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You may not have heard of him, but Samael Aun Weor changed the world.

You may not have heard of him, but Samael Aun Weor changed the world.In 1950, in his first two books, he became the first person to reveal the esoteric secret hidden in all the world’s great religions, and for that, accused of “healing the ill,” he was put in prison. Nevertheless, he did not stop.

Between 1950 and 1977 – merely twenty-seven years – not only did Samael Aun Weor write over sixty books on the most difficult subjects in the world, such as consciousness, kabbalah, physics, tantra, meditation, etc., in which he deftly exposed the singular root of all knowledge — which he called Gnosis — he simultaneously inspired millions of people across the entire span of Latin America: stretching across twenty countries and an area of more than 21,000,000 kilometers, founding schools everywhere, even in places without electricity or post offices.

During those twenty-seven years, he experienced all the extremes that humanity could give him, from adoration to death threats, and in spite of the enormous popularity of his books and lectures, he renounced an income, refused recognitions, walked away from accolades, and consistently turned away those who would worship him. He held as friends both presidents and peasants, and yet remained a mystery to all.

When one reflects on the effort and will it requires to perform even day to day tasks, it is astonishing to consider the herculean efforts required to accomplish what he did in such a short time. But, there is a reason: he was a man who knew who he was, and what he had to do. text source:

“It is not irrelevant to solemnly testify that I was born with enormous spiritual longings. To deny this would be an absurdity…Even though some will look at this as unusual and incredible, the concrete fact is that there are those in the world who can completely remember the totality of their existence, even the event of their own birth. I want to affirm that I am one of those who can do so. Following all the well-known processes of birth, very clean and beautifully dressed, I was gently placed on the maternal bed close to my mother…Approaching the sacred bed was a certain very gentle giant with a sweet smile who was contemplating me. He was my father.

It is important to clearly and plainly state that at the dawn of any one of our existences we originally walk on four legs, then on two, and finally on three. Obviously, the latter indicates the cane of the elders.My case cannot be in any way an exception to the general rule. When I was eleven months old I wanted to walk, and it is evident that I did it by firmly sustaining myself upon my two feet. Still, I plainly remember that marvelous instant in which, by interlacing my hands over my head, I solemnly executed the Masonic sign of help: “Elai Beni Al Manah.”Since I still have not lost my capacity for astonishment, I have to state that what happened to me then was marvelous. To walk for the very first time with the body that Mother Nature grants us is without a doubt an extraordinary prodigy.”

Samael Aun Weor “The three mountains” Chapter one


Understand that Kalki Avatar is certainly the Avatar for the age of Kali Yuga in the era of Aquarius.

The word avatar means “messenger.” Unquestionably, let us understand that a messenger is one who gives a message, and since the labor of delivering a message has been granted unto me, this is why I am called a messenger, which in Sanskrit is avatar.

A messenger or avatar, in the most complete sense of the word, is a courier, a man who delivers a message, a servant or maid of the Great Work. So, the word avatar must not fall into misinterpretations, it must be specified with complete clarity.

I am, therefore, a servant or crew member, or messenger who delivers a message. Some time ago I said that I am a cosmic

mailman, since I am giving the content of a cosmic letter. Therefore, my beloved brethren, the word avatar must never lead us to arrogance, since it only means nothing other than an emissary, a servant, a crew member who gives a message, an epistle, and that is all.

In regard to Buddha Maitreya, we must analyze these two words a little in order not to fall into misinterpretations. The Innermost-Buddha in itself is the real Being, the Innermost of each one of us. Thus, when the Innermost or the real Being of somebody has attained its proper intimate Self-realization, then he is declared a Buddha. However, the term Maitreya is individual and collective; thus, from the individual point of view, it represents a teacher whose name is Maitreya, but from the collective point of view Buddha Maitreya must be understood-in the most complete sense of the word-as any initiate who has managed to Christify himself, and that is all.

I have said: in the day of the burning we will see the smoke! Remember that in the time of Jesus, there also appeared many prophets, and all of them called themselves avatars of Pisces, but only one prevailed; this was Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. At the time of Atlantis, many prophets, many messiahs, appeared who considered themselves to be avatars, and they made themselves to be worshiped as such, but only one prevailed and left triumphant between the waters of the universal flood; that one, the only one, was the Manu Vaisvasvata who, amongst earthquakes and floods, took his people to the central plateau of Asia.

Likewise, my dear brethren, many in our times will declare themselves to be the avatar, but the facts will speak for themselves, and in the day of the great fire, the avatar will be known by itself, that is, the one who will be capable of removing his people between the smoke and the flames at the crucial and definitive moment at the end of the Aryan race: that will be the avatar. So, the facts will speak for themselves; I repeat: the facts will speak; the tree is known by its fruits; from such a tree comes such fruit. Anyhow, I am giving the message here; I am the avatar, although many will not believe it. Yet, let our great army be prepared. That is all!


Be aware that within the world of the Gnostic Church (the Church of Christ) there exist not two or three patriarchs, but only one, and he is the fifth of the seven, of whom I am solely an instrument perhaps too imperfect, but I am his instrument.

Yes, my insignificant person is worthless, it does not have any value, it is worth nothing. Nevertheless, for the fortune of the few and for the misfortune of the many, inside of me is (AUN) somebody, who is the Lord of Power, and it is not possible for any organization to bloom without the aid of power. Therefore, although my insignificant person is not worth five cents (I personally will not give a nickel for my person), nevertheless, I repeat: for the fortune of the few and for the misfortune of the many, inside of me is the fifth of the seven, the Lord of Power.

Understand that Kalki Avatar is certainly the Avatar for the age of Kali Yuga in the era of Aquarius. The word avatar means “messenger.” Unquestionably, let us understand that a messenger is one who gives a message, and since the labor of delivering a message has been granted unto me, this is why I am called a messenger, which in Sanskrit is avatar.

A messenger or avatar, in the most complete sense of the word, is a courier, a man who delivers a message, a servant or maid of the Great Work. So, the word avatar must not fall into misinterpretations, it must be specified with complete clarity.

I am, therefore, a servant or crew member, or messenger who delivers a message. Some time ago I said that I am a cosmic mailman, since I am giving the content of a cosmic letter. Therefore, my beloved brethren, the word avatar must never lead us to arrogance, since it only means nothing other than an emissary, a servant, a crew member who gives a message, an epistle, and that is all.

In regard to Buddha Maitreya, we must analyze these two words a little in order not to fall into misinterpretations. The Innermost-Buddha in itself is the real Being, the Innermost of each one of us. Thus, when the Innermost or the real Being of somebody has attained its proper intimate Self-realization, then he is declared a Buddha. However, the term Maitreya is individual and collective; thus, from the individual point of view, it represents a teacher whose name is Maitreya, but from the collective point of view Buddha Maitreya must be understood-in the most complete sense of the word-as any initiate who has managed to Christify himself, and that is all.

I have said: in the day of the burning we will see the smoke! Remember that in the time of Jesus, there also appeared many prophets, and all of them called themselves avatars of Pisces, but only one prevailed; this was Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. At the time of Atlantis, many prophets, many messiahs, appeared who considered themselves to be avatars, and they made themselves to be worshiped as such, but only one prevailed and left triumphant between the waters of the universal flood; that one, the only one, was the Manu Vaisvasvata who, amongst earthquakes and floods, took his people to the central plateau of Asia.

Likewise, my dear brethren, many in our times will declare themselves to be the avatar, but the facts will speak for themselves, and in the day of the great fire, the avatar will be known by itself, that is, the one who will be capable of removing his people between the smoke and the flames at the crucial and definitive moment at the end of the Aryan race: that will be the avatar. So, the facts will speak for themselves; I repeat: the facts will speak; the tree is known by its fruits; from such a tree comes such fruit. Anyhow, I am giving the message here; I am the avatar, although many will not believe it. Yet, let our great army be prepared. That is all!

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