The sexual energy of the Third Logos harmonizes all the functions of the human organism in a splendid manner. Sexual energy is not only perfect in itself, but also desires perfection in everything that exists.
Sexual energy produces accord and harmony among all the specific functions of the human organism. It works in the marvelous laboratory of the body with the goal of giving to that organism the highest potential and harmony. The creative energy of the Third Logos always strives to perfect each of the marvelous physiological, psychosomatic, and spiritual functions of the human being. The creative energy of the Third Logos completes the work, complementing and correcting deficiencies.
If we consider man and woman as two halves of one being, we then arrive, by logical deduction, at the loving attraction of opposites. Souls, anxious for love, continually search for their other half, the twin soul from which they were separated at the dawn of creation. We always need, on the road of life, that other being who can fulfill us, who can supply exactly what we lack, not only physiologically, but also psychosomatically and spiritually. Each one of our physical and psychic functions needs its human complement. This is a natural necessity of every living being.
The mutual combinations of the elements of nature, the chemical weddings, the sexual combination of opposite elements, in order to achieve a perfect whole: these constitute the living principle of every thing that is, has been, and will be. It has already been demonstrated that the chemical elements are attracted and combined lovingly in accordance with the complementary number of electrons.
Every chemist knows, through observation and experience, that the perfect electron shell of an atom has a specific number of electrons. Sodium, which has an extra electron in its electron shell, unites sexually with chlorine, which lacks one. The amazing thing about all this is that sodium, with one extra electron, would never combine with other alkalis of a similar composition. In the depths of all these marvels, of all these miracles of love, we find the matrimony of the elements which is the foundation on which rests all chemistry.
Without exaggeration, we can affirm that this principle of sexual attraction of opposites always applies, without exception, to the attraction and marriage of men and women. Each organic and psychic function always wants its complement, and the feeling of indifference, attraction, or repulsion between a man and a woman is the result of an extraordinarily rapid, and exact subtle calculation which happens silently. The sexual sense is faster than thought and makes amazing calculations. It knows with mathematical precision if a person of the opposite sex has all the reciprocal factors necessary to complement our own.
Within the human organism, the various glands and glandular systems and their dependent functions work in pairs, some controlling the masculine functions and some controlling the feminine functions. There is a marvelous exchange of chemical substances between the masculine and feminine glands.
The dual masculine-feminine aspect of the pituitary gland is amazing. Scientists know that the anterior lobe of the pituitary is masculine and the posterior is feminine. The masculine and feminine glands harmoniously co-ordinate all the biological functions of the human organism.
Venus and Mars control the pituitary and pineal glands. While Venus, in the pituitary, wants to sleep, Mars, in the pineal, wants to continue struggling. In the neck, the same battle between Venus and Mars is repeated: Venus controls the thyroids and Mars controls the parathyroid. The surface and the medulla of the suprarenal always correspond to the masculine and feminine counterparts, which lead to conflict or evasion. This union of masculine and feminine sexual elements in every gland of the human body is wisely symbolized in the images of Tibetan Tantrism where each god is accompanied by a goddess or feminine Shakti.
Life is difficult, and each man and woman, beginning at fourteen years of age, searches for his or her sexual complement. Any man can find a woman who can complement him for a specific function, but it may be another woman who is the complement for his fundamental center of gravity.
The same is true for women. This explains the sexual cause of the famous and tragic triangles, which end in divorce or violence. Only with virtue, only by complying with the Christian commandment not to commit adultery, can these fatal triangles cease to exist.
The ideal in love is to meet your other half, your better half, your twin soul. Only the total and perfect complement can give inexhaustible happiness. It is, however, a lot to expect; we don’t deserve so much because we are full of karma.
In conjugal life, we can see that sometimes the woman leads and sometimes the man leads. In every home, there is one who leads and one who follows. Do not confuse this with commanding and being commanded.
Speaking astrologically, let us say that Venus has to lead the Moon; Mercury has to lead Venus; Saturn has to lead Mercury; Mars has to lead Saturn; Jupiter has to lead Mars; and the Moon has to lead Jupiter.
It is necessary in these matters, that we know what star guides our life. These astrologically wise combinations given here mean mutual attractions and perfect sexual complements. Other kinds of sexual unions are absurd and even illegitimate because they violate the sexual nature of the interested parties, leaving them with deep psychic injuries, which are difficult to heal.
The Mercurial man adores the beautiful Venusian because of the love and sweetness she radiates and can draw her from her romantic laziness, giving her the mercurial lightness she needs. The Jupiter woman who is crazy with love for the Martian man can extinguish his violence and channel his energy in an edifying way. The attraction of the opposites has its origins in a divine, ineffable, cosmic model.
The lunar type is always attracted to a Venusian; the Venusian is attracted to the Mercurial; the Mercurial is attracted to the Saturnian; the Saturnian is attracted to the Martian; the Martian is attracted to the Jupiter type; and the Jupiter type is attracted to the lunar.
Based on these marvelous combinations, the various human types can combine themselves and establish perfect marriages on earth.
The Gnostic couple, working internally in the fiery forge of Vulcan, the Ninth Sphere (sex), can achieve, by means of the Maithuna (Sexual Magic), what the enemies of sex cannot achieve, even though they declare themselves vegetarian, torture themselves, or live like hermits.
We find in sex the greatest force, which can liberate or enslave humankind.
Samael Aun Weor
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