The case of Cuba is terribly sorrowful. The pearl of the Caribbean has fallen into the clutches of communism; really Cuba has been a victim of dictatorships. First: the Batista dictatorship, and then the appalling communist doctrine of Castro Ruíz.
In principle, capitalist dictatorship, then communist dictatorship.
When Castro rose up in arms against the Batista regime, even the Gringos themselves gave him weapons, everyone agreed with Castro’s revolution in its beginnings, when he promised bread and freedom from the Sierra Maestra. Again we say that the revolutions of blood and liquor only lead to failure; this is definitely proven in the case of Cuba. Today the beautiful island of the Caribbean has become a springboard for Marxism-Leninism.
All the countries of Latin America are convulsed by guerrillas and saboteurs of Marxist-Leninist type; in Cuba all the communists of America are trained; there they receive instruction and preparation in Guerrilla Warfare.
Cuban prisons are full of thousands of citizens who do not accept, nor can accept, the brutalizing barbarism of Marxism-Leninism. For the first time in history we have the disgusting Marxism of the USSR in our beloved America.
Cuba is in poverty; there is hunger in Cuba. Castro has betrayed the revolution; Castro is a traitor.
Cuba is a true hell. Cuba is no longer the beautiful island of other times;that island visited by all tourists, Cuba, is now an island of torture and bitterness, that is the frightening reality of these times.
It is absurd, manifestly absurd to want to force others to think against their will in things that people do not want to accept, it is stupid to want to force communist ideas upon those who do not want to accept them, it is Evil, terrifyingly evil, to put in others in prison for the crime of not wanting to accept Marxist ideas. Using violence to force others to accept certain theories is barbaric and stupid . It is not the path of violence that is the most appropriate to solve the economic or social problems of the people, it is necessary to understand that we must learn to respect the free will of others; every act of violence or mental compulsion or intellectual coercion is stupid.
Life is not resolved with theories or projects, Castro wanted to solve Cuba’s economic problems with theories, projects, prisons, executions, etc., the result is inevitably failure. Castro has become a bloodthirsty monster.
Castro wants to go down in history as a second Lenin. Castro will really go down in history as a monster thirsty for blood, that’s all. Neither Castro nor Lenin can ever solve the problems of the world, because the problems of the world are the problems of the individual and as long as individuals do not solve their problems the world will continue to be the way it is. The world is the individual, only by transforming the individual is the world transformed.
Really violence solves nothing, absolutely nothing . The most serious problems of humanity can be solved by Profound Comprehension.
Everything can be studied, everything can be clarified and resolved intelligently if we learn to cooperate and be peaceful.
Everything can be fixed by ending selfishness and greed.
Social and economic problems can be solved on the basis of Cooperation and Wisdom.
In a round table, the most serious problems can be discussed and solved by means of intelligence. It is absurd to use violence to solve problems; violence solves absolutely nothing.
The case of Cuba is very serious, however, violence should not be resisted by violence . Castro and Marxism-Leninism can be fought through a national policy of nonviolence, non-resistance to evil. Non-cooperation with Castrism .
The workers have all the power in their hands, the workers of Cuba with an absolute total strike in the whole island for an indefinite time, could end the regime of Castro Rus. This would cost, it is clear, many thousands of victims, but it’s success would be total.
If Cubans love their homeland, they must prove it by joining forces to fight Castro with non-violence and non-cooperation.
Castrism fills Cuba with hunger. Castro expropriated all the factories of the American companies for nothing, because those factories are now motionless due to lack of technical personnel .
Before, in other times, these factories gave work to thousands of Cuban workers.
It is horrible to see in our beloved America the disgusting doctrine of Marxism-Leninism. It is appalling to see the horrors of the USSR in the Caribbean.
There is something still worse ; there is something that freezes our soul. Castro hates religions. Castro persecutes the religious in the name of his stupid materialistic theories that do not resist an analysis, the Marxist theories are pure sophistry.
Castro is taking children out of Cuba to educate them in the USSR. Castro believes that these children will become useful citizens, through the act of putting Marx’s doctrine in their heads. Naturally that is absurd, because the doctrine of Marx does not resist an analysis, it is absurd. Castro is fanaticized by an absurd theory without solid foundations, the result of his fanaticism and error are thousands and millions of victims.
The people, the poor suffering people, have to pay dearly for Castro’s Marxist fanaticism. Cuba groans in pain, Cuba has fallen into the hands of the USSR.
In these moments, Cuba suffers and thousands of people are locked-up in prisons ; Right now nobody is the master of his own person on the beautiful island of Cuba. Whoever does not accept Marxism-Leninism is taken into forced labor on collective farms, or locked-up in horrible prisons.
The communist system of forced labor with concentration camps and prisons has entered America through Castro Ruíz, now all the free countries of the American continent must solve the economic problem of the people if they really want to save themselves from the abominable communism.
Samael Aun Weor
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