Seek and Ye Shall Find

The sacred Scriptures state:

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”

Matthew: 7:7.

It is written with burning coals in the book of all mysteries that the Lanu or Disciple must question, if the intimate Self- Realization is what he truly longs for with all the strength of his soul.

The divine ones and humans know very well that Parsifal as Chela or Disciple did not become the king of the Grail because he did not ask for an explanation regarding the reason for Amfortas’ agony.

The bread and wine of the transubstantiation are distributed on the sacred tables. The Brethren seat themselves at the feast. Parsifal, however, remains standing apart, in a state of mystical ecstasy. Finally, his delectable and ineffable exaltation ceases upon hearing Amfortas’ cries of agony.

Gurnemanz, the ancient Hierophant believes Parsifal is unconscious and even pitiless to what is happening. Therefore, he comes up to him in a severe attitude and pushes him out of the sacred precinct…

In very seriously passing judgment on this brilliant theme of such a royal Wagnerian drama, glorious as no other, we can discover (not without a certain mystical wonder) the three esoteric classic degrees: Apprentices, Comrades and Masters.

The adolescent from the first part of the drama still does not know anything about the mansion of delights and the corner of love with its dangerously blossoming, lovely women; neither does he know anything about Kundry, Herodias, Gundryggia, the exquisitely sinful one. He is still the Apprentice of Occult Masonry…

The Parsifal of the second part is the man who courageously descends into the Dantesque Ninth Circle.

He is the Aspirant who works in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, the Comrade.

The Hero of the third part is the Master who returns into the Temple after having suffered too much.

The boy of the first part does not even have his consciousness awakened. He is just one of those many peregrines who travel in much secrecy throughout the obscure jungles of life, in search of a compassionate traveler who can have, among his treasures, a precious balm in order to heal his painful heart…

The joy is very great when he finds on his suffering path the ancient hermit Gurnemanz, who serves him as Guide or Guru…

The Parsifal of the second part is the ascetic who consciously descends into the Infernal Worlds. He is the man who works in the Forge of the Cyclops, the Mystic who defeats the seven priestesses of temptation…

The devotee from the third part is the Adept dressed with the Wedding Garment of the soul, marvelous synthesis of the solar bodies, within which is contained the Superior Emotion, the Authentic Mind and the Conscious Will.

The triumphant return into the Temple of the Grail is the principal characteristic of the Parsifal from the third part.

The Anchorite returns into the sacred precinct, grasping with his dexterous hand the formidable holy Pike, the blessed Shaft…

Samael Aun Weor

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