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All human beings at bottom are narcissists enamored with themselves; observe a singer on the stage of the theater; he is madly in love with himself, he adores himself, he idolizes himself and when the applause rains, he reaches the climax of his self-adoration because that is precisely what he wants, what he craves, what he awaits with infinite thirst.

Very much is spoken of feminine vanity. Really vanity is the living manifestation of self-love. The woman before the mirror is a complete narcissist adoring herself, idolizing herself madly.

The woman adorns herself as best she can, paints herself, curls her hair for the sole purpose of having others say: You are lovely, you are beautiful, divine, etc. The ego always enjoys when people admire it, the ego adorns itself so that others adore it .

The ego considers itself beautiful, pure, ineffable, saintly, virtuous, etc., Nobody considers himself bad, all people consider themselves good and just.

Samael Aun Weor

Self-love is something terrible. The fanatics of materialism do not accept the superior dimensions of space due to self-love. They love themselves and naturally they demand that the superior dimensions of space, and all the cosmos, and all life beyond the senses, etc.., be subject to their personal whims, they are not able to go beyond themselves, beyond their beloved ego, beyond their narrow criteria, and their theories, mental assumptions, precepts, etc..

Observe the children during their first three or four years of life; they are all lovely… adorable… beautiful because the disgusting ego has not yet manifested in them. In them manifests only the essence, the soul, with all it’s goodness.

When the ego begins to control the personality of the child, the spontaneous beauty disappears, then the overestimation of the beloved ego begins and the child dreams of dominating the world and becoming the most powerful on earth.

Death does not solve the fatal problem of the ego, it continues in our descendants.

“Everything goes, everything returns; eternally rolls the wheel of existence. Everything dies, everything blossoms forth again; eternally runs on the year of existence. Everything breaks, everything is integrated anew; eternally builds itself the same house of existence. All things separate, all things again greet one another; eternally true to itself remains the ring of existence.

Every moment begins existence, around every ‘Here’ rolls the ball ‘There.’ The middle is everywhere. Crooked is the path of eternity”. 


Only the death of the ego can solve the problem of human pain but the ego loves itself and does not want to die in any way, while the ego exists the wheel of Samsara will turn, the fatal wheel of the human tragedy.

When we are really in love we renounce the self, but it is very rare to find in life someone truly in love, everyone is passionate and that is not love. People are passionate when they meet someone they desire, when they discover in another person their own errors, qualities and defects; then the beloved serves as a mirror where they can contemplate themselves completely, they are not really in love with the beloved, they are only in love with themselves and enjoy seeing themselves in the mirror of the beloved, they have met themselves and suppose then that they are in love. The ego enjoys before the mirror glass or feels happy looking at himself in the person who has his same qualities, virtues and defects.

Preachers talk much about the truth, but is it perhaps possible to know the truth when there is self- love in us?

Only by ending self-love, only with the mind free of assumptions can we experience the absence of the ego – that, that is the truth.

We met a man who was in flesh and blood on the planet Venus for several days, that man is not a scholar, he is just a humble mechanic.

We read his marvelous book entitled : “I was on the planet Venus”. All that this privileged man tells, it is formidable, extraordinary.

The Venusian civilization is pure Christian Socialism put into practice. The Venusian technology, science, arts, religion, really lead us millions of years forward. How far we are from reaching such heights!

The man told all that happened to him simply and plainly, all that he saw. However, as always, the pseudo-wise laughed at him for the crime of his stories not coinciding with the mental assumptions and complicated theories which they have in their memory.

The scholars were not capable of listening with spontaneous mind, free of mental assumptions, theories, preconceptions, etc.. They were not able to open themselves to the new with an undivided mind, with an mind not divided by the battle of antitheses.

The scholars only listened to compare what they heard with their assumptions stored in memory. The scholars listened in order to interpret according to their language of prejudices and preconceptions, and came to the conclusion that what man narrated was fantasy. That’s the way the scholars always are, their minds are right now so degenerate that they are unable to discover the new.

Truly this man was on Venus, we visited him at his house and we talked for three hours with him. What he tells is marvelous.

Travelling towards the north of Mexico, driving a car with North American passengers, he lived the most extraordinary adventures that any man has lived in this Aryan Root Race.

The machine was damaged en route and the passengers went in search of a breakdown truck to transport it. In solitude a marvellous thing happened to him, the man was visited by two middle- sized Venusians who after preparing him with a delectable talk led him through the mountain to the secret place where their cosmic ship was. The man of our story entered the ship and was taken to the planet Venus where he lived for several days.

This man has simply and plainly related what happened to him, he is not a scientist and that is why he does not talk like a scientist; some learned persons took samples of earth and plants in the place where he claims to have found the ship, and with astonishment discovered a strange molecular disorder outside of what’s normal in those plants and earth, the laboratory tests proved satisfactorily the reality of a machine outside of the ordinary that was in this place, yet the fools despite everything laugh because the story does not match the prejudices and theories of their beloved egos.

The ego in its arrogance wants everything to coincide with its theories and mental assumptions, the ‘I’ desires that all its whims be fulfilled and that the cosmos in its totality submit to it’s laboratory experiments.

The Ego mortally abhors anyone who hurts it’s self-love. The ego adores its theories and preconceptions.

Often we hate somebody for no reason at all; Why? I will simply tell you, dear reader, it is because that person personifies some faults that we carry well hidden, and we do not like others to show them, really the faults that we accuse the others of we have within ourselves.

Nobody is perfect in this world, all of us are cut from the same cloth, each of us is an evil snail amidst the bosom of the Great Reality.

Snail, Animal, House, Crawl, Shell

Who does not have a defect in a particular direction, has it in another direction, some do not covet money but covet love, fame, honors, affection, etc., others do not commit adultery with another’s wife but enjoy adulterating doctrines, mixing creeds in the name of universal brotherhood. Some do not feel jealous for their own woman, but feel jealous of friends, creeds, sects, things, etc., etc., etc., that’s how we humans are, always cut from the same cloth.

Nobody is perfect in this world, all of us are cut from the same cloth, each of us is an evil snail amidst the bosom of the Great Reality.

There is no human being who does not worship himself, we have listened to individuals who enjoy talking hours and hours about themselves, their wonders, their talent, their virtues, etc., etc., etc.

The ego loves itself so much that it comes to envy the good of others, women adorn themselves with many things, partly because of feminine vanity and in part to awaken the envy of other women, all of them envy everyone, all of them envy the other’s dress, the beautiful necklace, the beautiful bracelet, etc.., they all adore themselves and do not want to be seen as less than others, they are one hundred percent narcissists.

Some pseudo-esoterists or pseudo-occultists, or brothers of many sects, love themselves so much that they have come to believe themselves wells of humility and holiness, they feel proud of their own humility; they are terribly proud.

There is no pseudo-occultist brother or sister, spiritualist, or pseudo esotericist that deep down does not presume to possess sanctity, splendor and spiritual beauty.

No brother or sister spiritualist believes themself bad or evil, all presume to be saints and perfect, even when they really are not only bad, but also perverse.

The beloved ego (‘I’), loves itself too much and presumes itself, even when it does not say it, to be good and perfect.

Samael Aun Weor

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