of all types, will be returning incessantly to repeat the same black pages of the black history.
Study the genealogical tree of all the delinquents and we will discover, if not in their immediate predecessors at least in their distant ancestors, identical types of delinquents.
The family tree with the laws of Rhythm, Return and Recurrence holds the key to all the mysteries of life and death.
The earth will be hell while the bad seed is reproducing.
It is absurd and evil to kill criminals, study the intelligent way to prevent them from reproducing. Our earth would become a paradise when no more criminals are born.
In our book in preparation entitled “The Social Transformation of Humanity”, we will talk deeply about this vital problem of the reproduction of criminals.
It is not through dictatorships of the extreme right or extreme left, that we can end crime. It is not through Marxism-Leninism, that the earth can be turned into a paradise.
The Marxist-Leninist hordes have burned villages and fields, killed children, women and the elderly, raped women and enslaved peoples .
The murderous hordes continue with different names, always returning to repeat their bloody stories.
In Africa and in the Amazon there are cannibals, but in Europe also appeared civilized cannibals during the feudal era, remember the civilized crowds of that time devouring human flesh to satisfy hunger.
Cannibalism also repeats itself, returns, comes back, everything repeats itself. Avoid reproduction of the perverse and cannibalism will not return.
Avoid the reproduction of criminals and the earth will become an Eden.
Dissolve the psychological “I” and the earth will become a paradise because the laws of return and recurrence will not bring any more egos.

Then there will only be reincarnations that we celebrate with joy, births of sacred individuals. This is how we can realize the Social Christ on earth.
Science must solve the problem of sterilizing without castrating, without mutilating anyone, because it is criminal to castrate, mutilate other people.
Just as preventive medicine has invented vaccines to immunize us from contagious diseases, so must the evil ones be sterilized to save society from moral epidemics.
However, violence must not be accepted. Castrating animals or people is a serious crime. The wicked can be sterilized without damaging them, without harming them.
When there are no criminals, the Social Christ has been realized.
Already humanity has suffered a lot and it is fair to select human seeds, it is absurd to allow the reproduction of alcoholics, drug addicts, bank robbers, prostitutes, murderers, swindlers, rapists, lepers, syphilitics, invalids, cancerous, monsters, the demented, etc., etc.
If in cancerology they sterilize the cancerous, why not sterilize the perverse? Why not sterilize morons, invalids and monsters?
We need to realize the Social Christ, we need to turn the earth into a paradise; it is urgent to avoid the return of the perverse, the Law of Recurrence also has a limit.
Unfortunately for the ignorant erudite of the dialectical materialism, the laws of Return and Recurrence do not exist, they only see in the human being organs, cartilages, encephalic mass, brain, etc., etc., etc.
Ignorance is the cause causarum of materialistic reasoning.
We Gnostics know that there are two schools, the materialist and the idealist.
Really the materialist school is only the reaction against the idealist, we have nothing to do with those two schools because we are eminently revolutionary.
The terms used by these two schools are misused because basically the materialists are utopian idealists even when they argue that matter comes first and idea second.
All materialistic sophisms are fantastic idealisms without any verification.
The materialist dialectic with its dogmas about matter and evolution is as conservative and reactionary as any idealistic school.
We Gnostics, being eminently revolutionary, it is clear that we have nothing to do with those dogmas.
We know that the human organism is composed of organs, and that these are composed of cells, and that the cells are composed of atoms and the atoms of ions, electrons, protons, etc.
If we split any atom of the human organism we release energy, in the last synthesis the human organism is energy.
Within the field of human energetism there is much to investigate, analyze and study in depth. In the upper part of the human brain there is the pineal gland, that puzzle of the wise.
The pineal gland is only five millimeters in size and is surrounded by a fine grit.
At another time when this gland was not atrophied it allowed the human race to see the superior dimensions of space and the multidimensional depth of the human organism.
Currently there are schools of yoga, occultism, esotericism, which have scientific methods to develop that wonderful gland.
Many great scientists have achieved with those systems, the development of that gland.
The sages who have developed the pineal gland, can see with it the depth of the human organism and study in detail the living energetism of organisms.
It has been discovered by means of ultra perception that at the bottom of the organism there is a double material organism, said double is the vital body that serves as the basis for all physical, chemical, biological activities, etc., of the organism.
It has been proven that the vital body belongs to the Fourth Dimension, and that this body is possessed by all organisms and even the earth itself.
We have seen something else in the human being, we have seen a third body, which is in intimate relation with the great sympathetic nervous system.
The third body is the seat of desires, emotions and passions, the occultist literature calls it the Astral Body, we the Gnostics call it the Desire Body, because we consider that the Astral Body is only possessed by the true supermen of the race.
We are not talking about anything spiritual here, we are talking about matter, material organisms unknown to the materialist dialectic.
We also affirm that the desire body is molecular and belongs to the Fifth Dimension.
We clarify that if the human being only had a physical body it would behave like minerals and it would be an inert statue.
If the human being had at most the vital physique, it would be a living organism similar to plants and nothing else.
If it had only the three bodies called physical, vital and desire, it would be only a bi-centered animal incapable of thinking, analyzing, writing, etc.
In man there is something else and this has been perceived with the developed pineal gland. We have the mind, the mental principle, the Manas of which the Hindus speak.
That mind, that molecular mental is also material and corresponds to the superior dimensions of space.
Matter is therefore unknown to Marx; and there are organisms existing in different dimensions.
The existence without the Essence is inconcievable and this can also be studied separately from the organisms with the pineal gland that serves as a laboratory microscope.
Currently already some wise people have special lenses to see the internal bodies and soon said lenses will be available to the medical science.
It has been possible to see that at the moment of death the escape from the organism of these energy values, of these internal bodies.
It has been possible to see with the perception of the ultra, that the ego inside his desire body continues and then impregnates a new zoosperm.
It is amazing to see the ego inside the fertilized egg, and it is even more interesting to see it again covered with the suit of skin.
This is how the ego returns, there are people who remember their past lives.
The pigs of materialism laugh at all this because they are ignorant of it, we say that the one who laughs about what he does not know, is on the way of being an idiot.
Every effect has its cause, every cause becomes an effect, every effect becomes a cause. Each life is just a continuation of the past, the ego returns millions of times.
Everything happens again as it happened, that is the law of Recurrence, everything repeats.
The Hitler, the Atilla and the Mussolini and the Karl Marx and all the executioners in general, murderers, thieves and perverts, will continue to return and continue in their descendants near or far, while we commit the error of not sterilizing the criminals.
It may be the case that the immediate ancestors of some villain have been healthy people and lived uprightly, but it is certain that among the very remote ancestors of said villain there was some evil person.
The laws of return and recurrence serve as a foundation for the laws of biological and psychic inheritance.
The trio Rhythm, Return, Recurrence, serves as the basis for all the mechanics of nature.
Samael Aun Weor
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