Santa Claus & the Christmas Tree

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All cultural or religious activity in any country, continent or planet, has its esoteric and exoteric aspect, humanity in its hidden and very intimate desire to rediscover the Divine, writes stories, invents myths and performs feats by understanding that total triumph resides in overcoming all weaknesses and mastering all the sciences.

On this occasion, let’s analyze a little this question of the existing elements in the Christmas tradition with the intention of lively extracting the practical aspect of the myth of Santa Claus and other elements now in fashion.

Much symbolism of some popularly known Christmas characters, and whose origin dates back to Nordic and Celtic cults; We can understand them in the Light of Gnosis, through the annals of Alchemy or Science of Transmutations on which all the beliefs and myths of human history are based.

Celtic cults From pixabay

There are historical references that in the Middle Ages there were great freedoms in the temples. As a reference, we will give the name of the famous writer Christian Starck and his excellent lithographic material that is called “HISTORICAL ROOTS OF MODERN RELIGIOUS FREEDOM” in chapter V I. BIBLICAL ELEMENTS AND MEDIEVAL FACTORS OF MODERN RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Which literally says:

Biblical theology has seen man in his relationship with God as an individual, without considering his incorporation into the Christian community. This vision, as already indicated, was strengthened by the Reformation. The peculiarity of the human individual finds its theological expression in the immortality of the human soul and in his personal responsibility before God. Man is a subject before God. Freedom, as the central concept of Christian revelation, is therefore an individual freedom. The Christian concept of freedom, which certainly also includes belonging to the Christian community, presents multiple perspectives but in all its aspects the personal and individual relationship of man with God constitutes its theological foundation. On this foundation the metaphysical concept of the freedom of man was elaborated in medieval Philosophy. “

Therefore, it is very likely that the Popes chose December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus, in order for the Christian faithful to depart from the pagan celebrations of the winter solstice, ignoring the great teachings spilled in myths, legends, stories in relation to this.

From Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus

“Bishop of Myra in Lycia, died December 6, 345 or 352. Although he is one of the most popular saints in the Greek and Latin churches, there is very little historical certainty about him, except that he was bishop of Myra in the 4th century “

Saint Nicholas was bishop of Mira, Lycia in the 4th century. He probably attended the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. However, his relics seem to have been transferred to Bari in 1087, where they are kept in a sarcophagus from which a balsam emanates, attributed to miraculous effects. Universally recognized as a thaumaturge, numerous legends relating to the resurrection of children and the endowment of virgins are applied to him. One of them tells that one night, when she was trying to transport three bags of gold to the three daughters of a ruined merchant, one of the bags fell into the socks that hung from the fireplace to dry and that is why since then they have been hung. socks waiting for gifts. The merchant, a neighbor of his, had decided to prostitute his three daughters because he had no money for the dowry. The story goes that the saint discreetly threw alms out of a window to save the three maidens from disgrace.

According to Nordic Traditions (Scandinavian or Anglo-Saxon and Saxon), at Christmas the feast of SANTA CLAUS, PAPA NOEL or SAN NICOLÁS is celebrated.

Who is this character who arrives precisely on Christmas day, at twelve o’clock at night, who enters through the chimneys, loaded with gifts, and leaves them in the children’s shoes? Who is that character who is walking through the air, on a sleigh pulled by deer or deer, dressed in very peculiar clothing? “

We must understand that this Santa Claus, with his long white beard, is nothing less than the allegory of the “ANCIENT OF DAYS” of which the Hebraic Kabbalah speaks, the BEING of our BEING. Undoubtedly, this “ANCIENT OF DAYS” is our Inner and Deep Divine “MONAD”, the Pythagorean “Monad”.

This great INNER BEING, undoubtedly is the one who comes to the hearts of those who have become like children again, to the hearts of those who have known the secret-secretorum of the ARK OF THE COVENANT, NOAH’S ARK, or ARCANO AZF, which for us is the MASTER KEY of the mysteries of transcendental mutations, that is to say, of Alchemy.

The colors that this Elder is dressed in speak for themselves:

San Nicolas

He comes with a red cap, a red coat and trousers of the same color that have white edges and black boots, thus synthesizing the colors of the Philosopher’s Stone.

That Stone, at the beginning, at the beginning, at the base, is black (that is why the boots are black) and symbolize that the aspiring initiation must work hard with his mercury, since they are work boots. Subsequently, the waters turn white. This is the second metamorphosis, the second alchemical testimony. Later the mercury waters will be red.

The white of Santa’s jacket, as well as the edge of his boots and gloves, thus symbolizes the second testimony, the third testimony is the yellow color that is apparently absent, however it is present in the legend of the gifts (made of gold), the fourth testimony being the red or purple color, which is the one that appears most in the clothing of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters through a chimney, because (in effect) the “ANCIENT OF DAYS” is only incarnated by those who have worked in the alchemist “chimney” Let us not forget that the esoteric degrees, in the tantric and gnostic alchemist, are being achieved in the “chimney” (our vertebral column, our spine), the place through which all the atoms of Mercury rise, mixed with the Divine Sulfur or Sacred Fire of the Kundalini, creating in us wonderful powers: awakening Chakras, developing plexuses.

Among the Druids of the north of England, he always allegorized the soul and also allegorized the fixed element (the one fixed to the earth), which is Fire.

The sleigh of Santa Claus keeps perfect agreement with that other car that traveled through the air and that the Hebrews call the “CAR OF MERCABAH”. This is the same vehicle of Fire with which the prophet Elijah (Elihu or Helio = Fire) climbed the Mount when God called him to his Kingdom. The deer or reindeer, then, is a photographic allegory, it is an animal that from the alchemist point of view, is the fixed element, it is the Fire that is always, permanently, cooking the raw material, Mercury, it is the imposed sexual.

Leave the gifts, Santa Claus, among the children’s socks and shoes, because, indeed, those who walk along the Initiatic Path, those who have acquired the right to wear the winged boots or Mercury’s shoes, those who are walking through the inner initiatory desert, following the footsteps of the few wise men who have been in the world, they are the ones who on the way receive the gifts of the “FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS”, the gifts of the “ANCIENT OF DAYS”, of the Pythagorean “Monad”, which is Santa Claus, Father Christmas or Per Noel, as the French say.

Santa Claus, it is said, does not bring gifts to children who have misbehaved. This is clear: it is evidence that everything is processed based on KARMA and DHARMA. The Initiate who does not go well does not receive anything from the deep Inner “Monad”; the Initiate who is doing well, receives instead the gifts of Santa Claus.

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree is inserted in the ancestral cult of trees, and more specifically in the TREE OF LIFE and the TREE OF THE SCIENCE OF GOOD AND EVIL, an interesting topic that Master Samael Aun Weor already dealt with extensively in his Work “Tarot and Kabala” third part, chapter “THE TREE OF LIFE” from which we extract the following paragraph;

If we look at the Tree of Life, as it is written by the Hebraic Kabbalists, we see Ten Sephirotes. It begins with the Ancient of Days (Kether) who is in the highest place of the tree; then follows Chokmah, the Second Sephirot, that is, the 2nd Logos, which is properly the Cosmic Christ or Vishnu; then comes Binah, the 3rd Logos, Lord Shiva. Kether, Chokmah and Binah, are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it is drawn on the Tree of Life of the Hebraic Mysteries, thus taught by the Rabbis.

Samael Aun Weor

The tree represented a power and that power is due to the tree as such and its cosmological implications, as Mircea writes. The sacred forests served as a temple to the Germans. For the Gauls, the oak was a sacred tree on which the Druids, Celtic priests guardians of traditions, collected the mistletoe. The sacred gathering of the mistletoe was a Gallic rite, as described by Pliny. In the classical Greek world, the oak was dedicated to Jupiter; the laurel and the palm tree, and the pine to Cybele. In many myths, trees appear as the residence of the gods, especially dryads, protective nymphs of trees and forests. Trees were sometimes believed to be endowed with a soul. The Christmas tree is a remnant of that cult.

This Christmas Tree, at the foot of which gifts are also placed, is once again the allegory of the TREE OF LIFE, of the PHILOSOPHICAL TREE, of the Tree of the ten Sephirots, which is our spine. The Christmas tree with its bulbs of various colors, with decorations of all kinds, with fruits even of a thousand characters, etc., is a clear allegory of the spine of the ascetic alchemist who has carried out the Great Work.


Such a Tree is always crowned with a six-rayed Star. This six-pointed star was identified in the Middle Ages with VENUS, because Venus, in Alchemy, is the INTIMATE CHRIST, who always full of love greets (both at dawn and dusk) all humanity.

Thus, we have synthesized the alchemist version of Santa Claus and the Christmas Tree, hoping that it is not taken as a simple story, but as what it is: a living reality, here and now.

Behold, the Magi (the wise alchemists) gave gifts (SPIRITUAL GIFTS) to the Child – The Christ-Sun: Gold, incense, and Myrrh.

The Gold of the existential vehicles or bodies of the Being; Incense, the perfume of the High Priests; and Myrrh, the perfume of the Kings or Immortality.

And lo and behold, they found the Child in the Manger (in the heart of the World), between a bed of straws (the glory stands out from the tiny and simple) and wrapped in swaddling clothes (what the world gives to wrap the physical vehicle), surrounded by animals (the psychological defects) and accompanied by their parents, the real Inner Beings.

And a choir of angels sang on that day: Glory to God in the Highest and Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will.

Peace is only possible in men and women who have THELEMA, Will.

Ramon T Juárez

*Editor’s note; Although some paragraphs give a glimpse of the unmistakable style of the Aquarius Avatar’s pen, due to lack of definitive proof we do not attribute it to it, rather some paragraphs have been taken from existing work on the web that is entitled: “Gnostic Bulletin # 5 of Diffusion of the Gnostic Institute of Anthropology IGA ” and give as a reference this email of which we have not had an answer …

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