The great Hierophant Jesus Christ told Nicodemus, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except...
The great Hierophant Jesus Christ told Nicodemus, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except...
Practice #20 One lies supine on the floor, then raises the legs and places...
Upon creating the intransigent dogma of evolution, the decrepit Western mind totally forgot the...
Annie Besant narrates a case of Master Nanak, which is well worth transcribing. “It...
Upon leaving the body, taking the path of fire, of the light of the...
Taurus is the zodiacal sign that governs the creative larynx, which is a marvelous...
Jesus commendeth James and promiseth the first place unto the disciples When James then...
Don Mario Roso de Luna, the illustrious Theosophical writer, when commenting about the third...
Tie Shan writes: “I knew Buddhism since I was thirteen years old. At the...