Our Work in Red and in White
The regimes of our Philosophical Stone are five. 2.I. To reduce the metals to...
The regimes of our Philosophical Stone are five. 2.I. To reduce the metals to...
When the soldiers of Nebuchadnezzar penetrated into the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple of...
The Moon’s Lime mixed with the male Mercury and with the female Mercury produces...
Dead Gold is useless. It is necessary to give life to it. 2. Just...
1. Arnald of Villanova, Albert the Great, Raymond Lully and many other Alchemists, give...
“Hail, phallus of Ra, who departest from thy calamity through opposition.” “The...
When I was in the supra-sensible worlds, two books came into my hands. 2....
Let us now enter into the alchemical Spagirism. 2. Spagiria or Spagiric medicine comes...
The invisible stars that palpitate within the profundities of the infinite are ineffable flames....