The Nymphs
Iris, divine ineffable maiden, messenger Goddess of winged feet, you are the one who protects Initiate women...
Iris, divine ineffable maiden, messenger Goddess of winged feet, you are the one who protects Initiate women...
It came to pass then, when Jesus had spoken these words unto his disciples, that he said...
We have been able to verify by direct experience that it is impossible to comprehend what love...
Our parents at home and teachers at school always tell us what we must think, but never...
It has already been totally demonstrated that fear stops free initiative. The bad financial situation of millions...
We have concluded this Treatise of Sexual Alchemy with the absolute security that this twentieth century’s humanity...
When the soldiers of Nebuchadnezzar penetrated into the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple of Solomon, they became...
Dead Gold is useless. It is necessary to give life to it. 2. Just as the Sun...
“Hail, phallus of Ra, who departest from thy calamity through opposition.” “The cycles have been...