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The sexual transmutation of the ens seminis into creative energy is possible when we carefully avoid the abominable spasm, the filthy orgasm of the fornicators.

The bipolarization of this type of cosmic energy in the human organism was, since ancient times, analysed in the Initiatory Colleges of Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Greece, Chaldaea, Rome, Phoenicia, etc., etc., etc.

The ascension of the seminal energy towards the brain takes place thanks to a certain pair of nerve fibres that, in the shape of an 8, unfolds splendidly to the left and right of the spine.

We have arrived, then, at the Caduceus of Mercury, with the wings of the spirit always open.

This pair of nerve fibres will never be found by means of a scalpel, because they are of a semi-etheric, semi-physical nature.

These are the two witness of the Apocalypse, the two olives and the two candelabra that are in front of the God of the Earth, and fire comes out of their mouth, devouring their enemies, if somebody wishes to harm them.

In the sacred country of the Vedas this pair of nerve fibres are known by the Sanskrit names of Ida and Pingala. The first is related to the left nasal cavity and the second to the right one.

It is obvious that the first of these nadis or channels is of a lunar type; it is  apparent that the second is of a solar nature.

Many gnostic students could be surprised by the fact that, even if Ida has a cold and lunar nature, it has its roots in the right testicle.

Many disciples of our Gnostic Movement would feel surprised by the fact that, in spite of Pingala being of a strictly solar type, it really starts at the left testicle.

However, we should not be astonished, because everything in nature is based on the law of polarities.

The right testicle finds its exact antipode in the left nasal cavity, and this is already demonstrated.

The left testicle finds its perfect antipode in the right nasal cavity, and obviously this is the way it must be.

Esoteric physiology teaches that in the feminine sex the two witnesses emerge from the ovaries.

It is unquestionable that the order of this pair of olives of the Temple becomes harmoniously inverted in women.

Ancient traditions that emerge from the deep night of all ages say that when the solar and lunar atoms of the seminal system make contact in the tribeni near the coccyx, then by simple electrical induction a third forces wakens up. I wish to refer to the marvellous Fire of Love.

It is written in the old texts of the ancient wisdom that the inferior orifice of the medullar channel in common people is hermetically sealed. The seminal vapours open it so that the Sacred Fire of sexuality enters this way.

Along the medullar channel a marvellous set of varied channels can be found that interpenetrate without getting mixed up because they are situated in different dimensions. Let us remember the Sushumna and others, such as the Vajra, the Chitra, the Centralis and the famous Brahmanadi. The Fire of sexual delight ascends by this last one if we never commit the crime of spilling the semen.

It is absurd to emphasise the mistaken belief that the erotic Fire of all happiness starts the return trip towards the coccyx after the incarnation of Being (the Jivatma) in the heart of man.

It is a horrible untruth to affirm clumsily that the Divine Flame of Love, after having enjoyed its union with Paramashiva, separates during the return journey by the initial path.

Such a fatal return, the descent towards the coccyx, is only possible when the Initiate spills the semen; then he falls down fulminated by the terrible ray of the Cosmic Justice.

The rise of the sexual Fire by the medullar channel happens very slowly, according to the merits of the heart. The Cardiac Fires wisely control the miraculous ascent of the Flame of Love.

Obviously this erotic flame is not something automatic or mechanic, as many sincerely but mistakenly suppose. This serpentine Fire is awakened exclusively by sexual delight that is truthful and loving.

The erotic Flame of couples united by mere personal convenience would never rise by their medullar channels.

The ascent of the Holy Flame in the spines of adulterous men and women would be impossible.

The Fire of sexual delight would never rise in the spines of those who betray their guru.

The sexual Fire would never rise by the medullar channels of drunks, effeminates, lesbians, drug addicts, assassins, thieves, liars, slanderers, exploiters, the greedy, blasphemous, sacrilegious people, etc., etc., etc.

The Fire of sexual delight is like a wondrous serpent that emits when awakened a sound similar to that of a viper being egged on with a stick.

The sexual Fire, whose Sanskrit name is Kundalini, develops, revolutionises and ascends into the resplendent aura of the Maha-Chohan.

The ascent of the Flame of glowing happiness along the spinal channel, from vertebra to vertebra, degree by degree, is actually very slow. It would never ascend instantaneously, as some persons who do not have the correct information mistakenly suppose.

It is clear that the thirty-three degrees of the Occult Masonry correspond esoterically with the thirty-three spinal vertebrae.

When the alchemist commits the crime of spilling the Cup of Hermes—I am referring to seminal discharge— he obviously loses masonic degrees because the Fire of amorous delights descends one or more vertebrae, according to the magnitude of the fault.

It is extremely difficult to recover lost degrees. It is written in the Cathedral of the Soul, however, that there is more joy for one sinner that repents than for a thousand righteous people who have no need of repentance.

In the Teaching of Love we are always assisted by the Elohim; they advise and help us.

The Adhyatmik University of the Wise examines periodically the candidates who, after having renounced Mammon (intellectualism and material riches), enjoy wisely the delights of Love in the nuptial bed.

The key to the redemption is found in the medulla and the semen, and everything that does not take this path is in fact a waste of time.

The Serpentine Fire (Kundalini) is twisted, like any snake, in three and a half turns in a certain magnetic centre situated in the coccyx, at the base of the spine.

When the sexual Serpent awakens to initiate its progress inside and above, we go through six transcendental mystical experiences that we can and should clearly define with six Sanskrit terms as follows:

  1. Ananda: Certain spiritual happiness.
  2. Kampan: Hypersensibility of an electrical and psychic type.
  3. Utthan: Progressive increase of the self-consciousness, astral projection, transcendental mystical experiences in the superior worlds, etc.
  4. Ghurni: Intense yearnings for the divine.
  5. Murcha: States of lassitude, relaxation of the muscles and nerves during meditation in a natural and spontaneous manner.
  6. Nidra: A specific mode of dreaming that, combined with interior deep meditation, becomes a shining samadhi (ecstasy).

Unquestionably the Fire of Love confers on us infinite transcendental powers.

The sexual Flame is a truth in both systems of beliefs, associated with the Vedas and with Jehovah.

The sexual flame is the Goddess of the Word worshiped by the wise men. When awakened it confers illumination on us…

The erotic flame confers on us that divine Wisdom that is not of the mind, and is beyond time.

She gives also the mukti of the final beatitude and the jnana of liberation.


DI-ON-IS-IO. Dionisio (Dionysus). Dividing into syllables this magic word, this mantra of wonders, extraordinarily becomes the voluntary transmutation of the libido during paradisiac coitus.

Magic results of this mantra:

DI—intensified vibration of the creative organs.

ON—Intelligent movement of the creative energy in the whole of the sexual nervous system until being submerged in the Consciousness.

IS—This mantric syllable reminds us of the Isis Mysteries and their corresponding name, Isis. Obviously the vowel I and the letter S, prolonged by means of a sweet and peaceful whistle invokes the sexual Serpent so that it ascends victorious by the medullary spinal channel.

IO—Isolda, the androgynous lunar-solar being, Osiris-Isis, glints from the deep bottom of all ages, terrifyingly divine.

I, with its deep meaning, is certainly the lingam (phallus), the hebrew Iod. O, is the eternal feminine, the uterus (yoni), the famous hebrew He.

The integral transmutation of the libido takes place when we intone this last syllable of the magic word during the sexual moment.

Thus the Igneous Serpent of our magic powers awakens to start its exodus by the medullar channel.

The maternal aspect of the Sacred Flame stands out, patent and clear, as in a serpentine form it ascends along the spine.

Flame in a serpentine shape, divine sexual Flame, Most Sacred Mother Kundalini.

Outside the physical body our Cosmic Mother—particular to each of us, since everybody has his own—always assumes the marvellous presence of a virgin mother.

Once, no matter exactly when, I was outside the physical body, and found myself with my Sacred Mother in the interior of a precious enclosure.

After the usual embraces between son and mother, She sat down on a comfortable armchair opposite to me; I took advantage of the opportunity to ask some very necessary questions.

—Am I doing well now, my Mother?

—“Yes my son, you are doing well”.

—Is it still necessary to practice Sexual Magic?

—“Yes, you still need it”.

Is it possible that somebody, there in the physical world, can find self-realisation without the need for Sexual Magic?

The answer to this last question was very strong and clear:

“Impossible, my son, that is not possible”.

I confess frankly and in plain language that I was amazed by these words from the Adorable. I remembered then with supreme pain the many pseudo esotericists and pseudo occultists truly yearning for the final liberation, but ignorant of the Sahaja Maithuna, the Sexual Magic, the marvellous key to the Great Arcanum.

There is no doubt that the way to the abyss is paved with good intentions.

Samael Aun Weor

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