The return of the human Essence begins with conception. The trio that starts our life : conception, gestation, birth, is marvellous. It is amazing to think that man begins as a cell, subject to the rapid time of cells and living in the world of cells. It is extraordinary to know that after about 80 years his human life ends overcharged with memories. The inner processes that begin conception are extremely rapid, but as time passes become slower. All organic processes become slower.

In fact, the relativity of Time does exist. Human gestation lasts 10 lunar months, infancy 100 lunar months, and life more or less 1,000 lunar months.

The electromagnetic trace that the life of a man leaves in the instant of death is imprinted firmly on the conception of the foetus. The path of life is formed with the hoof marks of the “Horse of Death”. Death, judgement, and conception make a perfect trio. “At the moment of death” says a book called ‘Tibetan Doctrine’, the four sounds called “sounds that inspire sacred terror” are heard : that of the vital force of the element Earth, a sound like the collapse of a mountain; that of the vital force of the element Water, a noise like that of ocean waves; that of the vital force of the element Fire, a sound like that of a forest fire; that of the vital force of the element Air, a sound like that of a thousand thunderclaps echoing simultaneously. The place in which one seeks shelter, fleeing from these noises is the womb.”

When the zoosperm unites with the ovum, gestation begins. The cell with which human life begins has 48 chromosomes. This clearly speaks of 48 Laws that govern the human organism. There are 48 controls that regulate the human organism. The chromosomes are divided into Genes. A hundred or so make a chromosome. The total constitution of the human organism is determined by the Genes.

Genes are very difficult to study because they are made up of a few molecules. They vibrate rapidly and constitute an intermediary zone between the Molecular World and the cellular world. The genes move and combine under the radioactive waves emitted by a dying person in his last moments. So the new physical body is the exact result of our past return; the faithful instrument of our Karma.

The life of every human being in the physical world is a repetition of the past life, plus its good and bad consequences. Time is round and events are repeated at the correct time and day. This is the Law of RECURRENCE. Everything happens again as it happened before, but with its consequences, good as well as bad. This is the law of Karma, the law of action and consequence.

In fact, the object of the automatic repetition of events is to make us aware of our own errors; that is the law. Unfortunately we can do nothing. Everything is repeated at the correct time, just as the hands of the clock go round. To change external circumstances we have to change internally by forming Soul and Spirit, that is to say processing BEING. Only the BEING can create.

Only the BEING can change all things.

Whoever wants to possess BEING has to transmute his sexual, emotional, mental, passionate, motor, sentimental, etc. energies. We have to transmute the Base Metals, that is to say, our defects, into the purest Gold of the Spirit. Only in this way will we possess Soul and Spirit. The PLURALIZED EGO has to die. It is urgent that the BEING be born within us. Life in the cellular world is a tremendous repetition of events and we can only liberate ourselves from this tragic wheel of fate by dissolving the EGO on the basis of supreme Understanding and SANCTITY and by forming SOUL and SPIRIT. It is a horrible vicious circle; the Wheel of SAMSARA.

Samael Aun Weor

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