The Two Marys
Two serpents exist, the one that ascends up the medullar canal and the one...
Two serpents exist, the one that ascends up the medullar canal and the one...
The kabbalistic traditions say that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith is...
There are four states of Consciousness that are possible for man: Sleep, Vigil Consciousness,...
1.I have a business, and lately the economic situation has become very difficult for...
1.One night in April 1968, while I was profoundly asleep, I heard shouts and...
1.What answer can be given to the profane ones who—when speaking to them about...
1.What is physical death? Samael Aun Weor: The cessation of all organic functions, to...
This subject deals with the transformation of oneself. In past talks we dealt with...
The sexual energy of the Third Logos harmonizes all the functions of the human...