Chapter 3 – The Swans of Paradise
The Kala-Hamsa swan, perched upon a lotus flower, floats over the pure living waters. Kala-Hamsa means: “I...
The Kala-Hamsa swan, perched upon a lotus flower, floats over the pure living waters. Kala-Hamsa means: “I...
Eden is the Ethereal World. Eden is sex itself. The Ethereal World is the abode of the...
Self-willed aideth his emanations and they again oppress Sophia And Jesus continued again in the discourse and...
Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto his disciples: “It came to pass then, when...
He who possesses the Bodhicitta within himself will be able to submerge to the bottom of the...
Practice #21 To solve a problem you need a lot of peace and mental quietude. A restless,...
The Being, the Innermost, the Monad, has two Souls: the first is the Spiritual Soul, the second...
From Geber to the enigmatic and powerful Count Cagliostro (who transmuted lead into gold and fabricated diamonds...
Practice #20 One lies supine on the floor, then raises the legs and places them vertically on...