The Crown Chakra
1. You have reached the thirty-third chamber, oh arhat! The higher three chambers of your head have...
1. You have reached the thirty-third chamber, oh arhat! The higher three chambers of your head have...
of Life. The Innermost is the most beloved son of the “Inner Christ.” The ray from which...
THE VOWELS AND THE FACULTIES OF THE CHAKRAS: Practice #18 The seven vowels of Nature: I E...
1. In chapter six, we spoke of the white elixir and the red elixir in their profound...
Initiation is your own life. If you want initiation, write it upon a staff. Whosoever has understanding...
What is understood by return? Samael Aun Weor: Common and ordinary people understand by return the return...
In these dark moments of confusion and world agony we are going to share a few words...
My friends, let us now carefully study the second Dantesque circle. I am emphatically referring to that...
Now with a sequence of unusual accounts I wish to explain about the Law of Recurrence. The...