Serenity and Patience

Each one of us knew very well that the dissolution of the Ego corresponds to the esoteric work in the sinister abysses of Acheron.

It is ostensible that we, the Brethren of the Secret Order were very well dead. However, we wanted to enter into a superior work.

All of us were suffering, filled with intimate longings. We wanted to reduce into cosmic dust those three classic Furies that Dante saw within the infernal abysses.

We were told that we must wait with infinite patience for the Abbot of the Monastery. But, evidently, the passing hours were for us very long and boring… Certainly, the Venerable Abbot did not seem to be in any hurry whatsoever.

It was something unusual and unexpected to see those Adepts of the White Lodge extremely weary, annoyed and ill- humored…

William Blake's depiction of "The Vestibule of Hell and the Souls Mustering to Cross the Acheron" in his Illustrations to Dante's "Divine Comedy", object 5, c. 1824–27. The original for the work is held by the National Gallery of Victoria
William Blake’s depiction of “The Vestibule of Hell and the Souls Mustering to Cross the Acheron” in his Illustrations to Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, object 5, c. 1824–27. The original for the work is held by the National Gallery of Victoria

Some of those very respectable Brethren were moving, here, there and everywhere, complaining because of the singular delay of the Superior.

There exists events in life that are surprising, and one of these is the astonishing entrance of the Abbot into the Temple. All the Brethren of our Order were astonished, overwhelmed since they had already lost all hope of seeing the Master.

Before the Sacred Confraternity, the Venerable One spoke and said: “All of you Brethren are lacking two virtues that this Brother has.” He said this while he was pointing at me with his index finger…

Following, in a simultaneously sweet and imperative way, he commanded me saying:

“You, Brother tell them which are these two virtues.”

“There is the need to know how to be patient, and there is the need to know how to be serene,” I exclaimed with a slow and clear voice…

“Did you realize this? Are you convinced of this?” broke forth the Abbot. All of them, simultaneously frightened and amazed, chose to keep a tremendous silence…

It is indubitable that all the Brethren had then to be deferred for the superior work, because only my insignificant person became victorious in the difficult ordeal.

Much later in time, I had to appear before a Brotherhood of another Monastery of the White Fraternity, in order to receive orders and to sign some important documents. I was going to work in the Atomic Lunar Infernos, disintegrating the three daughters of Mara.

Thus, it is ostensible that for such a motive, I should be, first of all, instructed and admonished.

It is not irrelevant to emphasize a transcendental fact, such as a finished work within the submerged mineral kingdom of the planet earth. It is obvious that within that Tartarus, I had reduced the animal Ego into cosmic dust.

However, it is unquestionable that the superior work within the lunar abysses, in order to eliminate the three traitors of Chiram-Osiris, undoubtedly would be very difficult.

I was warned and advised with the following words: “You must be very careful of lunar coldness,” as if they were trying to say: “Do not abandon Sexual Magic, since you have now the ‘I’ very well dead; yet, if you commit the mistake of falling again into animal generation, then, your Ego will resurrect little by little.”

I was taken by my divine Augoides into the Lunar World (or Astral World) while in the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

Then, I was wisely advised…

My Soul was touched in its more intimate depths when I found there the Elder of the Temple of the Twice Born. Our beloved Rector, this sacred Elder, certainly seemed to have all of the characteristics of a lemon; but it is ostensible that he irradiated infinite love…

I comprehended that in order to have the right to ascend into the Lunar Heaven (Superior Astral), I should first descend into the Selenean Infernos (Inferior Astral) and courageously confront the Three Furies…

“Just let Medusa come; then we shall turn him into stone.” The Three Furies cry, “We should have punished Theseus’ assault.”

When I wanted to rise upon the symbolic ladder of Jacob, the Sacred Elder of the Temple pulled out from the Tree of Knowledge, or the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil a delectable branch that he made me smell. That fragrance was Nirvanic, paradisiacal.

You must smell this branch in order for you to rise,” such were the words of the Adept…

We must nourish ourselves with the delectable fragrance of the tree of science of good and evil, but not to eat it… this is the Law.

I initiated my work by disintegrating Judas, the Demon of Desire, the Theosophical Kama Rupa in the abyss of Selene. It is lamentable that many ignorant people confuse this first traitor with the sidereal or astral body that the Twice Born built in the Fiery Forge of Vulcan.

The Scorpion Head Goddess, the third cosmic aspect of my Divine Mother Kundalini, while walking inside of that passionate monster, disguised as a mysterious scorpion, made to rain upon him her cup of destruction…

Thus, the Gods who assisted me rent apart the chest of the first Fury without any kind of mercy. The frightfully divine Lion Head Goddess immobilized its limbs, She removed from him the whole bestial force that he possessed.

It is not irrelevant to say with complete assertion and great emphasis that at good time and thanks to the direct help of my Divine Mother Kundalini, the horrifying Demon of Desire, the evil Judas was reduced to ashes.

Afterwards, a little bit later, I had to continue my work with the disquieting demon of the mind that brings us too much bitterness, the abominable Pilate of all times.

That vile, classic Fury had obviously originated certain confusions in the intellect of notable investigating occultists…

It is ostensible that some very serious authors confused the interior Pilate of each one of us with the authentic and legitimate Mental Body that the Twice Born patiently built in the Forge of the Cyclops.

“Get thee hence, then, oh Demon of the mind, thou unto whom Osiris (the Inner Being of each human being) feels horror! Get away from my boat blown by propitious winds.”

And I cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars, calling to my Divine Mother Kundalini with all the strength of my soul; and seven thunders uttered my voice…

“The Gods from the vast land are subjugated. Away from me loathsome Pilate, the God, Lord of the region of the Dead detests thee!”

Thus, that sinister Fury in its terrifying dusk took the appearance of a child…

A vain shadow slowly losing its figure, a monster slowly attaining beauty… it loses its original size, it is reduced into a point; then, it disappears forever…

Annihilation – a terrible word that was the final doom of that fatal Pilate who was tormenting me…

Thereafter, I continued my work by attacking Caiaphas, the third traitor, the most detestable of all Furies…

I saw the Demon of Evil-Will climbing up all the stairs of my own abode. He possessed a Caesar-like aspect.

Unfortunately, it was not this wretched one’s fault. I, myself, had created it and the breaking point was that I even committed the mistake of fortifying it with tyrannical atoms when I was named Julius Caesar in Rome.

Glorious epochs of the Roman eagle: In that age I established the scenario for the people of the Fourth Sub-Race of the Aryan Race. I was assassinated by the evil Brutus and his henchmen.

What profound meditations… Oh God of mine…!

Ah…! I say to my own self… I must eliminate from my intimate nature this perverse rebel who has never wanted to obey the Father…

“May the Gods furnish me with thy throne, Oh RA! Furnish me likewise with thy glorious body.”

“I traveleth over the paths of RA at daybreak to drive back the Demon of evil will who cometh in disguise behind a column of passionate flames. Thus, on a narrow and long corridor of the esoteric ordeals, he unexpectedly attacks me.”

Woe! Woe! Woe! What would have become of me without the cosmic help of my Divine Mother Kundalini?

Venus, Adonia, Insobertha, Rea, Iris, holding with her dexterous hand the Lance of Eros combated against the horrible beast…

Not even the Amazon Camille with her long hair blown by the wind, blond as the gold, advancing as Diana to the encounter of her enemies, could have ever competed against the beauty of my Mother…

Certainly, the third Fury died after receiving various thrusts with the Lance in her body…

None of the furies equaled her horrible appearance. None of them had as many serpents as she was having in her mane, even these very sisters were afraid of her. This disgraceful one was carrying in her hands all the Gorgonian venoms of the infernos.

I could verify with complete astonishing clarity the whole death process of the three Furies…

It is unquestionable that they were passing through all of the magical transformations, as recited by Ovid.

If in the beginning they were gigantic and horrible, as the Monster Polyphemus from the damned land, who implacably was devouring the companions of Ulysses, in the end, before the arrival of their sovereign death, they were having the aspects of new born children…

Now, those shadows have died, they distilled within my interior the fragrance of life, a certain percentage of my consciousness that was bottled up within them…

Samael Aun Weor

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