Change Nature & thus you shall find that which you are looking for
1. Arnald of Villanova, Albert the Great, Raymond Lully and many other Alchemists, give...
1. Arnald of Villanova, Albert the Great, Raymond Lully and many other Alchemists, give...
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. “And the earth was...
In our work of metallic transmutations, we must elaborate astral tinctures in order to...
The Green Lion is the Innermost of every one. 2. This work is performed...
“The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith: “Hail,...
The principles of all the metals are: Salt, Mercury and Sulphur. 2. Mercury, Sulphur,...
1 . The overseer of the palace, Nu, triumphant, saith: “That which is an...
We have concluded this book and I have the satisfaction of having demonstrated to...
Engels says: “All nature, from its smallest particles to its most gigantic bodies, from...