The four circles and the Avitchi
Our solar system is a complete body with four complete circles. The circumference of the each of the circles has its respective time pattern.
The circle of the Mineral Region called Hell or Avitchi etc. has a time scale that goes from 80,000,000 to 80 years; a terribly slow time, very appropriate for all the mineral processes which take place within the earthly crust in that kingdom called Hell or Avitchi.

The circle of Cellular Life extends from 60 years to a month, and within this time all organisms that live on the surface of the earth normally develop.
The circle of Molecular Life extends from one month to 40 minutes and measures all phenomena and happenings of the Molecular World.
The Molecular World is the region or regions of the atmosphere, the Paradise of all religions. The circle of Electronic life oscillates between 40 and 2.5 seconds. This is the time of the celestial regions with which the phenomena of light and solar happenings are measured.
The infernal region of Avitchi is within the mineral crust of the earth. Avitchi is below the limits of external sensory perception.
Avitichi belongs to the densest mineral regions. Avitchi could never be discovered with the physical senses because it belongs to the Ultra. Avitchi has seven terribly dense regions.
Avitchi is symbolised by the inferno of the Great Religions. Inferno derives from Infernus, lower region, the atomic infernoes of nature. These are the submerged worlds, within the earth’s interior.
When a human being has become too materialistic, too lazy, then after judgment he enters Avitchi. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says: ‘On falling there, you will have to suffer unbearably, where there is certainly no time to escape.’
Those who become more and more evil, end up entering the kingdom with which they have more affinity.
This is the kingdom of rocks where the petrified fossil remains of those who were once living creatures abide. These are the people with hearts of stone, hearts of flint, etc.
These people no longer respond to any kind of punishment and each time that they return all they do is work in evil and for evil. They love evil for evil’s sake. Because of their persistence in crime, because of their exaggerated materialism they have become in some way mineral.
This is the melting pot, the aim of which is to liberate a fraction of the causal particle, the prime material, the psychic product, a type of embryo soul shut up in the DIABOLICAL MINERALISED HOST.
In Avitchi those who are lost are involuted in time. From the human state they involve to the animal state, then they return to the plant kingdom and lastly to the mineral. Afterwards they disintegrate, are reduced to cosmic dust.
When these shadowy entities disintegrate something escapes inwards and upwards. What escapes is the embryo of the Soul, the prime material that returns to the world of the Spirit. Let us remember the vision of ER, who says: ‘And he said as they arrived, all returned joyfully to the meadows and camped there as if in a congregation ….. and they talked among themselves – some moaning and crying, when they remember the terrible things that they had suffered and seen on their journey under the earth – they said their journey had been a thousand years …. (Because) depending on the errors each man had committed and the number of people he had harmed, he suffered, successively, ten times for each one. Every hundred years they paid, because a hundred years counts as the life of a man, and so it was that evil works were paid for ten times over.’
Samael Aun Weor
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