Surveying from a height within the infinite space, searching and lurking within the Akashic Records of Nature, I could verify for myself that the Moon is the mother of the Earth.
Now, with the open Eye of Dangma, I will submerge myself within the Great Maya, the famous super soul of Emerson, the soul of the universe. I invite you, beloved reader, to study in depth this chapter. It is necessary to meditate on it, to go deeply into its content, to know its profound significance.
If yo u ask me who I am, I will answer you… I am one of the seven AMSHA-SPENTAS of the Zoroastrians, who was active in the past Mahamanvantara that was named the Lotus of Gold.
Therefore, I am going to give testimony of that which I have seen and heard. Listen to me men and Gods: I know in depth the Seven Mysteries of the Moon, the Seven Jewels, the Seven Surges of Life which evolved and devolved within that which the Theosophists call the “Lunar Chain”.
Certainly, the Moon is the satellite of the Earth only in one sense. What I am referring to is that it rotates around our planet.
When this matter is seen from another angle, when it is investigated with the Eye of Shiva (intense spiritual vision of the Adept or Jivan-Mukta), then, truly, the Earth becomes the satellite of the Moon.
The evidences in favor of this fact are found in the tides, in the changing cycles of the many forms of sicknesses which coincide with the lunar phases, in what we can observe within the development of plants, and in the very marked influence within the phenomena of conception and gestation of all creatures.
The Moon was an inhabited planet, but now it is just cold refuse, a shadow that is dragged by the new body (the Earth), which is where all of its powers and principles of life have been passed by transfusion. It is condemned to be in pursuit of the Earth throughout many ages. The Moon looks like a satellite, but it is a mother which rotates around its daughter (the Earth).
I lived among the Lunar humanity. I knew its seven Root Races, its epochs of civilization and barbarism, its alternating cycles of evolution and involution.
When the Selenites arrived to the sixth Sub-Race of the Fourth Round (the same age to which this Terrestrial humanity has already reached) I accomplished a similar mission to the one which I am accomplishing in these moments on the planet in which we live.
I taught to the people of the Moon the Synthesis-Religion, which is contained within the Initiatic Stone (the sex), the doctrine of Jano (I.A.O.) or the doctrine of the Jinns.
I lit the flame of Gnosis among the Selenites, I formed a Gnostic Movement there. Thus, I sowed the seed… and as I sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the mundane fowls of the air devoured them.
Some seeds fell upon rocks of discussions, theories and anxieties, where there did not exist profound and reflective people. As soon as they sprung up, they withered away before the light of the sun, for they did not pass the ordeal of fire, as they did not have roots.
Some fell among the thorns of brothers and sisters who hurt each other with their thorns of slander and gossip, etc. So, the thorns sprang up with the seeds, and choked them.
Fortunately, my labour as a sower was not in vain, since some seeds fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bore fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.
Many latent faculties exist within the Devamatri, Aditi or Cosmic Space, inside the Runic UR, within the Microcosms, Machine-Man or better if we say Intellectual Animal, that could be developed through tremendous intimate super-efforts.
On the ancient Moon, in those times before it became a corpse, those who accepted the Synthesis-Religion of Jano, became saved and they transformed themselves into Angels. Nevertheless, the great majority, those who were enemies of the Maithuna, those who rejected the Initiatic Stone (the sex), converted themselves into Lucifers, terribly perverse demons which the Bible refers to.
As usual, a third party is never missing… so, in that Lunar Apocalypse, a certain cold group at last became fiery, and they accepted the work in the Ninth Sphere (the sex). A new abode was granted to these people, in order for them to work with the Brute Stone until giving it perfect cubic form.
“The stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, and stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.”
(Peter I, 2:7-8)
In those times the Selenites had a dreadful sanguinary religion. The Pontiff of such a cult, sentenced me with the death penalty, and I was crucified upon the summit of a mountain close to a great city.
The transference of all the vital powers of the Moon to this planet Earth left that old Selenite abode without life. Therefore, the Lunar-Soul is now reincarnated in this wo rld upon which we live.
I was absorbed within the Absolute at the end of that Lunar Mahamanvantara which endured 311,040,000,000,000 years, or, in other words, an age of Brahma.
It is indispensable to say that after the Great Day, the Monadic waves of the moon submerged themselves within the Runic UR, within the profound womb of the Eternal Mother Space.
It is urgent to affirm that during such Maha-Samadhi (Ecstasy without end), we (the Monadic waves) penetrated much more deeply, and thus, we arrived to the Father, Brahma, the Universal Spirit of Life.
It is necessary to clarify that Brahma submerged himself into the Absolute during the whole period of the Maha-Pralaya, the Great Night.
While we, the Brethren were in that tremendous Para-Nirvanic repose, the Unknown Darkness converted itself into Uncreated Light for us.
UHR is the clock, the time measurement, thus, the Mahamanvantara RHU is the repose, the Great Pralaya.
Certainly, the Cosmic Night endures as much as the Great Day. It is my duty to affirm that each one of us, the Brethren, was radically absorbed within his own primordial atom, the Am Soph.
Therefore, when the dawn of the new Cosmic Day is initiated, the Eternal Mother-Space widens herself from inside towards the outer like a lotus bud. Thus, this is how the universe is gestated inside the womb of PRAKRITI.
Loving our Divine Mother and thinking in that great womb where the worlds are gestated, let us pray daily as follows:
Within my internal real Being resides the Divine Light, RAAAAAMMMMM IIIIIIIIOOOOOOO is the Mother of my Being, Devi Kundalini, RAAAAMMMM IIIIIIIOOOOOO, help me… RAAAAAAMMMMMM IIIIIIIIIOOOOO assist me, illuminate me.
RAAAAAAMMMMM IIIIIIIIIOOOOOOO, Divine Mother of mine, Isis of mine, Thou hast the child Horus, my true Being, in thy arms. I need to die within myself so that my Essence might be lost in Him…Him…Him…
This prayer must be performed before the sun, with raised arms and hands. The legs must be opened, and the body slightly crouched, thus awaiting to receive Light and more Light.

[The posture described in the text does not appear to be the posture pictured above. The Regency of this Rune is From September 24 to October 23]
Samael Aun Weor
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