Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion

Q: Student. We have never heard the Master give the Gnostic concept of him in what is Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion… I think that recording that… well, it is very important.

A: Master. Well, in any case, GNOSIS is Knowledge. PROTOGNOSIS, is Gnosis in a state of dynamism, action, impulse, etc. PREGNOSIS, something that is and is not Gnosis. AUTOGNOSIS, is the Gnostic Knowledge, one’s own, of oneself, so to speak, Self-Awareness. We must, therefore, become familiar with all aspects of Gnosis. GNOSTIZING, for example, is a teaching task aimed at promoting Gnosis. GNOSTICISM is the study of Gnosis. In any case, in my book titled “The Secret Doctrine of Anáhuac” there is a chapter titled “Gnostic Anthropology”, there is a detailed explanation of what Gnosis is; The Gnostic terms are also broken down there.

The thing is that you have to edit it first, right? Then you will already have it in their possession. There in the Republic of Salvador our brother B. proposes, therefore, to make the corresponding corrections, let’s say, grammatical or orthographic, right? Because some spelling errors and machine issues keep creeping in, right? And prepare it, then, so that it goes to press. Like when will it go into print?

Q; Student. [The person questioned answers].

A: Master. Already edited… Yes, there it is, precisely, the complete definition of Gnosis through very long chapters, with all its exact terms.

Of course, Gnosis has four Columns: SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, ART and RELIGION.

When we talk about Science, we think about PURE SCIENCE, not that rotten university theory that abounds everywhere today. Pure Science like that of the Great Work; Pure Science like that of the Medieval Alchemists; Pure Science like that of a Paracelsus, or that of a Paul of Tarsus.

PHILOSOPHY: Actually, Gnosis is a Perennis et Universalis Philosophy, a functionalism of Consciousness; springs from different latitudes. Those who think only that Gnosis has its origin in Persia, or in Iraq, or in Palestine, or in Medieval Europe, are wrong. Gnosis is, I repeat, a functionalism of Consciousness; We find it in any Indian work, in any archaeological stone, etc.

Through GNOSTIC ANTHROPOLOGY we can demonstrate the tremendous reality that Gnosis sprouts everywhere. There is a great difference, for example, between what is, we would say, merely profane Anthropology and what is Gnostic Anthropology: Profane anthropologists, for example, are not able to penetrate into the living depth of the Great Archaic Mysteries; On the other hand, Gnostic Anthropology goes to the bottom. Any Pyramid, any archaeological piece, etc., ultimately addresses Being, always Being…

So Gnosis goes towards the Being, towards the crystalline transparency of the Being; It is obvious that those who truly love the Being, those who care about their own Inner Being, have to resolve to dissolve the Ego, the pluralized Self; undoubtedly rejecting the Being is condemning oneself to the Abyss and the Second Death (which is spoken of in all Gnostic texts).

Thus, I repeat, our Philosophy is a Perennis et Universalis Philosophy.

As for ART, we find it in all the archaic pieces, in all the ancient pieces, in the Pyramids and in all the old Obelisks of Egypt; in ancient Mexico, among the Mayans, in the archaeological relics of Aztecs, Zapotecs, Toltecs, etc.; in the paintings of a Michelangelo; in the Hieroglyphs of Egypt, in the ancient bas-reliefs of the old country of the Pharaohs; in China; in the old scrolls, then, from the Middle Ages; between the Phoenicians and Assyrians, etc.

There are two kinds of Art, that is logical: An Art that we could call “SUBJECTIVE”, which is Ultramodern Art that leads to nothing; and there is also the REGAL ART of Nature, the Objective, Real Art, the Transcendental Art; Obviously, such Art contains within itself precious Cosmic Truths.

Undoubtedly, Gnostic Art is based on the LAW OF SEVEN, on the Law of the Eternal Heptaparaparshinock.

When any relic, any archaeological piece is discovered…, what’s more, you can usually see certain intentional inaccuracies, small breaks that are almost always attributed to the workers’ pickaxe, etc… In any case, any inaccuracy within the Law of Seven, It has been placed intentionally, as if to indicate to us that there in that piece or that through that piece, a Teaching, a Doctrine, a Cosmic Truth is transmitted to posterity…

In terms of paintings, the same: The Law of Seven governs all those paintings (we would say, ancient), from the Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians, Phoenicians, etc., they transmit precious teachings. We also find beautiful paintings, bearers of great teachings, in all those old medieval paintings, in Gothic Cathedrals, etc. The Royal Art of Nature is, therefore, we would say, a means of transmitting the Cosmic Teachings.

In matters of RELIGION, obviously, we study religiosity in its deepest form; Gnosis studies THE SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS. We find true religion in all of Nature. Gnosis, then, goes to the religious background, seeks RELIGARE, the desire to link or re-link the Soul with God, and this implies very intense work because one has to eliminate the psychological Self, the “myself”, only in this way is it possible. the Religare that the ancients told us about…

The religiosity that we possess is completely scientific, it is highly philosophical, deeply artistic. We seek the Seity, the Divine within ourselves, not outside of ourselves. We know that if we do not discover God within ourselves, we do not discover Him anywhere. We are concerned, therefore, with Self-Knowing, we are concerned with SELF-GNOSIS; When one arrives at Autognosis he knows himself, he knows his own Inner Being in himself; and this process of knowing oneself, of knowing one’s own intimate Being, is precisely Autognosis.

Thus, Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion are the four basic Columns of the Gnostic Movement. Is there anything else you want to ask?

Samael Aun Weor

A translation excerpted from the original lecture in spanish existing in “The Fifth Gospel” under the name: La Ciencia, la Filosofía, el Arte y la Religión or Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion

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