Salt, Sulfur & Mercury

  1. Salt is the substance of all things, and the fixed principle of all that exists.
  2. Salt works upon the Sulphur and the Mercury. Thus, Sulphur and Mercury make the Salt volatile, just as they are.
  3. Salt thickens them and makes them fixed in return.
  4. When Salt is dissolved in an appropriate liquor, then it dissolves solid things and gives them consistency.
  5. Salt gives a form of perfection to the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy.
  6. Salt dissolves our metals in order to elaborate the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy with them.
  7. The volatile Salt prepares the larynx in order to speak the Verb of Gold.
  8. Salt dissolves and thickens all things.
  9. The Earth has the nature of Salt. This is why it is dissolved in water and thickened in water.
  10. The continents emerge from the salty waters of the sea and then return to the sea.
  11. Our Philosophical Earth, which is our human body, must be reduced to its seminal Salts in order to elaborate the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy.
  12. Sulphur is a gaseous and oily principle that insolubly unites Salt and Mercury.
  13. Sulphur is partially solid from the Salt and partially volatile from the Mercury. 1 4. Sulphur powerfully coagulates the acid Mercury, thanks to the Salt.
  14. Mercury is a spiritual liquor, aerial and rare.
  15. Mercury is the flying eagle of Philosophy.
  16. Mercury is our Chaos.
  17. Mercury is our semen.
  18. Salt is found in the urine and in the sweat.
  19. Sulphur is abundantly present in the body’s grease and in the arm pit.
  20. Mercury is within the blood, medulla, aqueous humor, bone, muscle, etc.

Samael Aun Weor

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