The Queen of The Jinns
With the spear in its rest, the strong breastplate about the chest, the menacing...
With the spear in its rest, the strong breastplate about the chest, the menacing...
The Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika of the Great Hindustani Initiates emphasizes the transcendental idea that a coitus,...
When the world, like Tantalus who aspires in vain to reach an ideal, bends...
The primeval human beings, the sexual androgynous Adam-Kadmon, reproduced themselves by means of imagination...
The sacred Scriptures state: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye...
The ultra-modern Lucifer-Prometheus, frightfully devolving in time, has now converted himself into Epimetheus: “The...
In these moments of mysterious joy, it is not irrelevant to remember that subliminal...
Let us now study Arcanum 22 of the Kabalah. This arcanum is the CROWN...
It is for the good of the great cause to know that Wagner prohibited...