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There exist in the universe twelve basic hydrogen, arranged ac cording to the twelve categories of matter. These twelve categories of matter exist in all creation; for example, the twelve zodiacal salts and the twelve spheres of cosmic vibration within which a solar humanity must develop.

From the twelve basic hydrogen are derived  all the secondary hydrogen whose densities vary from 6 to 12,283. The term hydrogen has an extensive meaning in Gnosticism. Any simple element is actually a hydrogen of a certain density. Hydrogen 384 is found in water; hydrogen 192 is in the air; hydrogen 96 is wisely deposited in animal magnetism, emanations of the human body, X-rays, hormones, vitamins, etc.

Brothers and sisters of the Gnostic Movement are already  familiar with hydrogen 48, 24, 12, and 6 because we have studied them in our previous Christmas messages. Hydrogen 48 corresponds to chlorine (Cl, atomic weight  35.5);  hydrogen 24 corresponds to fluorine  (Fl, atomic weight 19); hydrogen 12 corresponds to the hydrogen of chemistry (H, atomic weight 1).

Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen have atomic weights of 12, 14, and 16. Hydrogen  96 corresponds to bromine (Br, atomic weight 80); hydrogen 192 corresponds to iodine  (I, atomic weight 127). This interesting subject of hydrogen belongs to the area of occult chemistry or Gnostic chemistry.  Since this topic is so difficult, we prefer, for the  well being of our students, to study it a little at a time in each of our Christmas messages.

We will proceed now to study the famous sexual hydrogen, SI-12, the marvelous creative hydrogen that is wisely manufactured in the factory of the human organism. The food we eat passes through many transformations, refinements, and subtleties, and these processes occur like the musical scale, DO-RE-MI-FA-SOL- LA-SI.

The food we eat begins with the note DO;  the chime from this first stage of transformation moves on to RE; this refined food passes by osmosis  into the blood stream and continues with the note MI. Successive processes follow until there remains the best of the whole organism, the marvelous elixir, the seminal liquor, with its hydrogen 12 in the note SI. Sexual hydrogen SI- 12 is found  in the semen;  it is the creative power of the Third Logos. The first musical octave, DO – RE – MI- FA – SOL – LA – SI corresponds exactly to the production of sexual hydrogen SI-12 inside the organism.

The Maithuna (Sexual Magic) produces a special shock, which  permits sexual hydrogen SI-12 to pass to a second  musical  octave, DO-RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA-SI. The result of this is a crystallization of sexual  hydrogen  SI-12  into the extraordinary  form of the Astral Body. We call this the transmutation of lead into gold. The transmutation of  flesh and  blood into the Astral Body is urgent

A second shock by means of the Maithuna (Sexual  Magic) allows the sexual hydrogen SI-12 to pass to a third musical octave, DO-RE MI-FA-SOL-LA-SI, whose result is the crystallization of sexual hydrogen S1-12 into the wonderful form of  the Mental Body (body of paradise).

A third shock by the Maithuna permits the hydrogen SI-12 to pass to the  fourth  musical octave, the result of which is the crystallization of the sexual hydrogen SI-12 into the magnificent form of the Conscious Will or Causal Body.

Sexual hydrogen SI-12 is both seed and  fruit, and it is amazing that it always crystallizes into organisms of flesh and bone. Let us remember that the physical  body  is the result of sexual hydrogen SI-12.

The Astral Body is also the result of that special act, the Maithuna (union of phallus and uterus without spilling the semen). The Astral Body is a body of flesh and bone; however, that flesh does not come from Adam, but is the product of sexual hydrogen SI-12.

The true Mental Body is the product of the Maithuna (Sexual Magic) and sexual hydrogen SI-12. This is the body of paradise, a body of perfection, a body of flesh and bone, but flesh that does not come from Adam.

The Body of Conscious Will, also called the Causal Body, is also the result of the Maithuna, the sexual act without spilling the semen.

The crystallization of the sexual hydrogen SI-12 produces the Body of Conscious Will, the Causal Body.

The authentic Astral Body, the true Mental Body, and  the legitimate Causal Body: these are solar bodies, the existential superior bodies of the Being.

Whoever builds the existential superior bodies of the Being, the solar bodies, in the Ninth Sphere, is able, and has every right, to incarnate his Real Being, his triune immortal spirit: Atman, Buddhi, Manas; Divine Spirit, Life Spirit, Human Spirit, Intimus, Spiritual Soul, Human Soul. When someone reaches these initiatic heights, a new man is born, the son of Man, a new Master of the Day, a Master of the Manvantara.

The physical body is sustained with  hydrogen 48. The  surplus of this hydrogen is converted into hydrogen 24, which feeds the Astral Body. The surplus of hydrogen 24 is converted into hydrogen 12 (do not confuse this with this sexual hydrogen SI-12). Hydrogen 12 feeds the Mental Body; the excess of hydrogen 12 is transformed into  hydrogen 6, which feeds the body of conscious will, the authentic Causal Body.

To create the solar bodies, we must work in the Maithuna, Sexual Magic, without spilling the semen; we must work in the fiery forge of  Vulcan, in the Ninth Sphere (sex).

This si more bitter that bile twenty or thirty years of daily sexual connection with only one spouse without ever spilling even one drop of semen, without permitting the semen to escape from the organism.

The twice born, who is born in the superior worlds as Master of the Manvantara, who leaves the Ninth Sphere because he has completed his work, can never return to the Ninth Sphere. To do so would be a crime: it would be like a child  wanting  to return to his mother’s womb after his birth.

The twice born is a son of Mother  Kundalini, and  if he wishes  to progress, he must love his Divine Mother, never forgetting Her. The sexual act is forbidden to the twice born for all eternity, and he must achieve absolute chastity in all areas of the mind.

Samael Aun Weor

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