The Brave Amazon

Upon the solitary path, the defeated ones, as vague, weakened, vacillating, pensive and ragged phantoms, set themselves on their way to the lake. Hence, when watching the distant tower of the temple, under a certain opalescent light that is dawning in, they go with their halting step, as if they were afraid to arrive…

The surrendered Kundry, almost staggering by her fatigue as well as by her terrible and frightful remorse, lunges herself upon the perfumed ground…

In those moments, the unfortunate cortege that escorts the King from the Grail’s castle to the holy bath advances…

The suffering Monarch does not keep any resentments in his painful heart. He totally comprehends his own errors; he recognizes his culpability. Thus, humbly he gives thanks to his maid, the woman, the eternal feminine, the monumental Eve from the Hebrew Mythology, an eternal toy for the good and evil on the earth, in accordance with the manner of treatment given to her by men.

The Wagnerian Magdalene, vilely converted into a toy by the malignant one, longs also to support the divine ideals of the Grail; yet she always falls defeated…

‘Woman!” exclaims Amfortas… “Art thou not perhaps a Demon vomited by hell so that thou canst open this wound in me..?”

“Art thou perhaps an angel who did descend from Urania so that thou canst keep vigil upon my unfortunate existence…?”

The savage amazon, the symbolic woman of the Wagnerian drama, a magnificent prototype of what in the world is the most abject and equally the most sublime, is certainly formidable…

She is in wild garb, her skirts tucked up by a snakeskin girdle with long hanging cords.

Her black hair loose and disheveled, miraculously waves in separated curls of an obscure reddish-brown hue…

Upon her delectable feminine face shines her enchanted dark colored eyes, which sometimes piercingly flash in a wild manner. Strangely, they more often frightfully fix and stare with a rigor of death…

Kundry brings, as the Jewish Magdalene, a small crystal phial from the exotic Arabia. Certainly, the King of the Grail needs a precious balm in order to heal his painful heart…

Blessed be the woman! Blessed be the beings who adore each other…!

Hermes Trismegistus stated:

“I give thee love, within which the whole summum of wisdom is contained.”

To love, how beautiful it is to love…! Only the great souls can and know how to love…

Love begins with a flash of delectable sympathy. It is substantiated with infinite tenderness, and it is synthesized in supreme adoration…

A perfect marriage is the union of two beings, one who loves more and the other who loves better…

Love is the best accessible religion…

Samael Aun Weor

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