The Terrible Kiss
In a tremendously growing surprise due to the marvelous narrative of Kundry, the original...
In a tremendously growing surprise due to the marvelous narrative of Kundry, the original...
From within the enchanted dream of those bewitching flowers breaks out the magical voice...
In the cavernous background of mystery, the fatal battlement of the very ancient rampart...
When we speak with the very pure rising of the Divine Language, which as...
In the name of the one hundred virgins from the ineffable mystery that is...
Kundry-Herodias, as the Hebraic Magdalene of other times, brings a delectable phial from the...
The ultra-modern Lucifer-Prometheus, frightfully devolving in time, has now converted himself into Epimetheus: “The...
Prometheus, the Greek God is the Maha-Asura, the Hindustani Lucifer who rebelled against Brahma...
It is comprehensible that such an aforesaid, marvelous legend of the Holy Grail is...