Surprising Cases

1.- When I was a boy I used to hear from my parents and family the stories of the very well-known “Llorona,” (“Weeping Woman” Ed.) who showed herself periodically to the men that crossed the plains or solitary places in the course of the night. These men were seduced by a beautiful woman that waylaid them and incited them to love, but upon they corresponding to the invitation, she let lose a very penetrating laughter, hearing later a very bitter cry that froze the blood, and finally disappearing like a white veil that got lost in the shades of the night.

Could you explain to us this manifestation, Master, that is very well-known in many places of several countries?

Certainly I should say to you that this story of the “Llorona” is a popular legend in all the countries of the world.

R.- Distinguished friend, believe me, I feel great pleasure in answering your request. I find your story quite interesting.

Certainly I should say to you that this story of the “Llorona” is a popular legend in all the countries of the world.

I don’t want to underestimate the word “legend”; really such term is used as a vehicle for many traditions that sometimes become part of the actual history.

In the stories there is many times more realities than what the people suppose. After this small necessary description in order to clarify terms, I will tell that there is no place in the planet Earth where it has not been heard speak at some time of the “Llorona.”

In my role as an occultist researcher, I will tell you the following: in a certain occasion, over there in a town, the people informed me about the unusual appearances of the “Llorona” at the bank of a creek. It is worth the effort to tell you with a certain emphasis that I proposed to investigate the case personally.

For such purpose, I was supposed to go to the place of reference, to the place indicated by the people, in the high hours of the night. It is obvious that one should make a rigorous investigation, and that is known by any Esotericist, and I proceeded in this manner.

The aforesaid metaphysical woman came to me; that is clear. I interrogated her in the following form: ” Are you the “Llorona?”Yes, I am ,” she responded, and then tried to give her famous cries or painful screams with those so well-known exclamations: “Oh, my children! Oh, my children!” But I was in guard and of course she did not succeed in frightening me, because of the saying, warned soldier doesn’t die in war.

“Are you a witch?”, I asked her. “Yes, I am,” she answered. Do you belong to the society of the witchcraft?” “Yes,” she answered again.

The woman was dressed all in black and a long mantel of the same color wrapped her body from head to feet; she used sandals and was like a shade between the same shades of the night.

The face of that apparition was pale, her eyes black and penetrating, her nose small, her lips more or less vulgar.

Feeling that she had been vanquished, that ghost of the night went away by the side of the creek, walking slowly, slowly…

2.- Then this woman was only a ghost?

R.- Dear young lady, allow me to say to you that in certain sense yes, that was so, but she had a tremendous reality; she was a certainly a witch of those that concur to the society of the witchcraft of Salamanca, Spain.

3.- I am going to relate a case that happened in my childhood, when there was not yet electric light; we lived in a house that had a great patio; therefore, in order to light it we used candles and paraffin lamps; the rooms were built around the patio and at an end, a great kitchen in colonial style, where there were big wooden furniture pieces called trasteros; we also had several kinds of animals, such as pigs, birds, cows, etc.

Very often animals were stolen and everybody was always expecting this; on a certain night we heard a great noise in the kitchen and the hullabaloo of some pigs and hens as if they had been taken out, also we heard the noise made by one of the trasteros as it collapsed breaking all the pottery that it had inside; the roar was so big that all the members of the family woke up, coming out half dressed, to see what was going on, with candles and lamps in their hands. Upon arriving at the kitchen and check where the animals were, we were surprised by the fact that everything was calm and the kitchen utensils in perfect state, without having moved anything; this same situation was repeated not less than five times, we decided then not to pay more attention to these happenings. Automatically such phenomenon disappeared, which at the beginning frightened us, saying even that this kitchen was bewitched.

Would the Master be so kind to give us an explanation in this respect?

R.- Quite interesting your question, and believe me that I feel a great happiness upon answering you.

These are the cases of bewitched houses and of ghostly very well-known facts from the remote antiquity. It is clear that in these happenings creatures of the Beyond intervene, spectra, spirits of the dead, etc.

Clearly, it stands out with whole meridian clarity the existence of psychic factors able to produce physical phenomenon.

It is unquestionable that effects without cause don’t exist, neither causes without effects. Obviously the ghost of any dead person produces such phenomenon. The Etheric Double of that trastero or piece of furniture where the china was kept fell down, certainly producing such sounds in the night; this doesn’t mean that the merely physical part of the mentioned piece of furniture was thrown on the floor.

It is good that you understand, distinguished gentleman, that any physical object has a Double of the Etheric type, including as we can see the mentioned trastero of the kitchen; now you will understand better what was it that fell and the origin of the sound of plates, pots and other clay or porcelain that was destroyed.

The ghost of the dead acted on the etheric part of the physical piece of furniture, and phenomenon similar to the merely material took place. Since olden times it was known that in such places there were occult treasures and some people looked for them eagerly until they came across them.

4.- It pleases me very much to verify or reaffirm your answer, in connection with the fact that indeed in that place two pots with golden coins were found, and were kept by the bricklayers when that kitchen was demolished; many comments in this respect were made, and some people agreed that this was that the reason why several supernatural cases had been observed.

R.- My friends, I know about a similar and very extraordinary case. Inside an old chamber of an old elegant large house, where some people of certain age lived patriarchal, multiple noises could be heard in the deep silence of the night.

A beautiful lady was accustomed to cover herself totally with her covers or serapes from head to foot, when she was in bed. One night she was asleep tranquil in her bed, when she heard the mentioned metaphysical sounds inside her bedroom.

As in all these cases, such innocent .protections such as the covers or serapes do not always work well.

This lady tells that at some time she managed to touch with her feet the body of a ghost that seemed to be of a boy. That woman says that the metaphysical infant slowly went pulling the serapes until leaving her totally without them, and then placed them all together on certain place of the bedroom.

Time passed, and much later, when that family left the house, other people that went to live there had to make some repairs to the house, and in the exact place where the ghost had placed the serapes or covers a very rich treasure of solid gold was found, somewhat deep in the ground.

We are going to proceed now with another very similar and quite interesting story. I remember the case of a gentleman of a certain age, who had strange dreams: he was taken in vision, at night, to a fallow land.

The one who guided him, indicating a certain barren place, in emphatic form told him:

“Here I buried a great treasure and it is for you; you could take it out; all that you need to do is to scratch, to make a hole; I am going to put a sign here so that you come tomorrow; where you find the sign, it is the place where the fortune is.”

The gentleman of such a story tells that the ghost that drove him there in his dreams, put two bones of a dead person in the form of a cross and then, putting much emphasis, he repeated: “This is the sign, don’t you forget it.”

The gentleman says that when he woke up from such a strange dream, very early before breakfast, he went to the place pointed out, and certainly he found there the two bones in the form of a cross; then, taking them with his two hands, he said: “On behalf of God or on behalf of the devil, whatever it may be, here goes, so be it!” Then he threw the two bones a long way away and full of great indignation returned to his house. It is obvious that that good man lost a rich fortune.

5.- In connection with the previous stories, I want to narrate another case in which several people observed a white dog that came out from behind a Nepal shrub and walked approximately about 100 meters, getting lost in an ostensible hole, giving some curiosity and to others great fear, because during the day there was no such hole. One of those who had observed the phenomenon decided to shoot the dog that walked night after night, and big it was their surprise upon seeing that the bullets didn’t kill it, continuing his normal journey until getting lost in the above mentioned hole.

After getting together the people that had seen the dog, somebody thought that in the hole where that white dog got lost could be the indication that in it there was a treasure. When they dug, they indeed found a respectable fortune, which they divided into equal parts. Could you explain this story, Master?

R.- My good friend, your story is magnificent and deserves a good explanation.

I want you to know that all these hidden treasures are guarded by the Gnomes of Nature. People give all these Elemental creatures diverse names; some people simply characterize them as Goblins and that is all.

There is not doubt that such Elementals are the faithful guardians of the so rich mineral fortunes occult under the epidermis of the earth.

The dog ghost of the story was simply a Gnome entrusted to watch over the treasure. Normally those metaphysical creatures have the form of small dwarfs, they seem rather venerable old men; but they could assume any figure, including that of the mentioned dog. Now you will understand everything related with that phenomenon.

Dear friends, this kind of story is very interesting, it is however good to know that the best treasure is the Spirit; let us not allow ourselves to be overtaken by ambition, greed, the desire of fortune, etc., etc., etc.

We study all these different psychic aspects because they are quite interesting, but of course not we are devoted to look for hidden fortunes; that is all.

Samael Aun Weor

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