Description of the Temple of Wisdom
Symbols shown on this engraved stone: Above is a series of lines that, as we previously stated,...
Symbols shown on this engraved stone: Above is a series of lines that, as we previously stated,...
This chiseled stone figure is very strange. Where else can we find such strange representations? We see...
This stone is very well stylized. The head, body, and eyes are of a turtle. We already...
This sculpture is a clear allusion to the twelve labors of Hercules. The twelve labors of Hercules,...
The countenance is grave, with a resemblance of a beard. The hands indicate the ascent of the...
In the last chapter, we referred extensively to the Initiator Element of dreams. Obviously, we only lack...
We should review our pad or notebook every month in order to verify the gradual progression of...
Gnosis teaches that the modern, decadent psychology of the Western Hemisphere is ignorant of the various kinds...
The intellectual animal, falsely called man, has the fixed idea that the total annihilation of the ego,...