The Bellowing Beast

Before the second transalpine catastrophe, which fundamentally altered the aspect of the terrestrial crust, an old continent that now remains submerged within the boisterous waters of the Atlantic Ocean existed.

I am emphatically referring to Atlantis. Innumerable traditions abound everywhere in regards to it.

Behold, or not, the Atlantean foreign names, or names of barbarian languages, as those cretin Greeks used to say who wanted to kill Anaxagoras when he dared to say that the Sun was a bit bigger than half of Peloponnesus.

These names, I say, were translated into the Egyptian language by the Saiphic Priests, and restored into their primary significance by Plato the Divine, in order to later marvelously pour them into the language of Attica.

Behold the diamantine thread of the millenary tradition, from the Saiphic Priests to Solon, and then continuing with the two Cristias and the Master Plato…

Behold, I tell you, the extraordinary descriptions of Botany, Geography, Zoology, Mineralogy, Politics, Religion, customs, etc., which come from the Atlanteans.

Behold as well with eyes of a rebel eagle the veiled allusions to the first divine Kings of such an anti delugean old continent; divine Kings who simultaneously have many references in Mediterranean Paganism and in very ancient sacred texts from the Oriental world.

Behold those astonishing notes of Diodoro Siculo (which for us are still material for studying) that give a detailed account of those sublime Kings.

Behold, at last, and this is what is most interesting, the similar sacrifice of the Sacred  Cow, characteristics of Brahmans, Hebrews, Mohammedans, the European Gentiles, and thousands of other populaces…

It is unquestionable that our most celebrated and indestructible Taurine Circus is in its depth nothing but a very ancient ancestral survival from that Atlantean sacrificial festivity, whose description is still found in many archaic secret books.

There are in reality many existing legends in the world about the bulls that were released   in the Temple of Neptune. These animals were not brutally subdued with barbed darts and swords as in these times, but with ropes and other ingenious arts of classic Tauromachy.

Once the symbolic beast was defeated in the sacred bull ring, it was immolated in honor    to the Holy Gods of Atlantis; Gods, who as the very Neptune, had devolved from the primeval solar state, till converting themselves into a lunar type of people.

The classic art of Tauromachy is indeed something Initiatic and it is related with the mysterious worship of the Sacred Cow…

Behold, the Atlantean bull ring from the Temple of Neptune and the present one. Indeed, they are nothing but a living zodiac, in which the honorable public as starry constellations are seated.

The Initiator or Hierophant is the Master, the walking baderilleros are the companions, and the mounted bull fighters are the beginners. Therefore, the beginners ride on the horse, in other words, with all the ballast over their untamed body, which always fall dead in hard battle.

The companions already feel superior since they are putting the banderillas or the lances into the wild bull, into the animal ego; in other words, they are already (as Arjuna from the Bhagavad Gita) the persecutors of the secret enemy. The Master (as the God Krishna from that old poem) with the cape of his hierarchy, which signifies the dominion of Maya, is the one who grasps with his dexterous hand the flaming swo rd of willpower. He becomes not the persecutor, but the killer of the ‘I’, or the beast, a horrifying, roaring monster, which was also seen in Camelot, Kamelok or Kamaloka by the very King Artus, supreme chief of the illustrious Knights of the Round Table.

Therefore, the resplendent Atlantean Tauromachy is a profoundly significant royal art, since it teaches us through its brilliant symbolism the hard battle which must conduce us    to the dissolution of the ‘I’.

Any retrospective glance related with Taurine Esoterism can indubitably conduce us to mystic discoveries of a transcendental order.

As a fact of the present actuality, it is worthy to cite the profound love which the Torero feels for the Virgin. It is ostensible that he totally delivers himself to  Her  before  appearing with his sparkling suit in the bull ring.

This reminds us of the Isiac Mysteries, the terrible sacrifice of the Sacred Cow and the archaic worships of I.O, whose origins have become solemn on our planet Earth since the dawn of life.

It is outstanding, clear and defined that indeed, only 10, Devi Kundalini, the Sacred Cow, the Divine Mother possesses the Serpentine Magical Power that permits us to reduce the animal ego, the terrible bull, the roaring beast within the ring of existence into cosmic dust.

Parsifal, the Torero of the astral plane, after the hard battle in the marvelous ring of life, converted himself, as a fact and by his own right into the innocent chaste one of the Wagnerian drama, who was announced by the Voice of the Silence amidst the exquisite splendors of the Holy Grail.

Samael Aun Weor

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