Elemental Magic of the Cinnamon
97. Cinnamon is related to cordiality, and is a restorative of forces. 98. Wherever...
97. Cinnamon is related to cordiality, and is a restorative of forces. 98. Wherever...
70. The saffron is the plant of the apostolate. 71. The elemental population of...
37. The hierarchies that govern the elemental department of the orange trees are the...
1. The pomegranate tree represents friendship. 2. The pomegranate tree represents friendly agreements. 3....
“In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and...
1. When studying Genesis we read that the Lord Jehovah created every herb, every...
1. The schools of the Baalim were instituted in the abyss by humanity. 2....
1. “I saw also the height of the house round about: the foundation of...
1. The elemental of this tree has marvelously flaming igneous powers. 2. The doors...