The Edda
We can consider the German Edda as the Germanic Bible. This archaic book contains...
We can consider the German Edda as the Germanic Bible. This archaic book contains...
That which we call the ordinary vigil-state consciousness is profound sleep. Ordinary consciousness of...
Certain tenebrous rites which survive from the most remote epochs of history exist. The...
Practice #10 We suggest that we relax the physical body and mind. After achieving...
The kabbalistic traditions say that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith is...
“God is love, and his love creates and creates anew.” The delicious words of...
Christonic semen is the raw-matter of the Great Work. The semen is the pure...
1.What is physical death? Samael Aun Weor: The cessation of all organic functions, to...
Relaxing the Body: The Gnostic ascetic lies down in dorsal decubitus, (face up) with...